

NumRowsNumRowSTGSales的值分别是4000和8000。 当我运行代码时,Excel只是挂起

 Dim curRowNo As Long curRowNo = 2 NumRowSTGSales = Worksheets("Worksheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count ' Set numrows = number of rows of data. NumRows = Worksheets("Worksheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count ' Select cell a1. ' Looping through GL accounts 'Looping through items in GL accounts For y = 2 To NumRows 'Looping through customer code found in sales data For z = 2 To NumRowSTGSales dataGL = Worksheets("Worksheet1").Cells(y, "A").Value dataItem = Worksheets("Worksheet1").Cells(y, "B").Value itemSales = Worksheets("Worksheet2").Cells(z, "F").Value If dataItem = itemSales Then dataCustomer = Worksheets("Worksheet2").Cells(z, "E").Value Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").Cells(curRowNo, "A").Value = dataGL Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").Cells(curRowNo, "B").Value = dataItem Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").Cells(curRowNo, "C").Value = dataCustomer curRowNo = curRowNo + 1 End If Next z Next y 

下面的代码使用VLookup函数加速了这个过程。 我对它进行了testing,但是我不确切知道Excel工作表中的数据types – 可以上传每个工作表的标题和1-2行数据的屏幕快照,只是为了了解您的数据types有,也是logging表的结构。


 Sub Compare_Large_Setup() Dim curRowNo As Long curRowNo = 2 NumRowSTGSales = Worksheets("Worksheet1").UsedRange.Rows.count ' Set numrows = number of rows of data. NumRows = Worksheets("Worksheet2").UsedRange.Rows.count Dim VlookupRange As Range Dim result As Variant ' set Range of VLookup at Worksheet2 Set VlookupRange = Worksheets("Worksheet2").Range("F2:F" & NumRows) 'Looping through items in GL accounts For y = 2 To NumRowSTGSales On Error Resume Next result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Worksheets("Worksheet1").Cells(y, "B"), VlookupRange, 1, False) ' no match was found with VLlookup >> advance 1 in NEXT loop If Err.Number = 1004 Then GoTo ExitFor: End If ' successful match found with VLookup function >> copy the records to "CurrentWorksheet" sheet Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").Cells(curRowNo, "A").Value = Worksheets("Worksheet1").Cells(y, "A").Value Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").Cells(curRowNo, "B").Value = result Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").Cells(curRowNo, "C").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Worksheets("Worksheet1").Cells(y, "B"), VlookupRange, 4, False) curRowNo = curRowNo + 1 ExitFor: Next y End Sub 

您错过了其中一行中的引号。 一个快速的解决方法,但可能不是解决问题的办法是在循环中添加一个“DoEvents”,以防止冻结。

 Dim curRowNo As Long curRowNo = 2 NumRowSTGSales = Worksheets("Worksheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count ' Set numrows = number of rows of data. NumRows = Worksheets("Worksheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count ' Select cell a1. ' Looping through GL accounts 'Looping through items in GL accounts For y = 2 To NumRows 'Looping through customer code found in sales data For Z = 2 To NumRowSTGSales dataGL = Worksheets("Worksheet1").cells(y, "A").Value dataItem = Worksheets("Worksheet1").cells(y, "B").Value itemSales = Worksheets("Worksheet2").cells(Z, "F").Value If dataItem = itemSales Then dataCustomer = Worksheets("Worksheet2").cells(Z, "E").Value Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").cells(curRowNo, "A").Value = dataGL Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").cells(curRowNo, "B").Value = dataItem Worksheets("CurrentWorksheet").cells(curRowNo, "C").Value = dataCustomer curRowNo = curRowNo + 1 End If DoEvents Next Z DoEvents Next y 




 Dim itemCustSalesWS As Worksheet Set itemCustSalesWS = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sales item customer pivot") Dim itemCustSalesPivot As PivotTable Set itemCustSalesPivot = itemCustSalesWS.PivotTables("Item Customer Pivot sales") itemCustSalesPivot.PivotFields("Item_Code").Orientation = xlPageField 'Filtering here Dim pf As PivotField Set pf = Worksheets("Sales item customer pivot").PivotTables("Item Customer Pivot sales").PivotFields("Item_Code") With pf .ClearAllFilters .CurrentPage = dataItem End With With itemCustSalesWS.UsedRange itemCustfirstrow = .Row itemCustfirstcol = .Column itemCustlastrow = .Rows(UBound(.Value)).Row itemCustlastcol = .Columns(UBound(.Value, 2)).Column End With 'The following loop runs for the current filtered item FROM SEQUENCE 1 IN SALES ITEM CUSTOMER PIVOT, and maps 'their amount in front of the GL accounts and items For z = 4 To itemCustlastrow - 1 'Logic for calculation of Sequence 4 goes here dataCustomer = Worksheets("Sales item customer pivot").Cells(z, "A").Value sumItemCust = Worksheets("Sales item customer pivot").Cells(z, "B").Value Worksheets("Item customer mapping").Cells(curRowNo, "A").Value = dataGL Worksheets("Item customer mapping").Cells(curRowNo, "B").Value = dataItem Worksheets("Item customer mapping").Cells(curRowNo, "C").Value = dataCustomer Worksheets("Item customer mapping").Cells(curRowNo, "D").Value = seq1Amount Worksheets("Item customer mapping").Cells(curRowNo, "E").Value = volumePerItem Worksheets("Item customer mapping").Cells(curRowNo, "F").Value = sumItemCust 
