
我有一个用R编写的自动化excel报告生成系统,我希望这个系统能够在完成后自动把报告上传到sharepoint。 我宁愿有用R写的上传步骤。有没有办法做到这一点?


我从来没有听说过使用R来加载文件到SharePoint。 如果您已经在使用Excel,只需运行一个小的VBA脚本即可将文件加载到SharePoint中。

Dim SharepointAddress As String Dim LocalAddress As String Dim objNet As Object Dim FS As Object ' Where you will enter Sharepoint location path SharepointAddress = "\\sharepoint path to document library" & "\" ' Where you will enter the file path, ex: Excel file LocalAddress = "your file path" Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If FS.FileExists(LocalAddress) Then FS.CopyFile LocalAddress, SharepointAddress End If Set objNet = Nothing Set FS = Nothing