
这里是情况:在我的Excel工作表中,我有一个列名为1-name的条目。 我想删除数字,考虑到这个数字也可以是两位数字。 这本身不是一个问题,我得到它的工作,只是performance是如此糟糕。 因为现在我的程序每个单元格需要大约半秒的时间。

我的问题:我该如何提高性能? 这里是代码:

Sub remove_numbers() Dim YDim As Long Dim i As Integer, l As Integer Dim val As String Dim s As String YDim = Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row For i = 8 To YDim val = Cells(i, 5) l = Len(val) s = Mid(val, 2, 1) If s = "-" Then val = Right(val, l - 2) Else val = Right(val, l - 3) End If Cells(i, 5).Value = val Next i End Sub 



 Sub remove_numbers() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim i As Long For i = 8 To Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row Cells(i, 5) = Split(Cells(i, 5), "-")(1) Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 


 Sub remove_numbers() Dim i As Integer, values() As Variant values = Range(Cells(8, 5), Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row).Value For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values) values(i, 1) = Mid(values(i, 1), IIf(Mid(values(i, 1), 2, 1) = "-", 2, 3)) Next Range(Cells(8, 5), Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row).Value = values End Sub 


  • 在内存中执行所有计算,并更新整个范围:这是一个巨大的性能增益;
  • 将多个命令压缩成单个命令;
  • Mid(x, n)代替Right(x, Len(x)-n) Mid(x, n)



  values(i, 1) = Split(values(i, 1), "-", 2)(1) 

代替values(i, 1) = Mid(values(i, 1), IIf(Mid(values(i, 1), 2, 1) = "-", 2, 3))


就像是 :

 Dim valuesOfRangeToModify() As Variant Set valuesOfRangeToModify = Range(Cells(8, 5), Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp)).Value For Each cell In valuesOfRangeToModify cell = ... // remove numbers Next Range(Cells(8, 5), Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp)).Value = valuesOfRangeToModify 


作为参考,这里有一篇文章充满了有趣的build议,请参阅第4点以获得更多关于上述解决scheme的解释: http : //www.soa.org/news-and-publications/newsletters/compact/2012/january/com -2012-iss42,roper.aspx

也不要一次操作一个单元。 创build一个单元格的范围,并将其转移到数组进行处理。 最后,数组可以用来replace单元格。


 Sub remove_numbers() Dim i As Long, N as Long, r as Range Set r = Range("B3") ' Whatever is the first cell in the column N = Range(r, r.End(xlDown)).Rows.Count 'Count the rows in the column Set r = r.Resize(N,1) ' Expand the range with all the cells Dim values() as Variant values = r.Value ' Collect all the values from the sheet For i=1 to N values(i,1) = Split( values(i,1), "-")(1) Next i r.Value = values 'Replace values to the sheet End Sub 

为了使它更一般,你可以在过程中添加一个参数来传递对列中第一个单元格的引用,例如Sub remove_numbers(ByRef r as Range) 。 不需要closures屏幕,因为最后只有一个写入操作,而您希望屏幕在此之后更新。