运行时错误9 – 将下划线复制到新的wrokbook时超出范围


Private Sub btn_conact_Click() Dim projectref As String Dim savelocation As String Dim projectSearchRange As Range Dim LastRow As Integer 'set search value (porject key - unique) projectref = cmb_Project.Value Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'find the project reference in the tracking spreadsheet Sheets("Project Tracking").Activate Set projectSearchRange = Range("A:A").Find(projectref, , xlValues, xlWhole) LastRow = projectSearchRange.Row 'file directory to save the new workbook in savelocation = Cells(LastRow, 5).Value 'template for the contact list Sheets("Contact List").Activate Cells(7, 3).Value = projectref 'create new workbook Set newWorkbook = Workbooks.Add With newWorkbook .Title = "Contact List for Project" & projectref .SaveAs Filename:=savelocation & "/" & projectref & "Contact_List.xlsx" End With 'Windows("Project tracker spreadsheet VBA").Activate Sheets("Contact List").Copy Before:=Workbooks(projectref & "Contact_List.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1") 'runtime error 9: subscript out of range Windows(projectref & " Contact_List.xlsx").Activate Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 


我的问题是,任何人都可以看到我可能犯了一个错误,会导致这个错误? 已成功创build新的工作簿并将其保存在指定的位置,但是当它试图从旧工作簿(Project跟踪器电子表格VBA)复制所需的工作表到由此代码创build的新工作簿时,就会垮台。

首先,关于您的错误,您已经使用Set newWorkbook = Workbooks.Add定义和设置新的工作Set newWorkbook = Workbooks.Add ,那么为什么不在工作簿之间的“联系人列表”表单中使用它。

要在工作簿之间复制工作表,您需要完全限定Worksheet对象, ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Contact List").Copy Before:=NewWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")

其次,最好避免使用Activate ,直接使用完全合格的RangeWorksheets


 Option Explicit Private Sub btn_conact_Click() Dim projectref As String Dim savelocation As String Dim projectSearchRange As Range Dim LastRow As Integer Dim NewWorkbook As Workbook 'set search value (porject key - unique) projectref = cmb_Project.Value Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'find the project reference in the tracking spreadsheet With Sheets("Project Tracking") Set projectSearchRange = .Range("A:A").Find(projectref, , xlValues, xlWhole) If Not projectSearchRange Is Nothing Then '<-- verify that find was successful LastRow = projectSearchRange.Row 'file directory to save the new workbook in savelocation = .Cells(LastRow, 5).Value Else '<-- find was unsuccessful MsgBox "Unable to find " & projectref Exit Sub End If End With 'template for the contact list Sheets("Contact List").Cells(7, 3).Value = projectref 'create new workbook Set NewWorkbook = Workbooks.Add With NewWorkbook .Title = "Contact List for Project" & projectref .SaveAs Filename:=savelocation & "/" & projectref & "Contact_List.xlsx" End With ' ===== Fixed the error on thie line ===== ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Contact List").Copy Before:=NewWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") NewWorkbook.Activate '<-- not sure why you want to Activate, but here you go Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 

我不知道如何在评论中插入代码,所以使用答案空间来指导你。 它显示Windows(“项目跟踪器电子表格VBA”)不可用。 可能是窗口文本不正确。 为了证实这一点。 请在下面的代码行中插入注释掉的行。 这可能会给你一些线索。

 found = False For Each Item In Windows Debug.Print Item.Caption If Item.Caption = "Project tracker spreadsheet VBA" Then found = True Exit For End If Next If Not found Then MsgBox "Window(Project tracker spreadsheet VBA) - Not found" End If