Excel VBA – 删除string内容最多* word *

我试图删除string内容到string中包含的某个单词。 例如

"Emily has wild flowers. They are red and blue." 


 "They are red and blue." 

即将所有内容删除到“他们”一词。 我不知道string的内容和它包含的字符的数量。



 Dim s As String s = "Emily has wild flowers. They are red and blue." Dim indexOfThey As Integer indexOfThey = InStr(1, s, "They") Dim finalString As String finalString = Right(s, Len(s) - indexOfThey + 1) 


 Sub Foo() Dim strOrig As String Dim strReplace As String strOrig = "The Quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs" strReplace = "jumped" MsgBox (DropTextBefore(strOrig, strReplace)) End Sub Public Function DropTextBefore(strOrigin As String, strFind As String) Dim strOut As String Dim intFindPosition As Integer 'case insensitive search 'could made it so that case sensitivity is a parameter but this gets the idea across. If strOrigin <> "" And strFind <> "" Then intFindPosition = InStr(UCase(strOrigin), UCase(strFind)) strOut = Right(strOrigin, Len(strOrigin) - (intFindPosition + Len(strFind) - 1)) Else strOut = "Error Empty Parameter in function call was encountered." End If DropTextBefore = strOut End Function 


  1. CTRL + H(replace)
  2. *他们(你的星星)

在查找框中。 星号*是一个通配符,可以被称为 – 之前或之后的任何东西(如果添加在结尾处)该单词。



 Sub remove_until() Dim i, lrowA, remChar As Long Dim mString As String lrowA = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To lrowA mString = Cells(i, 1).Value If InStr(mString, "They") > 0 Then remChar = Len(mString) - InStr(mString, "They") + 1 Cells(i, 2).Value = Left(mString, Len(mString) - remChar) End If Next End Sub