

我正在尝试使用Excel和vba创build一个批量文件夹创build器。 这是我第一次使用VBA,因为我通常专注于基于Web的语言,所以原谅我缺乏知识。 我已经有一些代码,只是把我正在努力的收尾。

目前,用户在给定的单元格中指定一个目录,并在另一个单元格中指定父文件的名称。 单击一个button后,macros将使用父文件单元中的目录和名称创build父文件夹。 然后使用应答者在运行macros时select的任何单元格的值创build子文件夹。

我目前正在为子文件夹内创build子文件夹(我将其称为孙子孙女)的下一个阶段苦苦挣扎。 如果所有子文件夹都有相同的孙子,这将是容易的,但事实并非如此。 我想要做的是获取每个单元格右侧的3个值定义子文件夹的名称,并使用它们来创build孙子,但是我目前正在使用我正在使用的代码的“无效限定符”消息(见下文)。

BasePath = Range("folder_path") 'Check if the project folder already exists and if so raise and error and exit If Dir(BasePath, vbDirectory) <> "" Then MsgBox BasePath & " already exists", , "Error" Else 'Create the project folder MkDir BasePath MsgBox "Parent folder creation complete" 'Loop through the 1st tier subfolders and create them For Each c In ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Cells 'create new folder path NewFolder = BasePath & "\" & c.Value 'create folder If fs.folderexists(NewFolder) Then 'do nothing Else MkDir NewFolder End If Next c 'Create GrandChildren For Each d In ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Cells 'Offset the selection to the right For Each e In d.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, 3).Cells Test = e.Value GrandChild = BasePath & "\" & d.Value & "\" & Test If fs.folderexists(GrandChild) Then 'do nothing Else MkDir GrandChild End If Next e Next d MsgBox "Sub-folder creation complete" End If End Sub 





Test = d.Offset(0, 1).Select

testing是一个string,你正在select一个单元格。 你应该试试这个:

 Test = d.Offset(0,1).Value 



  1. C:\ 2011 \testing\
  2. C:\ 2012 \testing
  3. C:\ 2013 \testing\ DeepTest \
  4. C:\ 2014 \testing\ DeeperTest \ DeeperStill


 Option Explicit Sub MakeDirectories() 'Author: Jerry Beaucaire, 7/11/2010 'Summary: Create directories and subdirectories based ' on the text strings listed in column A ' Parses parent directories too, no need to list separately ' 10/19/2010 - International compliant Dim Paths As Range Dim Path As Range Dim MyArr As Variant Dim pNum As Long Dim pBuf As String Dim Delim As String Set Paths = Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlConstants) Delim = Application.PathSeparator On Error Resume Next For Each Path In Paths MyArr = Split(Path, Delim) pBuf = MyArr(LBound(MyArr)) & Delim For pNum = LBound(MyArr) + 1 To UBound(MyArr) pBuf = pBuf & MyArr(pNum) & Delim MkDir pBuf Next pNum pBuf = "" Next Path Set Paths = Nothing End Sub 

还有一个UDF版本,并在这里find用于testing的示例文件。 仅供参考。