
我想了解如何在x轴上使用最小值和最大值。 我能够在Y轴上做到这一点,但无法弄清楚如何在X轴上做到这一点。 我正在用这个例子来testing它,在那里也不工作。 任何帮助或build议将不胜感激。 以下是我正在使用的代码。 您可以看到y轴使用min调用,但x轴不使用

import xlsxwriter workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('chart_line.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1}) # Add the worksheet data that the charts will refer to. headings = ['Number', 'Batch 1', 'Batch 2'] data = [ [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [10, 40, 50, 20, 10, 50], [30, 60, 70, 50, 40, 30], ] worksheet.write_row('A1', headings, bold) worksheet.write_column('A2', data[0]) worksheet.write_column('B2', data[1]) worksheet.write_column('C2', data[2]) # Create a new chart object. In this case an embedded chart. chart1 = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'line'}) # Configure the first series. chart1.add_series({ 'name': '=Sheet1!$B$1', 'categories': '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7', 'values': '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$7', }) # Configure second series. Note use of alternative syntax to define ranges. chart1.add_series({ 'name': ['Sheet1', 0, 2], 'categories': ['Sheet1', 1, 0, 6, 0], 'values': ['Sheet1', 1, 2, 6, 2], }) # Add a chart title and some axis labels. chart1.set_title ({'name': 'Results of sample analysis'}) chart1.set_x_axis({'name': 'Test number', 'min': 3}) chart1.set_y_axis({'name': 'Sample length (mm)', 'min': 20}) # Set an Excel chart style. Colors with white outline and shadow. chart1.set_style(10) # Insert the chart into the worksheet (with an offset). worksheet.insert_chart('D2', chart1, {'x_offset': 25, 'y_offset': 10}) workbook.close() 


请参阅XlsxWriter文档以获取图表值和类别轴之间差异的解释。 还要注意,图表x轴的属性列出了它们适用的轴的types。

如果要绘制折线图,​​则可以切换到具有数值轴且支持最大/最小值的线的散点图 。