

我的情况:我有多个txt文件作为search特定string(“tflux”)的input。 在每个txt文件中,string都存在,所以找不到它是不可能的。 我已经写了下面的代码,但我找不到一种方法来告诉excel复制与find的string相关的值后,必须将下一个find的值与下一个与其search的文件相关的值移动一个单元格。 虽然我还没有尝试,我也希望excel打印数字旁边的文件名,以确保值对应于某个文件名。


Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim strF As String, strP As String, text As String, textline As String, tFlux As Integer strP = "C:\test" 'change for the path of your folder strF = Dir(strP & "\*.txt") 'Change as required Do While strF <> vbNullString Open strF For Input As #1 Do Until EOF(1) Line Input #1, textline text = text & textline tFlux = InStr(text, "tflux") Range("B2").Value = Mid(text, tFlux + 9, 3) <----- this is the line where I need help, Now the last found value is copied into cell B2, but I want excel to move to B3 after filling B2, move to B4 after filling B3, etc.... Loop Close #1 text = "" strF = Dir() Loop End Sub 

VBA皮特的答案将为每个find的值做所需的移动。 但是我想告诉你关于你的代码中另一个重要的问题:

Line Input #1, textline

text = text & textline

tFlux = InStr(text, "tflux")

上面的代码有两个问题。 首先,每次读取一行时,都会将其附加到文件中的前一个文本,然后从文件的开头重新开始search。 这很慢,而且是错误的,因为如果文件中出现了很多"tflux" ,你总能得到第一个出现。 即使只发生一次,你每次读新行时都会抓到并多次报告。


 text = textline ' <-- just copy the line, don't append it to previous lines from the file 


 Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim strF As String, strP As String, text As String, textline As String Dim tFlux As Integer strP = "C:\test" 'change for the path of your folder Dim x as long strF = Dir(strP & "*.txt") 'Change as required Do While strF <> vbNullString x = 2 Open strF For Input As #1 Do Until EOF(1) Line Input #1, textline text = text & textline tFlux = InStr(text, "tflux") Range("B" & x).Value = Mid(text, tFlux + 9, 3) x = x + 1 Loop Close #1 text = "" strF = Dir() Loop End Sub 


 Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim strF As String, strP As String, textline As String, tFlux As Integer Dim r As Long ' to keep track of which row we are writing to strP = "C:\test" 'change for the path of your folder strF = Dir(strP & "\*.txt") 'Change as required r = 2 ' first line of output will go to row 2 Do While strF <> vbNullString Open strF For Input As #1 Do Until EOF(1) Line Input #1, textline tFlux = InStr(textline, "tflux") 'See if we found "tflux" If tFlux > 0 Then 'Found it - store the associated value Cells(r, "B").Value = Mid(textline, tFlux + 9, 3) 'Store the filename too Cells(r, "C").Value = strF r = r + 1 ' set row pointer ready for next file Exit Do ' found and processed - no need to keep looking within this file End If Loop Close #1 strF = Dir() Loop End Sub 

我在“读取文件”循环中包含了一个Exit Do ,因此只要find所要查找的信息,它就会退出循环。 这样可以节省时间,不必继续阅读文件的其余部分,find你不知道的东西。