
我试图写一个函数,使用随机数在循环中更改3个坐标和3个速度。 尽pipe他生成的数字看起来足够随意。 最后的两个值永远不会分开,而第一个值是自己的方式。


Function variate(ByRef x_origin As Double, ByRef y_origin As Double, ByRef offset_x As Double, ByRef offset_y As Double, Optional ByRef z_origin As Double, Optional ByRef offset_z As Double, Optional xyz_bounds) As Variant 'this function adds random number to each of the origins 'the offset is the 'drift' the object has (or velocity) 'calculate a random number 'if the number is going in the same direction, speed up 'otherwise slow down Dim new_origin_x As Double Dim new_origin_y As Double Dim new_origin_z As Double Dim velocity_x As Double Dim velocity_y As Double Dim velocity_z As Double Dim speed_x As Double Dim speed_y As Double Dim speed_z As Double Dim random_number_x As Double Dim random_number_y As Double Dim random_number_z As Double Dim random_speed_x As Double Dim random_speed_y As Double Dim random_speed_z As Double 'calculate a random with the seed and make it between -0.5 and 0.5 Randomize random_number_x = Rnd(Range("x_fact").Value) - 0.5 Randomize random_number_y = Rnd(Range("y_fact").Value) - 0.5 Randomize random_number_z = Rnd(Range("z_fact").Value) - 0.5 'for the speed Randomize random_speed_x = Rnd(1) - 0.5 Randomize random_speed_y = Rnd(1) - 0.5 Randomize random_speed_z = Rnd(1) - 0.5 'see how much there is a speed up 'what point would we be at with the current speed 'that is the distance travelled in time, but the time is 1 'unit' ... 'and let's add some randohohomnessss speed_x = offset_x + (random_speed_x / Range("x_rem").Value) speed_y = offset_y + (random_speed_y / Range("y_rem").Value) speed_z = offset_z + (random_speed_z / Range("z_rem").Value) 'so new origin is new_origin_x = x_origin + offset_x 'but than we've travelled at the same speed, with directional changes 'we're probably not even moving 'so add some randomness to act as 'live' new_origin_x = x_origin + offset_x + (random_number_x / Range("x_fact").Value) new_origin_y = y_origin + offset_y + (random_number_y / Range("y_fact").Value) new_origin_z = y_origin + offset_z + (random_number_z / Range("z_fact").Value) 'variate = [{new_origin_x;new_origin_y};{speed_x;speed_y}] 'variate = [{new_origin_x;new_origin_z};{speed_x;speed_z}] 'see if boundaries are requested and if so, not met 'should be: going to meet at the current speed If Not IsMissing(xyz_bounds) Then Dim distant_from_bounds_x Dim distant_from_bounds_y Dim distant_from_bounds_z Dim future_pos_x Dim previous_dist_x Dim previous_dist_y Dim previous_dist_z future_pos_x = new_origin_x + 3 * speed_x Dim future_pos_y future_pos_y = new_origin_y + 3 * speed_y Dim future_pos_z future_pos_z = new_origin_z + 3 * speed_z distant_from_bounds_x = xyz_bounds / 2 - Abs(future_pos_x - xyz_bounds / 2) distant_from_bounds_y = xyz_bounds / 2 - Abs(future_pos_y - xyz_bounds / 2) distant_from_bounds_z = xyz_bounds / 2 - Abs(future_pos_z - xyz_bounds / 2) previous_dist_x = xyz_bounds / 2 - Abs((x_origin + 3 * speed_x) - xyz_bounds / 2) previous_dist_y = xyz_bounds / 2 - Abs((y_origin + 3 * speed_y) - xyz_bounds / 2) previous_dist_z = xyz_bounds / 2 - Abs((z_origin + 3 * speed_z) - xyz_bounds / 2) 'slow down If (distant_from_bounds_x < 10) And (distant_from_bounds_x - previous_dist_x < 0) Then speed_x = speed_x - speed_x / 3 If Abs(speed_x) < 1.5 Then speed_x = -speed_x * 2.9 End If If distant_from_bounds_y < 10 And (distant_from_bounds_y - previous_dist_y < 0) Then speed_y = speed_y - speed_y / 3 If Abs(speed_y) < 1.5 Then speed_y = -speed_y * 2.9 End If If distant_from_bounds_z < 10 And (distant_from_bounds_z - previous_dist_z < 0) Then speed_z = speed_z - speed_z / 3 If Abs(speed_z) < 1.5 Then speed_z = -speed_z * 2.9 End If 'speedlimits If Abs(speed_x) > 9 Then speed_x = speed_x - Abs(speed_x / 4) If Abs(speed_y) > 9 Then speed_y = speed_y - Abs(speed_y / 4) If Abs(speed_z) > 9 Then speed_z = speed_z - Abs(speed_z / 4) End If 'return the values and the new velocity to add some more stuff x_origin = new_origin_x y_origin = new_origin_y z_origin = new_origin_z offset_x = speed_x offset_y = speed_y offset_z = speed_z End Function 

任何build议将不胜感激 !





2)删除所有的Randomize调用,因为它们正在破坏生成器的统计属性。 我认为这是你的问题的原因。 您可以在上面的Rnd(-1)之后直接进行一个Randomize调用,但是我认为生成易处理性的序列是相当不错的。

3) Rnd()调用中不需要参数(除了第一步),因为默认行为是返回范围[0,1]中的数字。 事实上,这可能会导致你的问题,因为一个负面的参数值重新生成发电机!

4)调查这样做的效果。 但请注意,VBA随机序列是next = ((c * prev) mod b) + a线性同余发生器 ,其中abc是常数, prev是上一个随机数, next是生成的随机数。 (作为最后的繁荣, nextprev数值被缩放为浮点数)。 你可以看到,序列中可能有自相关,因为当prev较小时,模数将不起作用。 你可以但是希望微软的工程师给c分配一个很大的价值来规避这种影响。 当在多维情况下使用随机数时,这种自相关会导致“粘连”。

(4)可能会导致你的问题,如果是这样,你需要切换到另一个发电机。 让我知道,我们可以在这方面提出一些build议。