

Public Sub VirgulaPunct() Dim oRow As Range Dim cell As Range Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim MyString As String Dim aux As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = Selection(Selection.Count).Row To Selection.Cells(1, 1).Row Step -1 For j = Selection(Selection.Count).Column To Selection.Cells(1, 1).Column Step -1 MyString = Cells(i, j).Value For Counter = 1 To Len(MyString) aux = Mid(MyString, Counter, 1) If aux = "." Then MyString = Replace(MyString, ".", ",", 1) ElseIf aux = "," Then MyString = Replace(MyString, ",", ".", 1) End If Next Cells(i, j).Value = MyString Next j Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 


 Sub ReplacePunct() Const sTEMPCOMMA = "|comma|" Const sTEMPDOT = "|dot|" Const sCOMMA = "," Const sDOT = "." If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then With Selection .Replace sCOMMA, sTEMPCOMMA, xlPart .Replace sDOT, sTEMPDOT, xlPart .Replace sTEMPCOMMA, sDOT, xlPart .Replace sTEMPDOT, sCOMMA, xlPart End With End If End Sub 

基本的问题是,如果列设置为一般而不是文本,即使我们将“,”改为“。”。 Excell会自动将它更改为“,”。



 Worksheets("Name").Activate Worksheets("Name").Columns(1).Select 'or Worksheets("SheetName").Range("A:A").Select Selection.NumberFormat = "@" Dim OriginalText As String Dim CorrectedText As String LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row For i = 1 To LastRow OriginalText = Worksheets("Name").Cells(i, 1).Value CorrectedText = Replace(OriginalText, ",", ".") Worksheets("Name").Cells(i, 1).Value = CorrectedText Next i 

通过查看你的循环,你似乎不是多次访问任何单元格。 这不是一个简单的if语句在这里工作吗?

 if(Cells(i,j).Value = ',') Cells(i,j).Value = '.' Elsif(Cells(i,j).Value = '.') Cells(i,j).Value = ',') End 


所以首先我要全部取代, (或者如果可能的话;在文本中,我会使用其他的东西,可能是字符的组合,如;+;+或类似的),然后全部replace.,并最终取代所有;.

这似乎是我对前一个问题的回答的延续,但如果是这样的话,我认为你误解了我的意思。 我已经把你的代码和修改了我的build议,但我没有testing它:

 Public Sub VirgulaPunct() Dim oRow As Range Dim cell As Range Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim MyString As String Dim aux As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = Selection(Selection.Count).Row To Selection.Cells(1, 1).Row Step -1 For j = Selection(Selection.Count).Column To Selection.Cells(1, 1).Column Step -1 MyString = Cells(i, j).Value MyString = Replace(MyString, ",", ";+;", 1) MyString = Replace(MyString, ".", ",", 1) MyString = Replace(MyString, ";+;", ".", 1) Cells(i, j).Value = MyString Next j Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 

所以正如我在前面的回答中所说的那样,我会对“ Replace进行3次调用,但是我会为整个string而不是string中的每个字符执行这些调用。
