使用VB6格式化Excel / CSV文件

我有一个原始数据,将parsing使用VB6 ,只获得具体的数据,我已经得到的具体数据。 我现在的问题是这个。 我使用writelinewriteline数据写入另一个Excel / CSV文件。 我的问题是这样的,我已经可以在CSV / Excel文件中写入数据,但是它只写在第一列,所以所有的数据都只写在第一列。 有人可以帮助我,我怎么能在每列? 例如,所需的第一行是在第一列,之后是第二行在第二列,以此类推。 预先感谢您的帮助:)


 Dim i, ii, num As Long Dim ff As Integer Dim sText As String Dim itmX As ListItem Dim x, y As Integer Dim ex As Excel.Application Dim sheet As Excel.Workbook Dim Csheet As Excel.Range Dim wsheet As Excel.Worksheet, snum As Long Dim strTransform() As String Dim strTemp() As String Dim intI As Integer Dim intJ As Integer Dim intMax As Integer Dim p(29) As String Dim adata() As String Dim time1() As String Dim holder1, holder2, holder3 Dim time2() As String Dim lngIndex As Integer Dim lngIndexx As Integer Dim totaltime() As String Dim myFSOww As New FileSystemObject Dim myFSOr As New FileSystemObject Dim myFSOw Dim ft1 As TextStream Dim ts, ts2, ts3, ft2, r, a, b, z, c, minus, time_num1, time_num2, time_num3, time_num4, comp Dim date_num1, date_num2, d_t, total_parse, flow_total, req_flow, aia, air, cer, cla, clr, dsa Dim dsr, dwa, dwr, ida, idr, noa, nor, pua, pur, rsa, rsr, ula, ulr Set myFSOw = myFSOww.GetFile("C:\Users\user\Documents\bebe folder\Projects SSD\LTE Raw Data\Peek_data.csv") Set myFSOr = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ts = myFSOr.GetFile(txtfilename.Text) Set ft1 = ts.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault) Set ft2 = myFSOw.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting) Do Until ft1.AtEndOfStream On Error Resume Next a = ft1.ReadLine b = a p(0) = a r = r + 1 Text1.Text = r z = Left(b, 1) If Not IsNumeric(z) Then adata = Split(a, ",") For i = 0 To UBound(adata) Text3 = adata(i) If Text3 <> "Time Stamp" And txt_tag = Empty Then ft2.WriteLine Text3 End If Next txt_tag = 1 Else 'FOR TIME p0 = "00:00" p1 = "01:00" p2 = "02:00" p3 = "03:00" p4 = "04:00" p5 = "05:00" p6 = "06:00" p7 = "07:00" p8 = "08:00" p9 = "09:00" p11 = "11:00" p12 = "12:00" p13 = "13:00" p14 = "14:00" p16 = "16:00" p17 = "17:00" p18 = "18:00" p19 = "19:00" p20 = "20:00" p21 = "21:00" p22 = "22:00" p23 = "23:00" h1 = "1:00" h2 = "2:00" h3 = "3:00" h4 = "4:00" h5 = "5:00" h6 = "6:00" h7 = "7:00" h8 = "8:00" h9 = "9:00" If holder1 = "" Then time1 = Split(a, ",") For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(time1) holder1 = time1(lngIndex) If holder1 = time1(1) Then txt_dt = holder1 If Len(txt_dt) = 19 Then txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 8) txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) txt_t = Left(txt_t, 5) ElseIf Len(txt_dt) = 14 Then txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 4) txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) ElseIf Len(txt_dt) = 15 Then txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 5) txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) End If txt_trm = Trim(txt_t) txt_t = txt_trm If txt_t = p0 Or txt_t = p1 Or txt_t = p2 Or txt_t = p3 Or txt_t = p4 Or txt_t = p5 Or txt_t = p6 Or txt_t = p7 Or txt_t = p8 _ Or txt_t = p9 Or txt_t = p10 Or txt_t = p11 Or txt_t = p12 Or txt_t = p13 Or txt_t = p14 Or txt_t = p15 Or txt_t = p16 _ Or txt_t = p17 Or txt_t = p18 Or txt_t = p19 Or txt_t = p20 Or txt_t = p21 Or txt_t = p22 Or txt_t = p23 _ Or txt_t = h1 Or txt_t = h2 Or txt_t = h3 Or txt_t = h4 Or txt_t = h5 Or txt_t = h6 Or txt_t = h7 Or txt_t = h8 _ Or txt_t = h9 Then holder1 = time1(lngIndex) Else holder1 = "" GoTo 1 End If End If Next lngIndex Else time2 = Split(a, ",") For lngIndexx = 0 To UBound(time2) holder2 = time2(lngIndexx) If holder2 = time2(1) Then txt_dt = holder2 'this is my time If Len(txt_dt) = 19 Then txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 8) txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) txt_t = Left(txt_t, 5) ElseIf Len(txt_dt) = 14 Then txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 4) txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) ElseIf Len(txt_dt) = 15 Then txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 5) txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) End If txt_trm = Trim(txt_t) txt_t = txt_trm If txt_t = p0 Or txt_t = p1 Or txt_t = p2 Or txt_t = p3 Or txt_t = p4 Or txt_t = p5 Or txt_t = p6 Or txt_t = p7 Or txt_t = p8 _ Or txt_t = p9 Or txt_t = p10 Or txt_t = p11 Or txt_t = p12 Or txt_t = p13 Or txt_t = p14 Or txt_t = p15 Or txt_t = p16 _ Or txt_t = p17 Or txt_t = p18 Or txt_t = p19 Or txt_t = p20 Or txt_t = p21 Or txt_t = p22 Or txt_t = p23 _ Or txt_t = h1 Or txt_t = h2 Or txt_t = h3 Or txt_t = h4 Or txt_t = h5 Or txt_t = h6 Or txt_t = h7 Or txt_t = h8 _ Or txt_t = h9 Then holder2 = time2(lngIndexx) Else holder2 = "" GoTo 1 End If End If Next lngIndexx End If 'subtract array time1 from time2 1 If holder1 <> "" And holder2 <> "" Then For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(time2) holder3 = time2(lngIndex) - time1(lngIndex) If write1 = 0 And lngIndex = 1 Then ft2.WriteLine time2(1) write1 = 1 ElseIf write1 = 1 And lngIndex <> 1 Then ft2.WriteLine holder3 End If Next ft2.WriteBlankLines 1 End If write1 = 0 End If DoEvents Loop List1.AddItem Format(Now, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS") & " Time end" Set ft2 = Nothing 

bebebe,它很难回答你的问题,没有真正的背景或示例代码。 你如何拥有这个“RAW”数据和导出格式是什么? 如果你想创build一个CSV,你可以使用这样的东西 – (基于数组的演示)

 Dim ff As Long, strFilePath As String Dim rLoop As Long, cLoop As Long Dim strLine as String ff = Freefile strFilePath = App.Path If Right$(strFilePath, 1)<>"\" Then strFilePath = strFilePath & "\" Open strFilePath&"demo.csv" For Output As ff For rLoop = 0 To numRows -1 'Could use uBound or set a value if fixed - I dont know how you have this RAW DATA strLine = "" For cLoop = 0 To numCols -1 'Could use uBound if array If cLoop>0 Then strLine = strLine & "," strLine = strLine & """" & rawDataArray(rLoop, cLoop) & """" Next cLoop Print #ff, strLine Next rLoop Close #ff 

但是,如果您需要一个ACTUAL Excel文件,则build议使用COM创build一个Excel实例 – 请参阅ms站点: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/7t9k08y5(v=vs.90).aspx