下面是一个简单的例子,它连接到正在运行的MongoDB实例,并将查询打印到即时窗口。 您需要添加对Windows Script Host Object Model
Private Sub Test() Dim wsh As New WshShell Dim proc As WshExec Dim line As String Set proc = wsh.Exec("mongo") With proc .StdIn.WriteLine "use test" .StdIn.WriteLine "db.restaurants.find({""address.zipcode"":""10075""})" .StdIn.WriteLine "quit()" Do While .Status = WshRunning line = .StdOut.ReadLine If line = "Type ""it"" for more" Then .StdIn.WriteLine "it" ElseIf line Like "{*" Then Debug.Print line End If DoEvents Loop End With End Sub
只是打印原始JSONstring不是很令人兴奋或有用,但是。 你可以编写你自己的JSONparsing器,但是对于这个例子,我们将使用Tim Hall的VBA-JSON(你可以在GitHub上find它 )。
在写这篇文章的时候,有一个VBA-JSON的问题,在使用它parsing从MongoDB返回的string时必须解决。 任何包含括号的值,例如"_id": ObjectId("...")
,都会引发错误。 对此的快速和肮脏的修复是使用RegEx清理parsing器的string。 您将需要引用Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Private Function CleanString(str As String) As String Dim temp As String Dim rx As New RegExp With rx .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True .Pattern = "[az]*\(" ' Left temp = .Replace(str, "") .Pattern = "\)" ' Right temp = .Replace(temp, "") End With CleanString = temp End Function
。 访问值变得非常简单。
Private Sub Mongo() Dim wsh As New WshShell Dim proc As WshExec Dim line As String Dim response As New Collection Dim json As Object Set proc = wsh.Exec("mongo") With proc .StdIn.WriteLine "use test" .StdIn.WriteLine "db.restaurants.find({""address.zipcode"":""10075""})" .StdIn.WriteLine "quit()" Do While .Status = WshRunning line = .StdOut.ReadLine If line = "Type ""it"" for more" Then .StdIn.WriteLine "it" ElseIf line Like "{*" Then response.Add ParseJson(CleanString(line)) End If DoEvents Loop End With For Each json In response Debug.Print json("name"), json("address")("street") Next End Sub
…这将从MongoDB 示例数据集中产生以下输出。
Nectar Coffee Shop Madison Avenue Viand Cafe Madison Avenue Don Filippo Restaurant Lexington Avenue Lusardi'S Restaurant Second Avenue Due Third Avenue Lenox Hill Grill/Pizza Lexington Avenue Quatorze Bistro East 79 Street Luke'S Bar & Grill Third Avenue Starbucks Coffee Lexington Avenue New York Jr. League East 80 Street Doc Watsons 2 Avenue Serafina Fabulous Pizza Madison Avenue Canyon Road Grill 1 Avenue Sushi Of Gari East 78 Street
是阻塞函数 。 - 由
打开的窗口不能被隐藏 。
(以及任何与proc交互的其他代码)。 这种方法的缺点是StdIn(StdOut)必须写入文件。
- 创build一个C#的DLL通过可用的C#驱动程序与Mongo数据库进行交互。
- 使它可见 (在Assemblyinfo.cs),build立它并注册它
- 转到excelmacros – > visual basic编辑器
- 点击工具 – >参考,然后select您的注册组装
- 在你的VBA中使用它,像这样。
Private Sub CallMongo() Dim mongoObj As New MyMongoAssembly mongoObj.AddItem("adas"); End Sub
我自己的解决scheme是让Python使用pymongo和win32com将它们粘在一起。 然后运行你想要的任何东西都相当简单。 在我的情况下,我有Python循环只是不断“听”某些Excel单元格,从Mongo调用它所需要的,然后将其放回到Excel中。 这是灵活的,许多事情可以这样做。 这是完整的代码库,但是你将不得不改变对Mongodb的调用来匹配你自己的数据库。 在这里,您还将看到某些方法可以在Python中更改Excel单元格的颜色和东西。 哦,我应该提到的是它与ansi转义序列,所以你可能想要从ansicon或ConEmu运行Python。
import win32com.client as win32 import time # will need this for time parsing from optparse import OptionParser import pdb # debugger, when necessary import string # for string parsing and the alphabet from pymongo import MongoClient import inspect from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo from dateutil import tz from bson.son import SON import msvcrt # for getch import os import sys # for stdout.write from collections import OrderedDict def parseCmdLine(): parser = OptionParser(description="Retrieve realtime data.") parser.add_option("--f", dest="file", help="filename", default="bbcapture.xls") parser.add_option("--mongohost", dest="mongohost", default="") parser.add_option("--mongoport", dest="mongoport", type="int", default=27017) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return(options) options = parseCmdLine() # parse the commandline client = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport) # link to mongo db = client.bb # the database bbsecs = db.bbsecs # now all the collections bbdaily = db.bbdaily bbticks = db.bbticks linkstatusperiod = False # for the moving period in the top left excel cell showing we're linked def ansi(colour = "white", bright = False, back = "black"): # ansi colour sequences brit = {True: "\033[1m", False: "\033[0m"} colo = {"black": "\033[30m", "red": "\033[31m", "green": "\033[32m", "yellow": "\033[33m", "blue": "\033[34m", "magenta": "\033[35m", "cyan": "\033[36m", "white": "\033[37m"} bakk = {"black": "\033[40m", "red": "\033[41m", "green": "\033[42m", "yellow": "\033[43m", "blue": "\033[44m", "magenta": "\033[45m", "cyan": "\033[46m", "white": "\033[47m"} sys.stdout.write(brit[bright]) sys.stdout.write(colo[colour]) sys.stdout.write(bakk[back]) def mdaily(ticker = "USDEUR Curncy", field = "LAST_PRICE", sortdirection = 1, numget = 1000000): ansi("cyan", False) print "\nGetting", ticker, "field", field, "from Mongo...", lister = OrderedDict() #for post in bbdaily.find({"ticker": ticker, "fieldname": field}).limit(numget).sort("time", sortdirection): for post in bbdaily.find({"$query": {"ticker": ticker, "fieldname": field}, "$orderby": {"time": -1}}).limit(numget): lister[str(post["time"])] = post["fieldvalue"] ansi("cyan", True) print "got", len(lister), "values", ansi() return lister def mtick(tickers, sortdirection = 1, numget = 1000000): if len(tickers) == 0: return [] else: ansi("green", False) print "\n Getting minutes for for", tickers, tickerdic = OrderedDict() for eachticker in tickers: eachdic = dict() print numget for post in bbticks.find({"ticker": eachticker}).limit(numget): eachdic[post["time"]] = [post["open"], post["high"], post["low"], post["close"]] ansi("green") tickerdic[eachticker] = eachdic print "got", len(eachdic), "for ticker", eachticker, ansi("green", True) print "got", len(tickerdic), "tickers", dates = [set(tickerdic[x].keys()) for x in tickerdic] # get all the dates dates = set.intersection(*dates) # get the unique ones dates = [x for x in dates] # convert to list if sortdirection == -1: dates = sorted(dates, reverse = True) else: dates = sorted(dates, reverse = False) retlist = [[[x, tickerdic[y][x][0], tickerdic[y][x][1], tickerdic[y][x][2], tickerdic[y][x][3]] for x in dates] for y in tickerdic.keys()] ansi() return retlist def getsecs(): seclist = [] for post in bbsecs.find(): seclist.append(post["ticker"]) return(seclist) def offsetString(startrow, startcol, endrow, endcol): startrowstr = str(startrow) endrowstr = str(endrow) if(startcol > 26): startcolstr = string.uppercase[startcol / 26 - 1] + string.uppercase[startcol % 26 - 1] else: startcolstr = string.uppercase[startcol - 1] if(endcol > 26): endcolstr = string.uppercase[endcol / 26 - 1] + string.uppercase[endcol % 26 - 1] else: endcolstr = string.uppercase[endcol - 1] return(startcolstr + startrowstr + ":" + endcolstr + endrowstr) def main(): excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Excel.Application") excel.Visible = 1 try: # try to link to the file ansi("red", False) print "Linking to", options.file wb = excel.Workbooks(options.file) ws = wb.Worksheets("MongoData") ansi() except: # not open then try to load it try: ansi("red", False) print "Not open.... trying to open in current directory", os.getcwd() ansi() wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(os.getcwd() + "\\" + options.file) ws = wb.Worksheets("MongoData") ansi() except: # can't load then ask to create it ansi("red", True) print options.file, "not found here. Create? (y/n) ", ansi("yellow", True) response = msvcrt.getch() print response ansi() if response.upper() == "Y": wb = excel.Workbooks.Add() ws = excel.Worksheets.Add() ws.Name = "MongoData" wb.SaveAs(os.getcwd() + "\\" + options.file) else: # don't wanna create it then exit print "bye." return # see if ticks sheet works otherwise add it try: wst = wb.Worksheets("MongoTicks") except: wst = excel.Worksheets.Add() wst.Name = "MongoTicks" wst.Cells(3, 2).Value = 1 # see if securities list sheet works otherwise add it try: wall = wb.Worksheets("AllSecurities") wall.Cells(1, 1).Value = "List of all securities" wall.Range("A1:A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 8 wall.Range("A:A").ColumnWidth = 22 except: wall = excel.Worksheets.Add() wall.Name = "AllSecurities" wall.Cells(1, 1).Value = "List of all securities" wall.Range("A1:A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 8 wall.Range("A:A").ColumnWidth = 22 ansi("green", True) print "talking to", options.file, ansi("green", False) print "... press any key when this console has the focus, to end communication" ansi() def linkstatusupdate(): global linkstatusperiod if linkstatusperiod: ws.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Talking to Python|" wst.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Talking to Python!" linkstatusperiod = False else: ws.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Talking to Python|" wst.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Talking to Python!" linkstatusperiod = True ws.Cells(1, 2).Value = datetime.now() # daily worksheet header formatting ws.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Excel linked to Python" ws.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Sort direction:" ws.Cells(1, 4).Value = 1 ws.Cells(1, 5).Value = "Fetch max:" ws.Cells(2, 1).Value = "Enter tickers:" ws.Cells(3, 1).Value = "Start data:" ws.Cells(4, 1).Value = "End data:" ws.Range("A:A").ColumnWidth = 22 ws.Range("B:B").ColumnWidth = 20 ws.Range("A2:GS2").Interior.ColorIndex = 19 # beige 200 columns ws.Range("A3:GS4").Interior.ColorIndex = 15 # grey ws.Range("A2").Interior.ColorIndex = 3 # red ws.Range("A3:A4").Interior.ColorIndex = 16 # dark grey # minute worksheet header formatting wst.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Excel linked to Python" wst.Cells(2, 1).Value = "Enter tickers:" #wst.Cells(3, 1).Value = "Enter periodicity:" wst.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Sort direction:" wst.Cells(1, 4).Value = 1 wst.Cells(1, 5).Value = "Fetch max:" wst.Range("A:A").ColumnWidth = 22 wst.Range("B:B").ColumnWidth = 20 wst.Range("A2:GS3").Interior.ColorIndex = 19 # beige 200 columns wst.Range("A4:GS5").Interior.ColorIndex = 15 # grey wst.Range("A2:A3").Interior.ColorIndex = 4 # red wst.Range("6:100000").Clear() linkstatusperiod = False oldsecd = [] oldseci = [] oldnumget = oldsortdir = toldnumget = toldsortdir = 0 while not msvcrt.kbhit(): try: print "...", wb.Name, securities = ws.Range("B2:GS2").Value[0] sortdir = ws.Cells(1, 4).Value if sortdir == None: sortdir = 1 sortdir = int(sortdir) numget = ws.Cells(1, 6).Value if numget == None: numget = 1000000 numget = int(numget) securities = [x for x in securities if x is not None] if not ((oldsecd == securities) and (oldnumget == numget) and (oldsortdir == sortdir)): # clear content of cells ws.Range("5:1000000").Clear() ws.Range("B3:GS4").Clear() ws.Range("B3:GS4").Interior.ColorIndex = 15 # grey oldsecd = securities oldnumget = numget oldsortdir = sortdir currentcol = 0 for sec in securities: linkstatusupdate() secdata = mdaily(sec, "LAST_PRICE", sortdir, numget) currentrow = 0 vallist = [] datelist = [] if sortdir == -1: sortedkeys = sorted(secdata, reverse = True) else: sortedkeys = sorted(secdata, reverse = False) for eachkey in sortedkeys: datelist.append(eachkey) vallist.append(secdata[eachkey]) #now stick them in Excel ws.Range(offsetString(5 + currentrow, 2 + currentcol, 5 + currentrow + len(vallist) - 1, 2 + currentcol)).Value = \ tuple([(x, ) for x in vallist]) if currentcol == 0: ws.Range(offsetString(5 + currentrow, 1, 5 + currentrow + len(vallist) - 1, 1)).Value = \ tuple([(x, ) for x in datelist]) if len(sortedkeys) > 0: ws.Cells(3, 2 + currentcol).Value = sortedkeys[len(sortedkeys) - 1].split()[0] # start data date ws.Cells(4, 2 + currentcol).Value = sortedkeys[0].split()[0] # end data date currentcol += 1 # now do the tick data securitiest = wst.Range("B2:GS2").Value[0] securitiest = [x for x in securitiest if x is not None] tsortdir = wst.Cells(1, 4).Value if tsortdir == None: tsortdir = 1 tsortdir = int(tsortdir) tnumget = wst.Cells(1, 6).Value if tnumget == None: tnumget = 1000000 tnumget = int(tnumget) if not ((oldseci == securitiest) and (toldnumget == tnumget) and (toldsortdir == tsortdir)): # clear the contents of the cells wst.Range("6:1000000").Clear() wst.Range("B4:GS5").Clear() wst.Range("B4:GS5").Interior.ColorIndex = 15 # grey oldseci = securitiest toldnumget = tnumget toldsortdir = tsortdir secdata = mtick(securitiest, tsortdir, tnumget) currentsec = 0 for x in secdata: sender = [tuple(y[1:5]) for y in x] wst.Range(offsetString(6, 2 + currentsec * 4, 6 + len(x) - 1, 5 + currentsec * 4)).Value = sender if currentsec == 0: # then put the dates in dates = [tuple([y[0], ]) for y in x] wst.Range(offsetString(6, 1, 6 + len(x) - 1, 1)).Value = dates wst.Range(offsetString(5, 2 + currentsec * 4, 5, 5 + currentsec * 4)).Value = ["open", "high", "low", "close"] currentsec += 1 for x in range(0, len(securitiest)): wst.Cells(4, 2 + x * 4).Value = securitiest[x] linkstatusupdate() allsecs = tuple([(yy, ) for yy in getsecs()]) wall.Range(offsetString(2, 1, len(allsecs) + 1, 1)).Value = allsecs except: print "\nExcel busy", time.sleep(1) endchar = msvcrt.getch() # capture the last character so it doesn't go to console print "\nbye." if __name__ == "__main__": main()
我已经尝试了进步,而且做得很好。 所有这些驱动程序都是许可软件,也可以使用试用版。
最容易使用的是可以查询,更新并允许使用基于Excel的公式和VBA的cdata Excel加载项 。 它也许可。
另一种方法是在python中使用pymongo来代替mongo客户端,将结果转储到csv文件并通过VBA导入csv。 从python查询mongoDB相当简单。
SERVER = "" # Replace wit with Server IP or Hostname running mongod PORT = "27017" def queryMongoDB(): try: from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient("mongodb://" + SERVER + ":" + PORT) db = client.test queryResp = db.restaurants.find({'address.zipcode': "11215", 'cuisine': 'Indian'}, {'name': 1, 'address.building': 1, 'address.street': 1, 'borough': 1, '_id': 0}) if queryResp.count() > 0 : for row in queryResp: printStr = "" if 'name' in row: printStr = row['name'] + "," else: printStr = "," if 'building' in str(row): printStr = printStr + row['address']['building'] + "," else: printStr = printStr + "," if 'street' in str(row): printStr = printStr + row['address']['street'] + "," else: printStr = printStr + "," if 'borough' in row: printStr = printStr + row['borough'] print(printStr) else: return -2 return 0 except ImportError: return -1 queryMongoDB()
Kinara Indian Restaurant,473,5 Avenue,Brooklyn Baluchi'S,310,5 Avenue,Brooklyn Kanan Indian Restaurant,452,3Rd Ave,Brooklyn New Aarpan,396,5Th Ave,Brooklyn Indian Spice,351,7Th Ave,Brooklyn
