Excel VBA“types不匹配:数组或预期的用户定义的types”


我创build了一个名为Variable的类来存储有关variables的多个信息。 我有另一个叫做Equipment类,它存储了这些variables的数组。 这里是Equipment的相关代码:

 Public name As String Private variables() As Variable Public Sub setVariables(vars() As Variable) variables = vars End Sub 

我也有一个创buildEquipment实例的模块。 这里是所有的代码:

 Public Sub fillEquipment() 'figure out how many units of equipment there are numUnits = 0 atRow = 1 Do Until Range("A" & atRow).value = "" numUnits = numUnits + 1 atRow = atRow + 1 Loop 'create array for equipment units Dim units() As Equipment ReDim units(0 To numUnits) 'figure out how many variables there are numVars = 0 For Each col In Range("A1:ZZ1") If col.value <> "" Then numVars = numVars + 1 End If Next col 'create an array of equipment one row at a time atRow = 1 Do Until Range("A" & atRow).value = "" 'create and name equipment units(atRow) = New Equipment units(atRow).name = Range("A" & atRow).value 'create an array of vars Dim variables() As Variable ReDim variables(0 To numVars) For atCol = 1 To numVars variables(atCol) = New Variable variables(atCol).name = Cells(1, atCol).value variables(atCol).value = Cells(atRow, atCol).value Next atCol 'add variables to equipment units(atRow).setVariables (variables) atRow = atRow + 1 Loop 'print for testing For atRow = 1 To numUnits Cells(atRow, 1).value = Equipment(atRow).name For atCol = 1 To numCols Cells(atRow, atCol + 1).value = Equipment(atRow).getVariables(atCol) Next atCol Next atRow End Sub 

这是我的问题:当我运行该程序时,它给了我units(atRow).setVariables (variables) variables units(atRow).setVariables (variables)的编译器错误“types不匹配:数组或预期的用户定义的types”。

我不明白我做错了什么。 variables被定义为对象typesVariable的数组,正是setVariables所要求的。

谢谢! 我真的很感谢帮助!

你有额外的括号 。 这编译没有错误:

 Sub make(numUnits As Long, numVars As Long) Dim units() As Equipment ReDim units(0 To numUnits) Dim atRow As Long, atCol As Long ' <-- new Dim, because of Option Explicit 'create an array of equipment one row at a time atRow = 1 Do Until Range("A" & atRow).value = "" 'create and name equipment units(atRow) = New Equipment units(atRow).name = CStr(Range("A" & CStr(atRow)).value) ' <-- use CStr() anytime you need a string 'create an array of vars Dim variables() As Variable ReDim variables(0 To numVars) For atCol = 1 To numVars variables(atCol) = New Variable variables(atCol).name = Cells(1, atCol).value variables(atCol).value = Cells(atRow, atCol).value Next atCol 'add variables to equipment units(atRow).setVariables variables atRow = atRow + 1 ' ^^^^^^^^^ not (variables) - no parens Loop End Sub 

关键问题是括号。 但是,这也为您的variables添加了Dim语句。 正如@BruceWayne所说,你应该总是使用Option Explicit 。 是的,这是在每个模块和每个class级模块。 否则就是扔掉编译器的debugging帮助。

我其实也在每个模块的顶部使用Option Base 0 ,主要是为了提醒自己我正在使用哪个系统:)。

编辑我添加了一些CStr ,它保护你免受怪异的angular落案件。 应该进一步开发这个代码,我会build议使用显式的工作表variables,而不是依靠隐式的ActiveSheet 。 看,例如, 这个答案 。