
我有一个Excel中的自动过滤表。 我必须根据特定的条件复制粘贴值,我必须在特定列中的所有可见单元格上执行此操作。 我已经写了代码,它运作良好,但唯一的事情是,它需要很多时间,因为有很多行。 任何人都可以请帮助我如何捶打所需的时间? 这是代码。 谢谢!

Sub TrialAnotherOne() Windows("Epson Itemcodes.xlsm").Activate Range("A" & i).Select Selection.Copy Windows("Epson ASINs.xlsx").Activate Range("U1048576").End(xlUp).Offset(0, -12).Select If ActiveCell.Value <> "Itemcode" Then If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then ActiveSheet.Paste Else If ActiveCell.Value = Workbooks("Epson Itemcodes.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value Then ActiveSheet.Paste Else ActiveCell.Value = "Conflct" End If End If Else Windows("Epson Itemcodes.xlsm").Activate Range("I" & i).Value = "No match found" End If If ActiveCell.Value <> "Itemcode" Then With ActiveSheet Do ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Activate Do While ActiveCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Activate Loop If ActiveCell.Value <> "Itemcode" Then If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then ActiveSheet.Paste Else If ActiveCell.Value = Workbooks("Epson Itemcodes.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value Then ActiveSheet.Paste Else ActiveCell.Value = "Conflct" End If End If Else Exit Do End If Loop End With End If End Sub 



 Sub CopyFilteredColumn() Dim Target As Range 'Size the Target range to fit the table 'Define the starting row "C1:J19" 'Extend the Target range to the last row .Range("C" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp) 'Column C is used because it will never have blank cells With Worksheets("Source Sheet") Set Target = .Range("C1:J19", .Range("C" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) End With Target.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">40", Operator:=xlAnd 'Header and data 'Copy the visible cells of the 3rd column of the table Target.Columns(3).Copy Worksheets("Target Sheet").Range("A1") 'Data only - Includes 1 blank cell at the end Target.Offset(1).Columns(3).Copy Worksheets("Target Sheet").Range("C1") End Sub