

Abc0 Abc100 Abv15 Abc4 Abc700 


  Abc0 Abc4 Abc15 Abc100 Abc700 



 'Return an integer which is greater than zero if the first string is "greater" 'than the second string, less than zero if the first string is "less" than the 'second string, and equal to zero if they are the same string. It is assumed 'that both strings start with alpha characters and end with numeric characters. Function CompareAlphaNumericStrings(First As String, Second As String) As Integer Dim arrFirstParts() As String arrFirstParts = SplitAlphaNumericString(First) Dim arrSecondParts() As String arrSecondParts = SplitAlphaNumericString(Second) Select Case StrComp(arrFirstParts(0), arrSecondParts(0), vbTextCompare) Case 0 Dim intFirstNumeric As Integer intFirstNumeric = CInt(arrFirstParts(1)) Dim intSecondNumeric As Integer intSecondNumeric = CInt(arrSecondParts(1)) If (intFirstNumeric < intSecondNumeric) Then CompareAlphaNumericStrings = -1 Else If (intFirstNumeric > intSecondNumeric) Then CompareAlphaNumericStrings = 1 Else 'they are equal. CompareAlphaNumericStrings = 0 End If End If Case Is < 0 CompareAlphaNumericStrings = -1 Case Is > 0 CompareAlphaNumericStrings = 1 End Select End Function 'Split the provided string, which is presumably comprised of a set of alpha characters 'followed by a set of numeric characters, and return a two-element array 'containing first the alpha portion and second the numeric portion. Function SplitAlphaNumericString(ToSplit) As String() Dim arrReturn(1) As String For i = 1 To Len(ToSplit) If (Not IsLetter(Mid(ToSplit, i, 1))) Then If (i > 1) Then arrReturn(0) = Left(ToSplit, i - 1) Else arrReturn(0) = "" 'If there is any alpha portion at all, grab it, otherwise empty string. arrReturn(1) = Mid(ToSplit, i) 'The rest should be numeric. Exit For End If Next SplitAlphaNumericString = arrReturn End Function 'Return true if the provided string is a single character and that character is a letter (A - Z or a - z). Function IsLetter(TestChar As String) As Boolean If Len(TestChar) = 1 Then If (TestChar >= "A" And TestChar <= "Z") Or _ (TestChar >= "a" And TestChar <= "z") Then IsLetter = True Else IsLetter = False End If Else IsLetter = False End If End Function 


 Function SortValues() For i = 1 To 5 For j = 1 To 4 Dim strFirst As String Dim strSecond As String strFirst = Sheets(1).Cells(j, 1).Value strSecond = Sheets(1).Cells(j + 1, 1).Value 'If the first belongs AFTER the second, swap them. If (CompareAlphaNumericStrings(strFirst, strSecond) > 0) Then Sheets(1).Cells(j, 1).Value = strSecond Sheets(1).Cells(j + 1, 1).Value = strFirst End If Next Next End Function 


 Public Function TextPart(sIn As String) As String Dim L As Long, LL As Long Dim sCh As String TextPart = "" For L = 1 To Len(sIn) sCh = Mid(sIn, L, 1) If sCh Like "[a-zA-Z]" Then TextPart = TextPart & sCh End If Next L End Function Public Function NumberPart(sIn As String) As Long Dim L As Long, LL As Long Dim sCh As String, temp As String For L = 1 To Len(sIn) sCh = Mid(sIn, L, 1) If sCh Like "[a-zA-Z]" Then Else temp = temp & sCh End If Next L NumberPart = CLng(temp) End Function 




= numberpart(A1)并复制下来


