
我正在尝试创build一个macros观的数据,将之前的支出报告与最新的支出报告进行比较。 该macros应该从“上一个”报告中的行中提取数据,并查找包含完全相同数据的行,然后高亮显示两行(在上一个报告和最近的报告中)以显示匹配。 这样会使当前报告和以前的报告中都没有突出显示差异,以查看这些差异是否有意(将由文件支持)。


Dim CPEAR As String Dim PPEAR As String Dim CL As Integer Dim PL As Integer Dim DL As Integer Sub KDPM() CPEAR = InputBox("Enter Current Pay Cycle (MM/DD/YYYY)", "Current Pay Cycle", , 50, 50) CPEAR = CDate(CPEAR) PPEAR = InputBox("Enter Previous Pay Cycle (MM/DD/YYYY)", "Previous Pay Cycle", , 50, 50) PPEAR = CDate(PPEAR) PL = 2 Do While Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 2).Value = 1 If Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 6).Value = PPEAR Then CL = 2 Do While Worksheets("CurrentPEAR").Cells(CL, 2).Value = 1 If Worksheets("CurrentPEAR").Cells(CL, 2).Interior.ColorIndex <> 6 Then If Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 3).Value = Worksheets("CurrentPEAR").Cells(CL, 3) Then If Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 4).Value = Worksheets("CurrentPEAR").Cells(CL, 4) Then If Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 7).Value = Worksheets("CurrentPEAR").Cells(CL, 7) Then If Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 12).Value = Worksheets("CurrentPEAR").Cells(CL, 12) Then If Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 14).Value = Worksheets("CurrentPEAR").Cells(CL, 14) Then Worksheets("CurrentPEAR").Range(Cells(CL, 1), Cells(CL, 21)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Range(Cells(PL, 1), Cells(PL, 21)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Exit Do End If End If End If End If End If End If CL = CL + 1 Loop End If PL = PL + 1 Loop End Sub 

它似乎通过我的数据的前四行正常工作,但然后它碰到一个运行时错误。 有任何想法吗?



 Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Range(Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 1), Worksheets("PreviousPEAR").Cells(PL, 21)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 

这将会使你已经很长的代码行和Worksheets集合中的多个查找变得强大,所以抓取对工作表的引用和/或把它们放在With块中。 这极大地帮助了性能:

 With Worksheets("PreviousPEAR") .Range(.Cells(PL, 1), .Cells(PL, 21)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 End With 

最后,如果要短路一堆expression式,则可以使用Select Case False结构而不是深层嵌套的If语句:

 Select Case False Case Test1 Case Test2 Case Test3 Case Test4 Case Else Debug.Print "All conditions met" End Select 


 With Worksheets("PreviousPEAR") Dim current As Worksheet Set current = Worksheets("CurrentPEAR") PL = 2 Do While .Cells(PL, 2).Value = 1 If .Cells(PL, 6).Value = PPEAR Then CL = 2 Do While current.Cells(CL, 2).Value = 1 Select Case False Case current.Cells(CL, 2).Interior.ColorIndex <> 6 Case .Cells(PL, 3).Value = current.Cells(CL, 3) Case .Cells(PL, 4).Value = current.Cells(CL, 4) Case .Cells(PL, 7).Value = current.Cells(CL, 7) Case .Cells(PL, 12).Value = current.Cells(CL, 12) Case .Cells(PL, 14).Value = current.Cells(CL, 14) Case Else current.Range(current.Cells(CL, 1), current.Cells(CL, 21)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 .Range(.Cells(PL, 1), .Cells(PL, 21)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Exit Do End Select CL = CL + 1 Loop End If PL = PL + 1 Loop End With