
tab1我有一个数据透视表。 当我在该pivot table上双击小计数字256时,会popup一个新的工作表。 一切都如预期一样。

tab2 ,我在字段A1有一个公式。 此公式引用了数据透视表中的小计值(来自tab1)


A1显示256 。 。 。 正如在数据透视表中一样。



我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

对不起,延迟,但周末是在中间。 那么这里是我的答案,如何显示来自一个数据透视的数据,只是单击一个单元格内,另一个工作表,有GETPIVOTDATA公式。


请参阅图片: 重复所有项目标签 在这里输入图像说明

而旧的风格对我来说更好,最重要的是,macros(VBA) 在这里输入图像说明



 Sub getDataFromFormula(theFormulaSht As Worksheet, formulaCell As Range) Dim f Dim arrayF Dim i Dim L Dim iC Dim newArrayF() As Variant ' Dim rowLables_Sort() ' Dim rowLables_Sort_i() Dim T As Worksheet Dim rowRange_Labels As Range Dim shtPivot As Worksheet Dim shtPivotName Dim thePivot As PivotTable Dim numRows Dim numCols Dim colRowRange As Range Dim colRowSubRange As Range Dim First As Boolean Dim nR Dim nC Dim myCol Dim myRow Dim theRNG As Range Set T = theFormulaSht 'the sheet where the formula is '##################################### 'my example formula '=GETPIVOTDATA("EURO",P!$A$3,"Descripcion","Ingresos Netos de Terceros ,","Mes","July","CuentaCrest","310100","Descripción Crest","Net revenue third parties","Producto","AFR","SubProducto","AFRI","TM1","Net Revenue") '##################################### T.Activate 'go! f = formulaCell.Formula 'get the formula f = Replace(f, "=GETPIVOTDATA", "") 'delete some things... f = Replace(f, Chr(34), "") f = Replace(f, ",,", ",") 'in my data, there is ,, and I need to fix this... f = Right(f, Len(f) - 1) 'take the formual without parentesis. f = Left(f, Len(f) - 1) '#################################### 'Restult inside "f" 'EURO,P!$A$3,Descripcion,Ingresos Netos de Terceros ,Mes,July,CuentaCrest,310100,Descripción Crest,Net revenue third parties,Producto,AFR,SubProducto,AFRI,TM1,Net Revenue '#################################### arrayF = Split(f, ",") '#################################### 'Restult inside arrayF 'EURO,P!$A$3,Descripcion,Ingresos Netos de Terceros ,Mes,July,CuentaCrest,310100,Descripción Crest,Net revenue third parties,Producto,AFR,SubProducto,AFRI,TM1,Net Revenue '#################################### shtPivotName = arrayF(1) 'set (just) the name of the sheet with the pivot shtPivotName = Left(shtPivotName, InStr(1, shtPivotName, "!") - 1) Set shtPivot = Sheets(shtPivotName) 'set the var with the sheet that contents the pivot Set thePivot = shtPivot.PivotTables(1) 'store the pivot inside If shtPivot.Visible = False Then 'if the sheet with the pivot is hidden... set visible. shtPivot.Visible = xlSheetVisible End If shtPivot.Activate 'go there! numRows = thePivot.RowRange.Rows.Count - 1 'the number of rows of the row Range numCols = thePivot.RowRange.Columns.Count 'here the columns of the same range Set rowRange_Labels = thePivot.RowRange.Resize(1, numCols) 'with Resize get jus the labels above the RowRange (see the picture (1)) iC = -1 First = True For Each i In rowRange_Labels 'run the labels iC = -1 'set the counter If First Then 'check the flag to see if is the firt time... First = False 'set the flag to FALSE to go the other part of the IF next time Set colRowRange = Range(Cells(i.Row, i.Column), Cells(i.Row + numRows - 1, i.Column)) Do iC = iC + 1 'just to set the counter Loop While arrayF(iC) <> i.Value 'stop when gets equals and keep the counter 'in the array the values are just strings, 'but we know that is key-value pairs thats why adding +1 to iC we get the real info 'below the label nR = colRowRange.Find(arrayF(iC + 1)).Row 'just used here nC = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(colRowRange, arrayF(iC + 1)) + nR - 1 'here we count to set the range Set colRowSubRange = Range(Cells(nR, i.Column), Cells(nC, i.Column)) 'set the range myRow = colRowSubRange.Row 'here we get the row of the value Else Do 'this is simpler iC = iC + 1 Loop While arrayF(iC) <> i.Value 'againg... nR = colRowSubRange.Offset(, 1).Find(arrayF(iC + 1)).Row 'use the SubRange to get others subranges nC = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(colRowSubRange.Offset(, 1), arrayF(iC + 1)) + nR - 1 Set colRowSubRange = Range(Cells(nR, i.Column), Cells(nC, i.Column)) myRow = colRowSubRange.Row 'idem End If Next i numCols = thePivot.DataBodyRange.Columns.Count 'other part of the pivot... (see the picture (2)) Set theRNG = thePivot.DataBodyRange.Resize(1, numCols) 'just take the above labels Set theRNG = theRNG.Offset(-1, 0) iC = -1 For Each L In thePivot.ColumnFields 'for every label... Do iC = iC + 1 Loop While L <> arrayF(iC) 'idem myCol = theRNG.Find(arrayF(iC + 1), , , xlWhole).Column 'always will be just one column... Next L Cells(myRow, myCol).ShowDetail = True 'here is the magic!!! show all the data End Sub 


 Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Left(Target.Formula, 13) = "=GETPIVOTDATA" Then 'Check if there a formula GetPivotData getDataFromFormula Sheets(Me.Name), Target End If End Sub 



该公式被分割,你可以看到f ,到arrayF



这部分代码可以帮助我理解数据透视的内容。 使用相同的数据和主键,我运行代码:

 Sub rangePivot() Dim Pivot As PivotTable Dim rng As Range Dim P As Worksheet Dim D As Worksheet Dim S As Worksheet Dim i Set P = Sheets("P") 'the sheet with the pivot Set D = Sheets("D") 'the sheet with the data Set S = Sheets("S") 'the sheet with the cells with the formula S.Activate 'go Set Pivot = P.PivotTables("PivotTable1") 'store the pivot here... For i = 1 To Pivot.RowFields.Count Cells(i, 1).Value = Pivot.RowFields(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.ColumnFields.Count Cells(i, 2).Value = Pivot.ColumnFields(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.DataFields.Count Cells(i, 3).Value = Pivot.DataFields(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.DataLabelRange.Count Cells(i, 4).Value = Pivot.DataLabelRange.Address(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.DataLabelRange.Count Cells(i, 4).Value = Pivot.DataLabelRange.Address(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.DataFields.Count Cells(i, 5).Value = Pivot.DataFields(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.DataFields.Count Cells(i, 5).Value = Pivot.DataFields(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.DataFields.Count Cells(i, 5).Value = Pivot.DataFields(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.DataBodyRange.Count Cells(i, 6).Value = Pivot.DataBodyRange.Address(i) Next i For i = 1 To Pivot.DataLabelRange.Count Cells(i, 7).Value = Pivot.DataLabelRange.Address(i) Next i Cells(1, 8).Value = Pivot.ColumnGrand Cells(1, 9).Value = Pivot.RowRange.Address Cells(1, 11).Value = Pivot.TableRange1.Address Cells(1, 12).Value = Pivot.TableRange2.Address End Sub 

而且,像往常一样,如果你需要索姆帮助和改善与我联系。 希望这也帮助其他人。



一旦你build立起来了,你需要开发一些代码来确定小计单元的位置(因为这些代码很容易改变)。 一旦你有了这个地址,你可以使用Range([subtotal]).ShowDetail = True