
所以在参考SO中的一些话题后,我的出口function正式工作了,但是汉字问题。 在我从数据库导出数据到CSV后,我打开我的朋友电脑(操作系统赢得XP,硕士Excel 2007)与这台电脑我可以显示中国字符没有任何问题(在MS Excel中)。

但是当我打开我的电脑(操作系统赢得7,硕士excel 2007)它没有显示正确的字符为中国的措辞。 以下是我的输出和完整的代码。

原始数据: 美不勝收價 ,出口后: ÃÀ²»RÝÊÕPù


 <?php //Set maximum memory limit ini_set('memory_limit', '50M'); //Load require('includes/application_top.php'); //Var $product_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['product_id']); $file = 'product_export'; //Language $language_array = array( '1' => '1', '2' => '4', '3' => '6' ); //Chinese CODE $chinese_encoding = "GB2312"; //GB2312 if(isset($product_id)) { //We need to escape comma and double quote function escape_csv_value($value) { $value = str_replace('"', '""', $value); // First off escape all " and make them "" if(preg_match('/,/', $value) or preg_match("/\n/", $value) or preg_match('/"/', $value)) { // Check if I have any commas or new lines return '"'.$value.'"'; // If I have new lines or commas escape them } else { return $value; // If no new lines or commas just return the value } } //CSV Header $data = ""; $row_output = array(); $row_output[] = "Product Code"; $row_output[] = "Barcode"; $row_output[] = "Name (EN)"; $row_output[] = "Name (CN)"; $row_output[] = "Name (BM)"; $row_output[] = "Model"; $row_output[] = "Cost"; $row_output[] = "Price"; $row_output[] = "Quantity"; $row_output[] = "Weight"; $row_output[] = "Keyword"; $row_output[] = "Image Url"; $row_output[] = "Descrription (EN)"; $row_output[] = "Descrription (CN)"; $row_output[] = "Descrription (BM)"; $row_output[] = "Screenshot 1"; $row_output[] = "Screenshot 2"; $row_output[] = "Screenshot 3"; $row_output[] = "Screenshot 4"; $row_output[] = "Screenshot 5"; $row_output[] = "Screenshot 6"; $row_output[] = "Screenshot 7"; $row_output[] = "Screenshot 8"; $row_output[] = "Manufacturer Name"; $row_output[] = "Product ID"; $data .= join(',', $row_output)."\n"; // Join all values without any trailing commas and add a new line //$values = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE products_id IN ( ".$product_id." )"); $values = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE products_id='151' "); $row_output = array(); while ($rowr = tep_db_fetch_array($values)) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_code"]); $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_bar_code"]); //Name foreach ($language_array as $lang) { if ($lang == '1') { $description1 = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products_description` WHERE products_id = '" . $rowr["products_id"] . "' and language_id='1'"); $row_description1 = tep_db_fetch_array($description1); if (preg_match("/\p{Han}+/u", $row_description1["products_name"])) { $products_name_UTF_1 = mb_convert_encoding(escape_csv_value($row_description1["products_name"]), $chinese_encoding, "UTF-8"); } else { $products_name_UTF_1 = mb_convert_encoding(escape_csv_value($row_description1["products_name"]), $chinese_encoding, "HTML-ENTITIES"); } $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($products_name_UTF_1); } elseif ($lang == '6') { $description6 = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products_description` WHERE products_id = '" . $rowr["products_id"] . "' and language_id='6'"); $row_description6 = tep_db_fetch_array($description6); if (preg_match("/\p{Han}+/u", $row_description6["products_name"])) { $products_name_UTF_6 = mb_convert_encoding(escape_csv_value($row_description6["products_name"]), $chinese_encoding, "UTF-8"); } else { $products_name_UTF_6 = mb_convert_encoding(escape_csv_value($row_description6["products_name"]), $chinese_encoding, "HTML-ENTITIES"); } $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($products_name_UTF_6); } elseif ($lang == '4') { $description4 = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products_description` WHERE products_id = '" . $rowr["products_id"] . "' and language_id='4'"); $row_description4 = tep_db_fetch_array($description4); if (preg_match("/\p{Han}+/u", $row_description4["products_name"])) { $products_name_UTF_4 = mb_convert_encoding(escape_csv_value($row_description4["products_name"]), $chinese_encoding, "UTF-8"); } else { $products_name_UTF_4 = mb_convert_encoding(escape_csv_value($row_description4["products_name"]), $chinese_encoding, "HTML-ENTITIES"); } $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($products_name_UTF_4); } } if($rowr["products_model"]) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_model"]); } else { $row_output[] = " "; } if($rowr["products_cost"]) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_cost"]); } else { $row_output[] = " "; } if($rowr["products_price"]) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_price"]); } else { $row_output[] = " "; } if($rowr["products_quantity"]) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_quantity"]); } else { $row_output[] = " "; } if($rowr["products_weight"]) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_weight"]); } else { $row_output[] = " "; } if($rowr["products_keyword"]) { if (preg_match("/\p{Han}+/u", $rowr["products_keyword"])) { $products_keyword_UTF = mb_convert_encoding(escape_csv_value($rowr["products_keyword"]), $chinese_encoding, "UTF-8"); //this is chinese } else { $products_keyword_UTF = mb_convert_encoding(escape_csv_value($rowr["products_keyword"]), "HTML-ENTITIES", "UTF-8"); //this is UTF8 } } else { $products_keyword_UTF = " "; } $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($products_keyword_UTF); $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_image"]); //Description foreach ($language_array as $lang) { if ($lang == '1') { $description1 = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products_description` WHERE products_id = '" . $rowr["products_id"] . "' and language_id='1'"); $row_description1 = tep_db_fetch_array($description1); if (preg_match("/\p{Han}+/u", $row_description1["products_description"])) { $products_description_UTF_1 = mb_convert_encoding($row_description1["products_description"], $chinese_encoding, "UTF-8"); } else { $products_description_UTF_1 = mb_convert_encoding($row_description1["products_description"], $chinese_encoding, "HTML-ENTITIES"); } if ($products_description_UTF_1) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($products_description_UTF_1); } else { $row_output[] = " "; } } elseif ($lang == '6') { $description6 = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products_description` WHERE products_id = '" . $rowr["products_id"] . "' and language_id='6'"); $row_description6 = tep_db_fetch_array($description6); if (preg_match("/\p{Han}+/u", $row_description6["products_description"])) { $products_description_UTF_6 = mb_convert_encoding($row_description6["products_description"], $chinese_encoding, "UTF-8"); } else { $products_description_UTF_6 = mb_convert_encoding($row_description6["products_description"], $chinese_encoding, "HTML-ENTITIES"); } if ($products_description_UTF_6) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($products_description_UTF_6); } else { $lang6 = "1"; } } elseif ($lang == '4') { $description4 = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products_description` WHERE products_id = '" . $rowr["products_id"] . "' and language_id='4'"); $row_description4 = tep_db_fetch_array($description4); if (preg_match("/\p{Han}+/u", $row_description4["products_description"])) { $products_description_UTF_4 = mb_convert_encoding($row_description4["products_description"], $chinese_encoding, "UTF-8"); } else { $products_description_UTF_4 = mb_convert_encoding($row_description4["products_description"], $chinese_encoding, "HTML-ENTITIES"); } if ($products_description_UTF_4) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($products_description_UTF_4); } else { $lang4 = "1"; } } } if ($lang6 == '1') { $row_output[] = " "; } elseif ($lang4 == '1') { $row_output[] = " "; } //Screenshot $query_screenshot = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM `products_screenshot` WHERE products_id = '" . $rowr["products_id"] . "' and main='0' LIMIT 8"); $ss_i = 0; while ($row_ss = tep_db_fetch_array($query_screenshot)) { $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($row_ss['thumbnail']); if(escape_csv_value($row_ss['thumbnail'])) { $ss_i ++; } } //Fix if screenshot no value we create dummy column for this $ss_i_total = 8 - $ss_i; for ($i=1; $i<=$ss_i_total; $i++) { $row_output[] = " "; } //Manufacturer $query_get_manufacturers_id = tep_db_query("SELECT * from `manufacturers` WHERE manufacturers_id='" . $rowr["manufacturers_id"] . "' "); $manufacturers_id_result = tep_db_fetch_array($query_get_manufacturers_id); $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($manufacturers_id_result["manufacturers_name"]); $row_output[] = escape_csv_value($rowr["products_id"]); $data .= join(',', $row_output)."\n"; $row_output = ''; // Clear the contents of the $row variable to start a new row } } $filename = $file . "_" . date("dm-Y__H-iA"); header("Content-type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8"); header("Content-disposition: csv" . date("Ymd") . ".csv"); header("Content-disposition: filename=" . $filename . ".csv"); print $data; exit; ?>