
我有约。 包含RTF的excel中的12000个单元格(包括格式化标签)。 我需要parsing它们以得到未格式化的文本。


{\rtf1\ansi\deflang1060\ftnbj\uc1 {\fonttbl{\f0 \froman \fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1 \fswiss \fcharset238 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue255 ;\red0\green0\blue0 ;} {\stylesheet{\fs24\cf2\cb1 Normal;}{\cs1\cf2\cb1 Default Paragraph Font;}} \paperw11908\paperh16833\margl1800\margr1800\margt1440\margb1440\headery720\footery720 \deftab720\formshade\aendnotes\aftnnrlc\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \sectd\pgwsxn11908\pghsxn16833\marglsxn1800\margrsxn1800\margtsxn1440\margbsxn1440 \headery720\footery720\sbkpage\pgncont\pgndec \plain\plain\f1\fs24\pard TPR 0160 000\par IPR 0160 000\par OB-R-02-28\par} 


 TPR 0160 000 IPR 0160 000 OB-R-02-28 

简单的循环遍历单元格和删除不必要的格式化的问题是,那12000个单元格中的所有内容都不是这样简单的。 所以我需要手动检查许多不同的版本,并写几个变种; 而且最后还会有很多手工工作要做。

但是,如果我将一个单元格的内容复制到空文本文档并将其保存为RTF,然后用MS Word打开它,它立即parsing文本,我得到我想要的。 不幸的是,这对于12000个单元来说是非常不方便的。

所以我正在考虑VBAmacros,将单元格内容移动到Word,强制parsing,然后将结果复制回原始单元格。 不幸的是我不确定如何去做。

有人有什么想法吗? 或者一个不同的方法? 我将非常感激解决scheme或推动正确的方向。


如果您确实想要使用Wordparsing文本的路线,该function应该可以帮助您。 如意见所示,您需要对MS Word对象库的引用。

 Function ParseRTF(strRTF As String) As String Dim wdDoc As Word.Document 'Ref: Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library' Dim f As Integer 'Variable to store the file I/O number' 'File path for a temporary .rtf file' Const strFileTemp = "C:\TempFile_ParseRTF.rtf" 'Obtain the next valid file I/O number' f = FreeFile 'Open the temp file and save the RTF string in it' Open strFileTemp For Output As #f Print #f, strRTF Close #f 'Open the .rtf file as a Word.Document' Set wdDoc = GetObject(strFileTemp) 'Read the now parsed text from the Word.Document' ParseRTF = wdDoc.Range.Text 'Delete the temporary .rtf file' Kill strFileTemp 'Close the Word connection' wdDoc.Close False Set wdDoc = Nothing End Function 


 Sub ParseAllRange() Dim rngCell As Range Dim strRTF As String For Each rngCell In Range("A1:A12000") 'Parse the cell contents' strRTF = ParseRTF(CStr(rngCell)) 'Output to the cell one column over' rngCell.Offset(0, 1) = strRTF Next End Sub 



我记得剪贴板的RTFfunction,并意识到可以创build一个类,将RTF数据复制到剪贴板,粘贴到Word文档,并输出生成的纯文本。 这个解决scheme的好处是doc对象不需要为每个rtfstring打开和closures; 它可以在循环之前打开并closures之后。

以下是实现这一目标的代码。 它是一个名为clsRTFParser的类模块。

 Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal wFlags&, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal lpString1 As Any, ByVal lpString2 As Any) As Long Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" _ (ByVal Hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function RegisterClipboardFormat Lib "user32" Alias _ "RegisterClipboardFormatA" (ByVal lpString As String) As Long Private Declare Function SetClipboardData Lib "user32" _ (ByVal wFormat As Long, ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long '---' Dim wdDoc As Word.Document 'Ref: Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library' Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set wdDoc = New Word.Document End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() wdDoc.Close False Set wdDoc = Nothing End Sub '---' Private Function CopyRTF(strCopyString As String) As Boolean Dim hGlobalMemory As Long Dim lpGlobalMemory As Long Dim hClipMemory As Long Dim lngFormatRTF As Long 'Allocate and copy string to memory' hGlobalMemory = GlobalAlloc(&H42, Len(strCopyString) + 1) lpGlobalMemory = GlobalLock(hGlobalMemory) lpGlobalMemory = lstrcpy(lpGlobalMemory, strCopyString) 'Unlock the memory and then copy to the clipboard' If GlobalUnlock(hGlobalMemory) = 0 Then If OpenClipboard(0&) <> 0 Then Call EmptyClipboard 'Save the data as Rich Text Format' lngFormatRTF = RegisterClipboardFormat("Rich Text Format") hClipMemory = SetClipboardData(lngFormatRTF, hGlobalMemory) CopyRTF = CBool(CloseClipboard) End If End If End Function '---' Private Function PasteRTF() As String Dim strOutput As String 'Paste the clipboard data to the wdDoc and read the plain text result' wdDoc.Range.Paste strOutput = wdDoc.Range.Text 'Get rid of the new lines at the beginning and end of the document' strOutput = Left(strOutput, Len(strOutput) - 2) strOutput = Right(strOutput, Len(strOutput) - 2) PasteRTF = strOutput End Function '---' Public Function ParseRTF(strRTF As String) As String If CopyRTF(strRTF) Then ParseRTF = PasteRTF Else ParseRTF = "Error in copying to clipboard" End If End Function 


