


l=2 While l <= lmax 'lmax = 15000 If condition1 Then If condition2a or condition2b Then ... If condition24 then ReDim Preserve propositions(UBound(propositions) + 1) propositions(UBound(propositions)) = l 

由于这个子被称为250次,所以IF语句被称为250 * 15000,因此性能是一个大问题。 (这个macros在23秒内运行。)

当我写的时候If condition2a or condition2b Then ,如果条件2a是真的,VBA检查条件2b吗? (也就是说,应该规定ab,使aless于b



正如@iDevlop所说,简短的回答似乎是VBA不允许“ 短路评估 ”( 见这篇文章 )


我的问题是VBA 读取/从表单中访问数据 (而不是VBA计算IF语句)。

解决scheme是将数据加载到2Darrays中 。 这个单独的修改使我的Sub运行速度提高了10倍以上(小于2s vs 23s)。



 With Sheets("Sheet1") lmax = .Cells(100000, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'Usually 14000 l = 2 While l <= lmax If boolean_ignore_param1 Or Left(.Cells(l, 1).Formula, Len(param1)) = param1 Then If boolean_ignore_param2 Or Left(.Cells(l, 2).Formula, Len(param2)) = param2Then If (param_boolean_A And .Range("AF" & l).Formula = "Yes") Or (param_boolean_B And .Range("Ag" & l).Formula = "Yes") Then If (.Cells(l, 6).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 6).Value - marge <= param3 Or param3= 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 7).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 7).Value + marge >= param3 Or param3 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 8).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 8).Value - marge <= param4 Or param4 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 9).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 9).Value + marge >= param4 Or param4 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 10).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 10).Value - marge <= param5 Or param5 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 11).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 11).Value + marge >= param5 Or param5 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 12).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 12).Value <= param6 Or param6 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 13).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 13).Value >= param6 Or param6 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 16).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 16).Value - marge <= param7 Or param7 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 17).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 17).Value + marge >= param7 Or param7 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 18).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 18).Value - marge <= param8 Or param8 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 19).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 19).Value + marge >= param8 Or param8 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 22).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 22).Value - marge <= param9 Or param9 = 0) Then If (.Cells(l, 23).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 23).Value + marge >= param9 Or param9 = 0) Then ReDim Preserve propositions(UBound(propositions) + 1) propositions(UBound(propositions)) = l 

而不是或者,您可以使用Select Case和逗号分开的条件列表,如下所示:

 'If condition2a Or condition2b Then Select Case True Case condition2a, condition2b 'here comma means lazy 'OR' (like as OrElse in vb.net) 's = s + 10 Case Else 's = s + 20 End Select 

另外,如果我们可以看到你的代码,可能会有许多提高macros观性能的方面。 即时,数组的redim向其中添加一个项目可能在一个循环中耗时:

 ReDim Preserve propositions(UBound(propositions) + 1) 





 If (.Cells(l, 6).Formula="" Or .Cells(l, 6).Value-marge<=param3 Or param3=0) Then ... 


 If test(.Cells(l, 6).Value, marge, param3) Then ... 'or without '.Value': If test(.Cells(l, 6), marge, param3) Then ... 


 Function testLesser(v As Variant, marge As Double, param As Double) As Boolean 'testLesser = (v = "" Or v - marge <= param3 Or param3 = 0) If v = "" Then ElseIf v - marge <= param Then ElseIf param = 0 Then Else testLesser = False: Exit Function End If testLesser = True '** Another option (using Select Case): 'Select Case True 'Case v = "", v - marge <= param, param = 0 ' testLesser = True 'Case Else ' testLesser = False 'End Select End Function 

和其他types(大于)类似if s:

 If (.Cells(l, 7).Formula="" Or .Cells(l, 7).Value+marge>=param3 Or param3=0) Then ... 


 Function testGreater(v As Variant, marge As Double, param As Double) As Boolean 'testGreater = (v = "" Or v + marge >= param Or param = 0) If v = "" Then 'testLesser = True ElseIf v + marge >= param Then 'testLesser = True ElseIf param = 0 Then 'testLesser = True Else testLesser = False: Exit Function End If testLesser = True '** Another option (using Select Case): 'Select Case True 'Case v = "", v + marge >= param, param = 0 ' testLesser = True 'Case Else ' testLesser = False 'End Select End Function 


 'If (.Cells(l, 6).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 6).Value - marge <= param3 Or param3 = 0) Then 'If (.Cells(l, 7).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 7).Value + marge >= param3 Or param3 = 0) Then 'If (.Cells(l, 8).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 8).Value - marge <= param4 Or param4 = 0) Then 'If (.Cells(l, 9).Formula = "" Or .Cells(l, 9).Value + marge >= param4 Or param4 = 0) Then '... If testLesser(.Cells(l, 6), marge, param3) Then If testGreater(.Cells(l, 7), marge, param3) Then If testLesser(.Cells(l, 8), marge, param4) Then If testGreater(.Cells(l, 9), marge, param4) Then '... 

我真正的testing显示它更快! (显然,它的代码更具可读性)


它是非常重要的安排,如果条件,你可以尽快得到最终的条件! 例如,如果单元格的值通常是空的,那么首先在我们的testing函数中放入这个条件,但是如果param = 0通常是真的,那么把它作为第一个条件检查…

这是x OR y标准的规则。 对于“x和y”标准,这是相反的! 最罕见的情况下,必须首先快速筛选结果。 在你的代码中,我看到你从Cells(l, 6)Cells(l, 23)排列嵌套的if。 我不知道这是否适合你的情况。 这取决于你的数据和通常情况下,所以考虑修改嵌套的顺序如果你知道一些通常是错误的…


而不是使用With Sheets("Sheet1") ,将其caching在一个variables中,这可以提高性能!

 Dim mySheet As Worksheet Set mySheet = Sheets("Sheet1") With mySheet 'Sheets("Sheet1") 

我的testing显示,这个简单的引用变化大概是10%左右 。 在使用图纸,范围,单元格时,您可能会想到其他类似的更改…




 myArray = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:AG15000").Value 


 myArray(row, col) = myArray(row, col) + 1 'row = 1 to UBound(myArray, 1) 'First array dimension is for rows 'col = 1 to UBound(myArray, 2) 'Second array dimension is for columns 


 Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:AG15000") = myArray 

