
我有一些数据存储在.csv文件中,自动读入嵌套的Python字典。 我已经拥有的代码将读取任何格式正确的文件,以便字典的forms是dict[experiment][variable]=value


 Name Experiment1 Notes Componentnotes Components time LR1R2 LR1R2_I R1 R1_I R2 R2_I Values 0 1.69127 16.9127 271.087 2710.87 127.087 1270.87 20 62.0374 356.28 146.54 2107.15 2.54022 667.147 40 50.0965 451.149 146.061 1793.54 2.06075 353.535 




 def write_experiment_files_template(self): alphabet=list(string.ascii_lowercase)#get alphabet for looping over later for i in self.child_experiments_dir: #loop over all locations for writing the properly formatted data for j in self.data_dct.keys(): #loop over experiments name = j[:-4] #get name of experiment and use it as name in spreadsheet for k in self.data_dct[j].keys(): components= self.data_dct[j][k].keys() #get variable names data_shape =self.data_dct[j][k].shape #get dimentions of data (which is a pandas data frame) #write the easy bits into the excel workbook wb = openpyxl.Workbook() ws = wb.active ws['A1']='Name' ws['B1']=name ws['A2']='Notes' ws['A3']='Componentnotes' ws['A4']='Components' ws['B4']='time' ws['A5']='Values' #loop over variables and write the pandas data frame into the space for the values for l in range(len(components)): ws[alphabet[l+2]+'4']=components[l] #plus 2 to account for time and headers #loop over the space in the spreadsheet required for data input (B5:B35) for m in ws[alphabet[l+2]+'5':alphabet[len(components)+1]+str(data_shape[0]+4)]: m[0]= self.data_dct[j] #attempt to assign values 

上面的代码没有做我所需要的,看来我无法find解决的办法。 有没有人有任何想法,我可以如何修复我的代码或采取其他方法来正确格式化这些数据?