 Sub CopyParseAllRange() Dim rngCell As Range Dim strRTF As String 'Create new instance of clsRTFParser' Dim RTFParser As clsRTFParser Set RTFParser = New clsRTFParser For Each rngCell In Range("A1:A12000") 'Parse the cell contents' strRTF = RTFParser.ParseRTF(CStr(rngCell)) 'Output to the cell one column over' rngCell.Offset(0, 1) = strRTF Next End Sub 

我在我的机器上使用示例RTFstring来模拟这个。 对于12000个电池,耗时2.5分钟,这是一个更合理的时间框架!


每个RTF控制代码都以“\”开始,以空格结束,两者之间没有任何额外的空格。 “{}”用于分组。 如果您的文本不包含任何内容,您可以删除它们(“;”)。 所以,现在你留在你的文本和一些不必要的词作为“宋体”,“正常”等。你可以build立字典删除他们也。 经过一些调整,你将只留在你需要的文字。

看看http://www.regular-expressions.info/了解更多信息和伟大的工具来编写RegExp(RegexBuddy – 不幸的是它不是免费的,但它是值得的钱,AFAIR也有审判)。

更新:当然,我不鼓励你为每个细胞手动。 只需遍历活动范围:请参阅此线程: SO:关于迭代VBA中的单元格


 Sub Iterate() For Each Cell in ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells 'Do something Next End Sub 


请参阅: Excel中的正则expression式函数和VBA中的正则expression式


这里的一些解决scheme需要对MS Word对象库的引用。 玩牌,我发现,我find了一个不依赖于它的解决scheme。 它剥离了RTF标签,以及其他绒毛,如字体表和样式表,全部在VBA中。 这可能对你有所帮助。 我运行它的数据,而不是空白,我得到了你所期望的相同的输出。


首先,检查一个string是否是字母数字。 给它一个长度为一个字符的string。 这个函数被用来在这里和那里进行定界。

 Public Function Alphanumeric(Character As String) As Boolean If InStr("ABCDEFGHIJKKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-", Character) Then Alphanumeric = True Else Alphanumeric = False End If End Function 

接下来是删除整个组。 我用它来删除字体表和其他垃圾。

 Public Function RemoveGroup(RTFString As String, GroupName As String) As String Dim I As Integer Dim J As Integer Dim Count As Integer I = InStr(RTFString, "{\" & GroupName) ' If the group was not found in the RTF string, then just return that string unchanged. If I = 0 Then RemoveGroup = RTFString Exit Function End If ' Otherwise, we will need to scan along, from the start of the group, until we find the end of the group. ' The group is delimited by { and }. Groups may be nested, so we need to count up if we encounter { and ' down if we encounter }. When that count reaches zero, then the end of the group has been found. J = I Do If Mid(RTFString, J, 1) = "{" Then Count = Count + 1 If Mid(RTFString, J, 1) = "}" Then Count = Count - 1 J = J + 1 Loop While Count > 0 RemoveGroup = Replace(RTFString, Mid(RTFString, I, J - I), "") End Function 


 Public Function RemoveTags(RTFString As String) As String Dim L As Long Dim R As Long L = 1 ' Search to the end of the string. While L < Len(RTFString) ' Append anything that's not a tag to the return value. While Mid(RTFString, L, 1) <> "\" And L < Len(RTFString) RemoveTags = RemoveTags & Mid(RTFString, L, 1) L = L + 1 Wend 'Search to the end of the tag. R = L + 1 While Alphanumeric(Mid(RTFString, R, 1)) And R < Len(RTFString) R = R + 1 Wend L = R Wend End Function 


 Public Function RemoveBraces(RTFString As String) As String RemoveBraces = Replace(RTFString, "{", "") RemoveBraces = Replace(RemoveBraces, "}", "") End Function 

一旦你将上面的函数复制粘贴到你的模块中,你可以创build一个函数来使用它们去除你不需要或者不需要的东西。 下面的例子对我来说是完美的。

 Public Function RemoveTheFluff(RTFString As String) As String RemoveTheFluff = Replace(RTFString, vbCrLf, "") RemoveTheFluff = RemoveGroup(RemoveTheFluff, "fonttbl") RemoveTheFluff = RemoveGroup(RemoveTheFluff, "colortbl") RemoveTheFluff = RemoveGroup(RemoveTheFluff, "stylesheet") RemoveTheFluff = RemoveTags(RemoveBraces(RemoveTheFluff)) End Function 

我希望这有帮助。 我不会在文字处理器或任何东西中使用它,但是如果这就是你正在做的事情,它可能会用于抓取数据。