

'" & Lijn & "' 



 Dim ShiftsQ As String ShiftsQ = "INSERT INTO Shifts(Lijn, Operator, Ploeg, Teamleider) VALUES ('" & Lijn & "', '" & Operator & "', '" & Ploeg & "', '" & Teamleider & "');" 


 var ShiftsQ = SQL.prepareStatement(INSERT INTO Shifts(Lijn, Operator, Ploeg, Teamleider) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?); ShiftsQ.setString(1, Lijn); ShiftsQ.setString(2, Operator); ShiftsQ.setString(3, Ploeg); ShiftsQ.setString(4, Teamleider); 


据我所知,没有什么像.NET的string.Format()方法的VBA。 但是你可以编写自己的版本,使用deputys并返回一个格式化的string。

 Private Sub Main() ' Your actual query ' The deputys are indexed in curley brackets (inspired from the .NET syntax of the equivalent function, making your code easy to read for .NET programmers) Dim qry As String qry = "SELECT {0}, {1} FROM {2} WHERE {3}" ' The values to set for the deputys in your query Dim parameters(3) As String parameters(0) = "firstname" parameters(1) = "lastname" parameters(2) = "users" parameters(3) = "userID = 'M463'" ' For demo purposes, this will display the query in a message box ' Instead of the MsgBox, you would use the formatted query to execute against the database MsgBox FormatString(qry, parameters) End Sub ' This is where the magic happens, the deputys in the given string will be replaced with the actual values from the provided array Private Function FormatString(strInput As String, paramValues() As String) ' This will be our return value Dim strOutput As String strOutput = strInput ' Verify that the given count of parameters matches the given count of deputys in the input string Dim maxParamIndex As Integer maxParamIndex = UBound(paramValues) Dim deputyCount As Integer For i = 1 To Len(strOutput) + 1 Step 1 If Mid(strOutput, i, 3) = "{" & deputyCount & "}" Then deputyCount = deputyCount + 1 End If Next ' If there is a mismatch between the count of parameters and the count of deputys, display exception message and exit the function ' Adding +1 to maxParamIndex is neccessary, as maxParamIndex refers to the maximum index (starting at 0, not 1) of the given array and deputyCount refers to the actual count of deputys (starting at 1) If maxParamIndex + 1 <> deputyCount Then MsgBox "Number of deputys has to match number of parameters for the given string:" & vbCrLf & strInput, vbCritical, "Exception in Function FormatString" FormatString = "" End If ' Iterate through the array and replace the deputys with the given values For i = 0 To maxParamIndex Step 1 strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "{" & i & "}", paramValues(i)) Next ' return the formatted string FormatString = strOutput End Function 




 Public Function S_(str as String) as String S_ = chr(39) & str & chr(39) End Function ShiftsQ = "INSERT INTO Shifts(Lijn, Operator, Ploeg, Teamleider) VALUES (" & S_(Lijn) & ", " & S_(Operator) & ", " & S_(Ploeg) & ", " & S_(Teamleider) & ");" 
