Excel VBA加权平均值如果自定义函数

我正在尝试编写一个自定义函数来检查范围内的2个条件,然后对它find的任何匹配进行加权平均。 我的代码在下面,它不正确地解释我的标准。 它在我的标准上显示#Value。 任何帮助将不胜感激! 谢谢:D


Function WeightedAverageIf(Range As Range, Citeria1 As String, Column1 As Integer, Criteria2 As String, Column2 As Integer, Column3 As Integer, Column4 As Integer) lr = Range.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Dim num1 As Integer, per1 As Integer, num2 As Integer, per2 As Integer, counter As Integer coutner = 0 For x = 1 To lr If counter = 0 Then If Range.Cells(x, Column1) = Criteria1 And Range.Cells(x, Column2) = Criteria2 Then num1 = Cells(x, Column3) And per1 = Range.Cells(x, Column4) And counter = counter + 1 End If If counter > 0 Then If Range.Cells(x, Column1) = Criteria1 And Cells(x, Column2) = Criteria2 Then num2 = Range.Cells(x, Column3) And per2 = Range.Cells(x, Column4) And counter = counter + 1 per1 = (((per1 * num1) + (per2 * num2)) / (num1 + num2)) num1 = (num1 + num2) End If Next x WeightedAverageIf = per1 End Function 

谢谢你们的帮助,你们指出了正确的方向! 我不得不添加一些检查,并围绕if语句,但我有一个最终的产品,应该为任何人工作,所以我决定发布完成的代码。


 Function WeightedAverageIf(Rng As Range, Find1 As String, Find1Column As Integer, WeightColumn As Integer, AVGColumn As Integer) lr = Rng.Rows.Count Dim num1 As Double, per1 As Double, num2 As Double, per2 As Double, counter As Integer coutner = 0 For x = 1 To lr If counter > 0 Then If Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) = 0 Or Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) = "" Or IsNumeric(Rng.Cells(x, AVGColumn)) = False Or IsNumeric(Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn)) = False Then GoTo skipif If Rng.Cells(x, Find1Column) = Find1 Then num2 = Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) per2 = Rng.Cells(x, AVGColumn) counter = counter + 1 End If per1 = (((per1 * num1) + (per2 * num2)) / (num1 + num2)) num1 = (num1 + num2) End If If counter = 0 Then If Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) = 0 Or Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) = "" Or IsNumeric(Rng.Cells(x, AVGColumn)) = False Or IsNumeric(Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn)) = False Then GoTo skipif If Rng.Cells(x, Find1Column) = Find1 Then num1 = Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) per1 = Rng.Cells(x, AVGColumn) counter = counter + 1 End If End If skipif: Next x If counter = 1 Then WeightedAverageIf = per1 ElseIf counter = 0 Then WeightedAverageIf = 0 Else WeightedAverageIf = per1 End If End Function 


 Function WeightedAverageIfs(Rng As Range, Find1 As String, Find1Column As Integer, Find2 As String, FindColumn2 As Integer, WeightColumn As Integer, AVGColumn As Integer) lr = Rng.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Dim num1 As Double, per1 As Double, num2 As Double, per2 As Double, counter As Integer coutner = 0 For x = 1 To lr If counter > 0 Then If Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) = 0 Or Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) = "" Or IsNumeric(Rng.Cells(x, AVGColumn)) = False Or IsNumeric(Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn)) = False Then GoTo skipif If Rng.Cells(x, Find1Column) = Find1 And Rng.Cells(x, FindColumn2) = Find2 Then num2 = Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) per2 = Rng.Cells(x, AVGColumn) counter = counter + 1 End If per1 = (((per1 * num1) + (per2 * num2)) / (num1 + num2)) num1 = (num1 + num2) End If If counter = 0 Then If Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) = 0 Or Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) = "" Or IsNumeric(Rng.Cells(x, AVGColumn)) = False Or IsNumeric(Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn)) = False Then GoTo skipif If Rng.Cells(x, Find1Column) = Find1 And Rng.Cells(x, FindColumn2) = Find2 Then num1 = Rng.Cells(x, WeightColumn) per1 = Rng.Cells(x, AVGColumn) counter = counter + 1 End If End If skipif: Next x If counter = 1 Then WeightedAverageIfs = per1 ElseIf counter = 0 Then WeightedAverageIfs = 0 Else WeightedAverageIfs = per1 End If End Function 

我希望这将有助于人们在未来。 对于不熟悉Excel和VBA的人,您需要打开开发人员控制台。 插入一个新模块并粘贴上面的一个代码段。 这样做后,你可以简单地键入该函数的参数= WeightedAverageIf(“你的数据的范围”,“你需要匹配的范围内”,“该范围内的哪个列是search的数据在”,“权重列平均数“,”平均数列“)