

嗨,这是我第一次这样,放心,我已经花了几个小时寻找解决scheme。 我有一个状态列,显示状态,如删除,新build,更改。 当状态是“改变”时,我想比较E列中的特定行到Sheet3中Excel(XFD)中最后一个可能列到Sheet1中Excel列(XFD)中列A到最后一个可能列,并突出显示单元格这是不同的。


Dim diffB As Boolean Dim r As Long, c As Integer, m As Integer Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long, lc1 As Integer, lc2 As Integer Dim maxR As Long, maxC As Integer, cf1 As String, cf2 As String Dim rptWB As Workbook, DiffCount As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.StatusBar = "Creating the report..." Application.DisplayAlerts = True With Sheet1.UsedRange lr1 = .Rows.Count lc1 = .Columns.Count End With With Sheet3.UsedRange lr2 = .Rows.Count lc2 = .Columns.Count End With maxR = lr1 maxC = lc1 If maxR < lr2 Then maxR = lr2 If maxC < lc2 Then maxC = lc2 DiffCount = 0 For c = 1 To maxC For i = 2 To lr1 diffB = True Application.StatusBar = "Comparing cells " & Format(i / maxR, "0 %") & "..." For r = 2 To lr2 cf1 = "" cf2 = "" On Error Resume Next cf1 = Sheet1.Cells(i, c).FormulaLocal cf2 = Sheet3.Cells(r, c).FormulaLocal On Error GoTo 0 If cf1 = cf2 Then diffB = False Sheet1.Cells(i, c).Interior.ColorIndex = 19 Sheet1.Cells(i, c).Select Selection.Font.Bold = True Exit For End If Next r If diffB Then DiffCount = DiffCount + 1 Sheet1.Cells(i, c).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Sheet1.Cells(i, c).Select Selection.Font.Bold = False End If Next i Next c3 Application.StatusBar = "Formatting the report..." 'Columns("A:IV").ColumnWidth = 10 m = maxR - DiffCount - 1 Application.StatusBar = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox m & " cells contain same values!", vbInformation, _ "Compare " & Sheet1.Name & " with " & Sheet3.Name 





 Dim lrOne As Integer Dim lcOne As Integer Dim lrTwo As Integer Dim lcTwo As Integer Dim cellA As Variant Dim cellB As Variant Dim cellCnt As Integer Dim lookupRange As Range Dim lookinRange As Range lrOne = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row lrTwo = Sheet3.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row lcOne = Sheet1.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column lcTwo = Sheet3.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Set lookupRange = Sheet1.Range(Cells(1,5), Cells(lrOne, lcOne)) Set lookinRange = Sheet3.Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(lrTwo, lcTwo)) For Each cellA In lookupRange For Each cellB in lookinRange If cellA.Value = cellB.Value And cellA.Value <> "" Then cellB.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 cellCnt = cellCnt + 1 End If Next cellB Next cellA