C#/ Excel:在图表上处理最大系列大小


根据http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP100738491033.aspx在Excel 2007图表上可显示的最大点数是256000.考虑到每个系列在32000点上限,需要8个系列绘制完整的256000点。 由于我们使用的大型数据集,我的客户需要绘制每个图表的最大点数。

我对C#/ Excel interop有适度的经验,所以我认为可以很容易地编程创build一个工作表,然后循环遍历每一组32000点,并将它们作为一个系列添加到图中,当数据完全绘制时停止或8个系列被绘制。 如果着色正确,8系列将在一个系列视觉上难以区分。

不幸的是我在这里。 我遇到的主要问题是:

(全尺寸) 在二维图表的数据系列中,您可以使用的最大数据点数量为32,000 … http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/9630/errormessagen.png


chart.ChartType = chartType(其中chartType是xlXYScatterLines)http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/2413/linean.png


来自HRESULT的exception:0x800AC472 http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/5153/exceptionb.png

我甚至不明白在我甚至指定要绘制数据之前,我怎么会产生这样的popup/警告/exception。 Excel试图在这里很聪明吗?

作为一个临时解决方法,我已经把chart.ChartType = chartType语句放到try-catch块中,这样我就可以继续下去了。

如下所示,我的“块”代码正在按预期工作,但在将数据添加到graphics时仍然遇到同样的问题。 Excel表示,我试图绘制太多点,当我清楚我不是。

( 全尺寸图片 ) 带监视窗口的代码块http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5360/snippet.png




public void DrawScatterGraph(string xColumnLetter, string yColumnLetterStart, string yColumnLetterStop, string xAxisLabel, string yAxisLabel, string chartTitle, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlChartType chartType, bool includeTrendline, bool includeLegend) { int totalRows = dataSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; //dataSheet is a private class variable that //is already properly set to the worksheet //we want to graph from if (totalRows < 2) throw new Exception("Not generating graph for " + chartTitle.Replace('\n', ' ') + " because not enough data was present"); ChartObjects charts = (ChartObjects)dataSheet.ChartObjects(Type.Missing); ChartObject chartObj = charts.Add(100, 300, 500, 300); Chart chart = chartObj.Chart; try { chart.ChartType = chartType; } catch { } //i don't know why this is throwing an exception, but i'm //going to bulldoze through this problem temporarily if (totalRows < SizeOfSeries) //we can graph the data in a single series - yay! { Range xValues = dataSheet.get_Range(xColumnLetter + "2", xColumnLetter + totalRows.ToString()); Range yValues = dataSheet.get_Range(yColumnLetterStart + "1", yColumnLetterStop + totalRows.ToString()); chart.SetSourceData(yValues, XlRowCol.xlColumns); SeriesCollection seriesCollection = (SeriesCollection)chart.SeriesCollection(Type.Missing); foreach (Series s in seriesCollection) { s.XValues = xValues; } } else // we need to split the data across multiple series -- this doesn't work yet { int startRow = 1; while (startRow < totalRows) { int stopRow = (startRow + SizeOfSeries)-1; if (stopRow > totalRows) stopRow = totalRows; Range curRange = dataSheet.get_Range(yColumnLetterStart + startRow.ToString(), yColumnLetterStop + stopRow.ToString()); try { ((SeriesCollection)chart.SeriesCollection(Type.Missing)).Add(curRange, XlRowCol.xlColumns, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new Exception(yColumnLetterStart + startRow.ToString() + "!" + yColumnLetterStop + stopRow.ToString() + "!" + exc.Message); } startRow = stopRow+1; } } chart.HasLegend = includeLegend; chart.HasTitle = true; chart.ChartTitle.Text = chartTitle; Axis axis; axis = (Axis)chart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory, XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); axis.HasTitle = true; axis.AxisTitle.Text = xAxisLabel; axis.HasMajorGridlines = false; axis.HasMinorGridlines = false; axis = (Axis)chart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue, XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); axis.HasTitle = true; axis.AxisTitle.Text = yAxisLabel; axis.HasMajorGridlines = true; axis.HasMinorGridlines = false; if (includeTrendline) { Trendlines t = (Trendlines)((Series)chart.SeriesCollection(1)).Trendlines(Type.Missing); t.Add(XlTrendlineType.xlLinear, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, 0, 0, Type.Missing, false, false, "AutoTrendlineByChameleon"); } chart.Location(XlChartLocation.xlLocationAsNewSheet, "Graph"); } 


select不在数据旁边的空白单元格,然后插入图表。 这将是空白的,而不是预先填充。

您的图表是否必须在Excel中? 有了这么多的数据点,性能将是可怕的。

一个build议可能是使用第三方组件来生成图。 如何做到这一点的具体技术取决于你是否必须能够在Excel中查看数据或输出graphics是否需要在别处可用。


如果您确实需要使用excel查看graphics,则可以调用外部graphics应用程序并将其传递给一组数据点。 当它返回的图像插入它与Excel中的Excel。


