



If Format(Time, "hhmm") > 1710 And Format(Time, "hhmm") < 2015 Then Do stuff Else Stop End If 



用实际的时间值来处理你的时间,而不是用TimeSerial函数看起来像时间值的string。 使用Weekday函数来确定周一至周五的数值。

 If Time >= TimeSerial(17, 10, 0) And Time <= TimeSerial(20, 15, 0) And Weekday(Date, 2) <6 Then Do stuff Else Stop End If 

在@ Zaider的链接中使用IsWeekendfunction。 就像@Forward Ed所说,你需要一个银行假期清单。 一旦你有了这些,你应该把它们存储在一张表中,并按照升序列表。 然后做:

 Dim holiday As Boolean For holRow = 1 To N If Month(Date) = Month(Cells(holRow,1).Value) And _ Day(Date) = Day(Cells(holRow,1).Value) Then holiday = True End If Next If Not holiday And Not IsWeekend(Date) And _ Format(Time, "hhmm") > 1710 And Format(Time, "hhmm") < 2015 Then Do Stuff Else Stop End If 


我认为工作日的function适用于你的情况。 您可以将date存储在Excel中的某个范围内,也可以存储在代码中的数组中。 我做了几个假期。

 Sub isTimeToDoThings() Dim time As Date Dim tomorrow As Date Dim nextWorkDay As Date Dim holidays(3) As Date Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction holidays(0) = CDate("1 / 1 /" & Year(Now())) 'New Years holidays(1) = CDate(ThanksgivingDate(Year(Now()))) 'Thanksgiving time = Date tomorrw = Date + 1 nextWorkDay = CDate(wf.WorkDay(time, 1)) If Format(time, "hhmm") > 1710 And Format(time, "hhmm") < 2015 _ And tomorrow = nextWorkDay Then 'Do stuff Else Stop End If End Sub Public Function ThanksgivingDate(Yr As Integer) As Date ThanksgivingDate = DateSerial(Yr, 11, 29 - _ Weekday(DateSerial(Yr, 11, 1), vbFriday)) End Function