



def loopCol(col, start_offset, write_list): ''' Loop through 1 column (col) until it ends. Skip header by start_offset. Write data to list within DataSet dict ''' from openpyxl.utils import column_index_from_string # Create list and capture str of its name list_string = str(write_list) print(list_string) if list_string not in dataSet: raise KeyError('List name not within DataSet Keys') write_list = [] # Loop through column, capturing each cell's value # Use start_offset to skip header cells for i in range(column_index_from_string(col) + start_offset, sheet.max_row + 1): listItem = sheet[col + str(i)].value print(listItem) if listItem != None: if isinstance(listItem, datetime.datetime): listItem = listItem.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') write_list.append(listItem) else: write_list.append(listItem) # Write data to dataSet for list_index in write_list: dataSet[list_string] = [list_index for list_index in write_list] loopCol('A', 0, 'dates') loopCol('B', 0, 'ph') loopCol('C', 0, 'water_level') loopCol('D', 0, 'salinity') loopCol('E', 1, 'conductivity') loopCol('F', 0, 'tds') 


 dataSet = { 'dates': [], 'ph': [], 'water_level': [], 'salinity': [], 'conductivity': [], 'tds': [] } 

但是,有一个问题。 当所有事情都说完后,字典看起来像:

 {'ph': [3.4, 2.1, 7], 'salinity': [2.2, 1.2], 'conductivity': [5.3], 'water_level': ['2m', '3m', '1m'], 'tds': [], 'dates': ['Date', '21/01/2016', '28/01/2012', '06/03/2012']} 

现在我知道在每列中都有3个单元格。 但有些人并没有把它写进字典。 “盐度”只有2个值,“电导率”只有一个,“tds”是空的。 这些恰好是dataSet字典中的最后一个条目,所以也许这是原因的一部分。 但我无法弄清楚逻辑中的错误在哪里。


有人可以帮忙吗? 我真的很想给我的老板留下深刻的印象;)(我不是在IT部门工作,所以任何让人们生活更轻松的计算机技术都会被惊叹和敬畏)。



 def colValues(sheet, keys, offsets=None): if offsets is None or not len(offsets): # Set offsets default to 0 offsets = {k: 0 for k in keys} if len(offsets) != len(keys): # If offsets given, fail if length mismatch raise AttributeError() res = {} for column in sheet.columns: # Store current column header field (ie its name) ch = column[0].value if ch not in keys: # Fail early: No need for any tests if this column's data # is not desired in result set. continue # Append all row values to the result dict with respect to the # given column offset. Note: Lowest possible row index is 1, # because here we assume that header fields are present. res[ch] = [c.value for c in column[offsets[keys.index(ch)] + 1:]] return res if __name__ == '__main__': xlsx = 'test.xlsx' ws = load_workbook(xlsx)['Sheet1'] ds = colValues(ws, ['foo', 'bar'], [0, 1]) print(ds) 

对于我的小testing,这会产生每列正确数量的项目。 注意,键'bar'在这里只有一个项目,因为在上面的函数调用中它的偏移量更高。

 {u'foo': [2.3, 3.5, 5.6, 7.9], u'bar': [6.2, 3.6, 9L]} 
