
我是一个全新的VBA用户,试图根据date范围复制和粘贴数据。 在第一列中,我有date,在第二列中有我想复制和粘贴的数据。 CurYear指的是我正在查找的范围内的结束date,而StatDate指的是我正在查找的范围中的开始date。 当我运行这个代码时,它崩溃了Excel。 请帮忙,我很迷路

Worksheets("Weekly").Select Dim nRows As Integer Dim CurYear As Date Dim StartDate As Date nRows=Range("A1").CurrentRegions.Count.Rows CurYear=Range("I265").Value StartDate=Range("M5").Value Do While Cells(nRows,1)<>"" if Cells(nRows,1).Value< CurYear & Cells(nRows,1)> StartDate Then Cells(nRows,1).Offset(0,1).Copy Worksheets("Weekly").Range("H41").Paste Loop End If 


 Sub Test() Dim nRows As Long, LastRow As Long 'Declare as Long instead of Integer to avoid overflow Dim CurYear As Date, StartDate As Date LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'Count the last used row in column 1 where you put the first data (dates) nRows = 2 'Set the starting point of row where you put the first data (dates). In this example I use 2 CurYear = Range("I265").Value StartDate = Range("M5").Value Do If Cells(nRows, 1).Value < CurYear And Cells(nRows, 1) > StartDate Then 'Use And not & Cells(nRows, 5).Value = Cells(nRows, 2).Value 'This is essentially a "copy/ paste" syntax. Change the value (5) to the column you want to paste the value in column 2 End If nRows = nRows + 1 'Set an increment value so each looping the nRows will increase by 1 Loop Until nRows = LastRow + 1 'Added by 1 so that the data in LastRow will keep being processed End Sub 

在你的代码的顶部(在sub之前)放上“option explicit”,它会告诉你一些事情要修复。 这样做将修复你的错误的一部分,如果你的结束,如果是在循环之外,而不是在它内部,但它不会捕捉到你不改变你的循环计数器。 试试这个代码。 这实际上和你做了一些小的改动几乎一样。

 Option Explicit Sub test() Dim sht As Worksheet, i As Long, l As Long, j Dim nRows As Integer Dim CurYear As Date Dim StartDate As Date Set sht = Worksheets("Test1") ' set the sheet as object isntead of selecting it for faster code and avoiding other issues nRows = Cells(sht.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row 'Last used row in column B - current region lastrow gets twitchy in some circumstances and should be avoided unless there is a reason to use it l = 41 CurYear = range("I265").Value StartDate = range("M5").Value For i = 1 To nRows If Cells(i, 1).Value < CurYear And Cells(i, 1).Value > StartDate Then 'for If statements you use "and" not "&" Cells(l, 15) = Cells(i, 2) 'you will want something like this line and the next if you don't want to overwrite H41 if there is more than one match l = l + 1 End If Next i End Sub 

另外,为了帮助debugging,打开你的本地窗口(在VBE中查看)。 使用F8浏览代码,在本地窗口中查看variables,以确保它们是您期望的脚本中的那一步。

如果你用你的代码来做这件事,你会发现你的循环中的variables缺less一个计数器变化。 所以它一直在寻找nRow来最终成为“”,但它仍然停留在任何它所设定的范围内。 无限循环。 我将其更改为下一个格式,但其中6个是1,另外6个是您的代码。

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