

excell_app.createHeaders(1, 1, "Product_1", "A1", "A1", "n"); 

它说"Product_1"我需要它循环我的数组中的所有项目,它说"A1", "A1"我需要它获得下一个值,即"B2","B2"

我不确定我应该使用哪个循环,因为我需要一个for next来通过我的数组,但是然后我需要增加"B2","B2"的位置的值,


 foreach (string value in ProductName) { excell_app.createHeaders(1, 1, "+ value +", "A1", "A1", "n"); } 



 char X='A'+1; X++ 

该列基本上是一个基本的26号码,只使用字母作为其符号。 唯一奇怪的是没有零符号。


 private static string ExcelCellReference(int col, int row) { return ExcelColumnReference(col) + row; } private static string ExcelColumnReference(int col) { if (col <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("col", "Value must be greater than or equal to 1."); } string columnString = ""; do { col--; int remainder; // Math.DivRem divides by 26 and also gets the remainder. col = Math.DivRem(col, 26, out remainder); columnString = (char)('A' + remainder) + columnString; } while (col > 0); return columnString; } 

ExcelCellReference(1, 1)将返回A1ExcelCellReference(28, 2)将返回AB2等。

 private String getColumnHeader(int column) { column--; if (column >= 0 && column < 26) { return (Char)('A' + column) + ""; } else { return getColumnHeader(column / 26) + getColumnHeader(column % 26 + 1); } } private int getColumnIndex(String reference) { int retVal = 0; retVal += reference.Substring(reference.Length - 1)[0] - 'A'; if (reference.Length > 1) { reference = reference.Substring(0, reference.Length - 1); retVal += 26 * getColumnIndex(reference); } return retVal + 1; }