

  1. 初始化Excel
  2. 在excel中创build一个临时工作簿
  3. 当退出单词用户窗体,终止excel



private sub commandbutton1_click() dim exc as excel.application set exc as new excel.application dim wb as excel.workbook set wb = exc.workbook.saveas filename:="wordexc" 'creates temp workbook userform1.show end sub run excel processing via a userform1 commandbutton: private sub commandbutton2_click() excel.workbook("wordexc").close 'closes temp workbook dim wb as excel.workbook set wb = excel.workbook.saveas filename:="wordexc" 'this wb is for actual use 'i do not delete this wb after running cuz it has stored data that will be used 'if user cliks commandbutton2 again, it will be deleted and new wbook with new data 'is created 'processing code end sub private sub queryclose (etc...) 'Close Excel Dim sKillExcel As String sKillExcel = "TASKKILL /F /IM Excel.exe" Shell sKillExcel, vbHide end sub 


  Dim sKillExcel As String sKillExcel = "TASKKILL /F /IM Excel.exe" Shell sKillExcel, vbHide 





 '~~> Define your Excel objects so that they are available '~~> in other userform sub procedures as well. Dim oXLApp As Object, oXLwb As Object Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Set oXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") '~~> Show Excel oXLApp.Visible = True '~~> Add a new workbook Set oXLwb = oXLApp.Workbooks.Add ' '~~> Do some stuff ' '~~> Save the file oXLwb.SaveAs "C:\wordexc.xlsx", FileFormat:=51 oXLwb.Close SaveChanges:=False End Sub '~~> Close and Quit Excel (Flush Toilet) Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() oXLApp.Quit Set oXLwb = Nothing Set oXLApp = Nothing End Sub 

为什么不这样做呢? 基本上,你可以定义全局的excel对象,然后你可以调用它的“退出”方法。

 Private objExcel As Excel.Application Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Set objExcel = New Excel.Application objExcel.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() objExcel.Quit End Sub