使用WshShell的Excel VBAmacros,macro_queryMongoDB()
Sub macro_queryMongoDB() Dim pythonExecutable As String Dim pythonQueryScript As String pythonExecuatble = "python.exe" ' Path to python interpreter pythonQueryScript = "queryMongoDB.py" 'Full path to the above Python script If Dir(pythonExecuatble) <> "" And Dir(pythonQueryScript) <> "" Then Dim objShell As Object Dim objWshScriptExec As Object Dim objStdOut As Object Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objWshScriptExec = objShell.Exec(pythonExecuatble & " " & pythonQueryScript) ' Execute the Python script Set objStdOut = objWshScriptExec.StdOut Set mybook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook Set mybookSheet = mybook.ActiveSheet Dim rline As String Dim strline As String Dim lineCount As Long ' Parse the results lineCount = 1 While Not objStdOut.AtEndOfStream rline = objStdOut.ReadLine If rline <> "" Then strline = rline & vbCrLf mybookSheet.Range(mybookSheet.Cells(lineCount, "A"), mybookSheet.Cells(lineCount, "D")).Value = Split(strline, ",") lineCount = lineCount + 1 End If Wend MsgBox "Query Successful" Else MsgBox "Python executable or Python query DB script doesn't exist." End If End Sub
我可以回显其他答案,指的是使用ODBC驱动程序连接到Excel中的MongoDB数据。 这个问题当然就是你没有办法使用macros。
正如Irfan所说, CData Excel插件可以让你做到这一点。 (完全披露,我为CData软件工作)。 您可以阅读我们的帮助文档中有关使用macros连接到MongoDB的内容 ,但是我在这里包含了一个相关的代码片段来演示将MongoDB数据读取到excel中的基本function:
Sub DoSelect() On Error GoTo Error p_id = InputBox("_id:", "Get _id") If p_id = False Then Exit Sub End If Dim module As New ExcelComModule module.SetProviderName ("MongoDB") Cursor = Application.Cursor Application.Cursor = xlWait Dim nameArray nameArray = Array("_idparam") Dim valueArray valueArray = Array(p_id) Query = "SELECT City, CompanyName FROM Customers WHERE _id = @_idparam" module.SetConnectionString ("Server=;Port=27017;Database=test;User=test;Password=test;") If module.Select(Query, nameArray, valueArray) Then Dim ColumnCount As Integer ColumnCount = module.GetColumnCount For Count = 0 To ColumnCount - 1 Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Count + 1).Value = module.GetColumnName(Count) Next Dim RowIndex As Integer RowIndex = 2 While (Not module.EOF) For columnIndex = 0 To ColumnCount - 1 If Conversion.CInt(module.GetColumnType(columnIndex)) = Conversion.CInt(vbDate) And Not IsNull(module.GetValue(columnIndex)) Then Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(RowIndex, columnIndex + 1).Value = Conversion.CDate(module.GetValue(columnIndex)) Else Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(RowIndex, columnIndex + 1).Value = module.GetValue(columnIndex) End If Next module.MoveNext RowIndex = RowIndex + 1 Wend MsgBox "The SELECT query successful." Else MsgBox "The SELECT query failed." End If Application.Cursor = Cursor Exit Sub Error: MsgBox "ERROR: " & Err.Description Application.Cursor = Cursor End Sub
我认为最好的答案是编写或查找MongoDB的ODBC驱动程序。 让我知道,如果你find一个。
除此之外,您可以为mongodb编写一个网页前端,将适当的查询呈现到HTML表格中,并使用Excel的function从网页中parsingHTML表格。 不像ODBC一样干净,但是要比一遍又一遍地导出CSV更好。
你总是可以看看这个解决scheme,还没有尝试过自己,它需要一些跳转: http : //sqlmag.com/blog/integrating-mongodb-and-open-source-data-stores-power-pivot
他们说有一个第三方的Mongodb COM驱动程序: http ://na-s.jp/MongoCOM/index.en.html安装和引用它后,你可以运行查询
Dim oConn Dim oCursor,o Set oConn = oMng.NewScopedDBConnection( cHostAndPort ) Set oCursor = oConn.Query( "ec.member", oMng.FJ("{ ""age"": 37 }") Do While oCursor.More Set o = oCursor.Next MsgBox "mname: " & o("mname") MsgBox "dept: " & o("dept") MsgBox "age: " & o("age") Loop