Excel 2016 VBA不写入解锁单元格

我在Windows 10上运行Excel 2016。

我有一个非常简单的macros,可以读取工作表上的数据,并生成一系列汇总值,并将其写入工作表中的特定单元格。 失败的指令是: .Cells(nSumRow,nTester).Value = aSums(TstCount)

执行此命令时,系统返回错误代码1004.如果写入命令,它也会失败: Activesheet.Cells(nSumRow,nTester).Value = aSums(TstCount)





Function ProcessData(rData As Range) As String Dim nAreaRow As Long ' The current row within a range Dim nColumn As Long ' Dim nTotalMutations As Long ' The total allele variance Dim nUniqueMarkers As Long ' Number of unique markers with a mutation Dim nFirstMarker As Long ' Column of DYS393 Dim nLastMarker As Long ' Column of DYS565 Dim nModal As Long ' The Row where the Modal values are shown Dim aMarkers() As Long ' Container for the count of deviations Dim nArea As Long ' The current range being processed Dim nTester As Long ' Colunn for the Number of Haplotypes processed Dim nRaw ' Column for the Total(Raw) Mutations found in the range Dim nUnique ' Column for the Number of Unique Markers with Mutation Dim nAvg ' Column for the average Number of Mutations per Tester Dim nSumRow As Long ' Row where the summary values are to be placed Dim aSums() As Long Const TstCount = 1 Const TstUnique = 2 Const TstRaw = 3 Const TstAvg = 4 'Initialize common work variables nFirstMarker = GetColumn("393", ActiveSheet) nLastMarker = GetColumn("565", ActiveSheet) nModal = GetRow("393", ActiveSheet) + 1 nTester = GetColumn("Testers", ActiveSheet) nRaw = GetColumn("Raw", ActiveSheet) nUnique = GetColumn("Unique", ActiveSheet) nAvg = GetColumn("Avg", ActiveSheet) nSumRow = ActiveCell.Row ReDim aMarkers(nLastMarker + 1) ReDim aSums(6) With Worksheets("Sheet1") On Error GoTo ERROR_Submittal ' Process all Ranges that were selected For nArea = 1 To rData.Areas.Count ' Process all rows in this area For nAreaRow = 1 To rData.Areas(nArea).Rows.Count ' If there are no more rows, exit the loop and process the next range If IsError(rData.Areas(nArea).Item(nAreaRow, 1).Value) Then Exit For ' if this is not an empty row then If Not IsEmpty(rData.Areas(nArea).Item(nAreaRow, 1).Value) Then ' Bump the count of rows/Testors processed aSums(TstCount) = aSums(TstCount) + 1 ' scan all of the defined markers For nX = nFirstMarker To nLastMarker Step 1 ' compute up the Allele diversity aMarkers(nX) = Abs(.Cells(nModal, nX).Value - .Cells(rData.Areas(nArea).Item(nAreaRow, 1).Row, nX).Value) Next nX For nX = LBound(aMarkers) To UBound(aMarkers) If aMarkers(nX) > 0 Then aSums(TstUnique) = aSums(TstUnique) + 1 aSums(TstRaw) = aSums(TstRaw) + aMarkers(nX) aSums(TstAvg) = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(aSums(TstRaw) / aSums(TstCount), 0) End If Next nX End If Next nAreaRow Next nArea .Cells(nSumRow, nTester).Value = aSums(TstCount) .Cells(nSumRow, nRaw).Value = aSums(TstRaw) .Cells(nSumRow, nUnique).Value = aSums(TstUnique) .Cells(nSumRow, nAvg).Value = aSums(TstAvg) End With EXIT_Function: Exit Function ERROR_Submittal: GoTo EXIT_Function End Function