
我希望能够创build一个表格,其中一列是graphics,其他文字。 理想情况下,我会创build一个Excel电子表格,但我很确定没有R到Excel包可以将PDF写入单元格。 我想我可以用Knittr或Sweave一起破解一些东西,尽pipe我不知道如何。 有什么build议?







 \documentclass{article} \usepackage[table,dvipsnames]{xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor \usepackage[nomessages]{fp}% http://ctan.org/pkg/ \newlength{\maxlen} \newcommand{\databarright}[2][gray!25] {% \settowidth{\maxlen}{\maxnum}% \addtolength{\maxlen}{\dimexpr2\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}% \FPeval\result{round(#2/\maxnum:4)}% \rlap{\color{#1}\hspace*{\dimexpr-\tabcolsep+0.1\arrayrulewidth}\rule[-.05\ht\strutbox]{\result\maxlen}{.95\ht\strutbox}}% \makebox[\dimexpr\maxlen-2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth][r]{\phantom{XXX}}% } \newcommand{\databarleft}[2][red!25] {% \settowidth{\maxlen}{\maxnum}% \addtolength{\maxlen}{\dimexpr2\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth}% \FPeval\result{round(#2/\maxnum:4)}% \makebox[\dimexpr\maxlen-2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth][r]{\phantom{XXX}}% \llap{\color{#1}\rule[-.05\ht\strutbox]{\result\maxlen}{.95\ht\strutbox}\hspace*{\dimexpr-\tabcolsep-4\arrayrulewidth}}% } \begin{document} <<load_libraries, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, results ="hide">>= library(knitr) library(xtable) @ <<get_bar_df, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, results ="hide">>= #' @title get_databar creates labels for xtable in a dataframe #' @description It will create two new columns and fill them with values for xtable, it will use the last column #' @param data the dataframe #' @param colorpos one color for positive values that is interpretable by the xcolor dvips #' one of 68 standard colors known to dvips \link{https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Colors}, default "grey" #' @param colorneg one color for negative values default "red" #' @param transparent, the percentage of transparency passed to labels default 50 use zero for no transparency #' @param caption, caption passed to xtable. #' @param vline, add a vertical line at the end of the table default FALSE #' @return A dataframe with the last two columns edited for xtable get_bar_df <- function(data, colorpos = "grey", colorneg="red", transparent=50, caption="", vline=FALSE) { if (transparent!=0){ colorpos <- paste0(colorpos,"!",transparent) colorneg <- paste0(colorneg,"!",transparent) } the_col <- ncol(bsb) idxneg <- data[,the_col] < 0 idxpos <- data[,the_col] > 0 data[idxneg,"\\phantom{neg}"] <- paste0("\\databarleft[",colorneg,"]{", -data[idxneg,the_col],"}") data[idxpos,"\\phantom{pos}"] <- paste0("\\databarright[",colorpos,"]{", data[idxpos,the_col],"}") maxnum <<- max(abs(data[,the_col])) # value assigned in .GlobalEnv for later use by latex if (!vline) { xdata <-xtable(data, align = rep("l",ncol(data)+1), caption = caption) } else { xdata <-xtable(data, align = c(rep("l",ncol(data)),"|l"), caption = caption) } return(xdata) } @ <<test, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, results ="hide">>= library(plyr) library(dplyr) bsb <- select(baseball, id, year, g, r) %>% filter(year == 1872) %>% transform(gr = g - r) bsb1 <- select(baseball, id, year, g, r) %>% filter(year == 1873) %>% transform(gr = g - r) xbsb <- get_bar_df(data = bsb, caption="example with default values") xbsb1 <- get_bar_df(data = bsb1, colorpos = "MidnightBlue", colorneg = "Goldenrod", transparent = 60, caption = "Another example with MidnightBlue, Goldenrod, transparent= 60, vline=TRUE", vline=TRUE) print.xtable(xbsb, sanitize.text.function = identity, file = "bsb.tex", hline.after = NULL, include.rownames =FALSE) print(xbsb1, sanitize.text.function = identity, file = "bsb1.tex", hline.after = NULL, include.rownames =FALSE) @ % this must come after the chunk (maxnum is defined in the chunk) \newcommand{\maxnum} {% \Sexpr{maxnum} } \input{bsb.tex} \input{bsb1.tex} \end{document} 

一些代码来自这个优秀的post: https : //tex.stackexchange.com/questions/81994/partially-coloring-cell-background-with-histograms