另外,其他考虑因素可能包括您是否需要在图表上具有向下钻取function。 有了这许多数据点,我无法想象你会。


  1. 什么样的用户界面将呈现这些项目的输出? (如Excel,ASP.NET Web应用程序,Windows窗体,WPF,Silverlight等)。

  2. 这些图应该是根据用户的要求实时生成的,还是生成并存储的? 如果它们是按需生成的,那么用户可以接受的等待时间的最长时间是多less?

  3. 你真的使用Excel有多重要? 您是否使用它,因为这是显示的要求,或者只是方便吗?

  4. 显示图表的“哇因素”有多重要? 是简单地有图表,还是他们必须非常漂亮?

  5. 用户是否需要任何能力深入图表,或者只是能够查看图像足够?


  public void DrawScatterGraph(string xColumnLetter, string yColumnLetterStart, string yColumnLetterStop, string xAxisLabel, string yAxisLabel, string chartTitle, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlChartType chartType, bool includeTrendline, bool includeLegend) { int totalRows = dataSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; //dataSheet is a private class variable that //is already properly set to the worksheet //we want to graph from if (totalRows < 2) throw new Exception("Not generating graph for " + chartTitle.Replace('\n', ' ') + " because not enough data was present"); dataSheet.get_Range("Z1", "Z2").Select(); //we need to select some empty space //so Excel doesn't try to jam the //potentially large data set into the //chart automatically ChartObjects charts = (ChartObjects)dataSheet.ChartObjects(Type.Missing); ChartObject chartObj = charts.Add(100, 300, 500, 300); Chart chart = chartObj.Chart; chart.ChartType = chartType; SeriesCollection seriesCollection = (SeriesCollection)chart.SeriesCollection(Type.Missing); if (totalRows < SizeOfSeries) //we can graph the data in a single series - yay! { Range xValues = dataSheet.get_Range(xColumnLetter + "2", xColumnLetter + totalRows.ToString()); Range yValues = dataSheet.get_Range(yColumnLetterStart + "1", yColumnLetterStop + totalRows.ToString()); chart.SetSourceData(yValues, XlRowCol.xlColumns); foreach (Series s in seriesCollection) { s.XValues = xValues; } } else // we need to split the data across multiple series { int startRow = 2; while (startRow < totalRows) { int stopRow = (startRow + SizeOfSeries)-1; if (stopRow > totalRows) stopRow = totalRows; Series s = seriesCollection.NewSeries(); s.Name = "ChunkStartingAt" + startRow.ToString(); s.XValues = dataSheet.get_Range(xColumnLetter + startRow.ToString(), xColumnLetter + stopRow.ToString()); s.Values = dataSheet.get_Range(yColumnLetterStart + startRow.ToString(), yColumnLetterStop + stopRow.ToString()); startRow = stopRow+1; } } chart.HasLegend = includeLegend; chart.HasTitle = true; chart.ChartTitle.Text = chartTitle; Axis axis; axis = (Axis)chart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory, XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); axis.HasTitle = true; axis.AxisTitle.Text = xAxisLabel; axis.HasMajorGridlines = false; axis.HasMinorGridlines = false; axis = (Axis)chart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue, XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); axis.HasTitle = true; axis.AxisTitle.Text = yAxisLabel; axis.HasMajorGridlines = true; axis.HasMinorGridlines = false; if (includeTrendline) { Trendlines t = (Trendlines)((Series)chart.SeriesCollection(1)).Trendlines(Type.Missing); t.Add(XlTrendlineType.xlLinear, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, 0, 0, Type.Missing, false, false, "AutoTrendlineByChameleon"); } chart.Location(XlChartLocation.xlLocationAsNewSheet, "Graph"); }