
我编写了一个Delphi程序,将一个.XLS文件的几个不同电子表格中的数据提取并合并到一个文本文件中供以后处理。 这是一个Delphi 7 控制台程序。


uses ... ActiveX, ComObj ... ; procedure Fatal(s:string); ... Halt(1); var ExcelApp:Variant; (* global var *) begin (* main program block *) coInitialize(nil); ExcelApp:=CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); try ExcelApp.Visible:=False; ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open(ExcelFileName); ... XLSSheet := ExcelApp.Worksheets[ExcelSheetName]; ... try XLSRange := XLSSheet.Range[ExcelRangeName]; except Fatal('Range "'+ExcelRangeName+'" not found'); end; if VarIsNull(XLSRange) then Fatal('Range '+ExcelRangeName+' not found'); for row:=XLSRange.Row to XLSRange.Rows[XLSRange.Rows.Count].Row do for col:=XLSRange.Column to XLSRange.Columns[XLSRange.Columns.Count].Column do CellValue:=XLSSheet.Cells[Row,Col].Value; ... if CellValue<>'' then ... ... ExcelApp.Workbooks.Close; ... finally ExcelApp.Quit; coUninitialize; end; end. 

有时,程序退出时,XLS将保持locking状态。 看看任务pipe理器,我看到当客户端程序运行时启动的Excel.exe进程仍在运行,eventhoug客户端程序已经退出并成功卸载。

你碰巧知道这种行为的通常嫌疑犯是什么? 有什么想法在客户端执行时总是卸载excel?

您需要发布ExcelApp变体。 它仍然保持1的引用计数,因此Excel并没有完全closures。


 finally ExcelApp.Quit; ExcelApp := Unassigned; // Add this line coUninitialize; end; 


 // Add two buttons to a form, and declare a private form field. // Add OnClick handlers to the two buttons, and use the code provided. // Run the app, and click Button1. Wait until Excel is shown, and then click // Button2 to close it. See the comments in the Button2Click event handler. type TForm1=class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private ExcelApp: Variant; end; implementation uses ComObj; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ExcelApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); ExcelApp.Visible := True; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin ExcelApp.Visible := False; ExcelApp.Quit; // Leave the next line commented, run the app, and click the button. // After exiting your app NORMALLY, check Task Manager processes, and you'll // see an instance of Excel.exe still running, even though it's not // in the Applications tab. // // Do an "end process" in Task Manager to remove the orphaned instance // of Excel.exe left from the above. Uncomment the next line of code // and repeat the process, again closing your app normally after clicking // Button2. You'll note that Excel.exe is no longer in // Task Manager Processes after closing your app. // ExcelApp := Unassigned; end; end. 


 fExcel.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Range[ fExcel.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells[3, 2], fExcel.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells[3+i,1+XL_PT_Tip_FieldCount] ].Formula := VarArr; 


 cl := fExcel.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells[3, 2]; ch := fExcel.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells[3+i,1+XL_PT_Tip_FieldCount]; fExcel.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Range[cl, ch].Formula := VarArr; 


 sheetDynamicHb := fExcel.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets['Dynamics Hb']; cl := sheetDynamicHb.Cells[52, 2]; ch := sheetDynamicHb.Cells[52+i, 2+3]; sheetDynamicHb.Range[cl, ch].Formula := VarArr; 

不知怎的,引入临时variables( cl,ch: Variant )是不可能的。 这看起来像嵌套的Excelvariables访问奇怪。 我无法解释为什么这样的工作,但它的工作..

我面临着同样的问题,试图closures“僵尸”Excel进程(那些保持运行,如果我从我的应用程序启动,然后强制终止应用程序)。 我尝试了所有build议的行动,没有运气。 最后,我创build了一个组合的杀手程序,如果通常的COM方法没有帮助,就可以使用WinApi强大的技巧。

 procedure KillExcel(var App: Variant); var ProcID: DWORD; hProc: THandle; hW: HWND; begin hW := App.Application.Hwnd; // close with usual methods App.DisplayAlerts := False; App.Workbooks.Close; App.Quit; App := Unassigned; // close with WinApi if not IsWindow(hW) then Exit; // already closed? GetWindowThreadProcessId(hW, ProcID); hProc := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, ProcID); TerminateProcess(hProc, 0); end;