


Dim myClass(5) as class1 Dim i as integer For i = 0 to 5 set myClass(i) = New class myClass(i).myProperty = "SomeValue" Next i 


 Private pmyProperty as string Public Property Let myProperty(s as string) pmyProperty = s End Property Public Property Get myProperty() as string myProperty = pmyProperty End Property 

但是,当我运行这个,我得到一个编译错误“预期:列表分隔符”。 这个命中myClass(i).myProperty =“SomeValue”行。





 Public Sub main_sb_BillingApp() Dim intCountComplete As Integer Dim intLastRow As Integer Dim Line() As clsLine Dim i As Integer, x As Integer intCountComplete = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets(WS_NAME).Columns(COL_W_COMPLETE), "Yes") intLastRow = Sheets(WS_NAME).Cells(LAST_ROW, COL_W_COMPLETE).End(xlUp).Row - 1 ReDim Line(intCountComplete - 1) For i = ROW_W_HEADER + 1 To intLastRow If Sheets(WS_NAME).Cells(i, COL_W_COMPLETE) = "Yes" Then Set Line(x) = New clsLine Line(x).Row = i x = x + 1 End If Next i End Sub 


 Private pDate As Date Private pUJN As String Private pDesc As String Private pCharge As Currency Private pCost As Currency Private pMargin As Double Private pComplete As Boolean Private pRow As Integer Public Property Let Row(i As Integer) pRow = i Update End Property Public Property Get Row() As Integer Row = pRow End Property Private Sub Update() With Sheets(WS_NAME) pDate = .Cells(pRow, COL_W_DATE) pUJN = .Cells(pRow, COL_W_UJN) pDesc = .Cells(pRow, COL_W_DESC) pCharge = .Cells(pRow, COL_W_CHARGE) pCost = .Cells(pRow, COL_W_COST) pMargin = .Cells(pRow, COL_W_MARGIN) If .Cells(pRow, COL_W_COMPLETE) = "Yes" Then pComplete = True Else pComplete = False End If End With End Sub 

Line是一个VBA保留关键字,所以你混淆了编译器。 改变你的对象数组的名称,它工作得很好:

 Dim lineArray() As clsLine '... Set lineArray(x) = New clsLine lineArray(x).Row = i