

A | B -------------------------------------- 123 main street | 123 234 cello street | 456 449 w 3rd street | 585 1098 folsom blvd | 1098 2323 new york street | 1088 676 cherry street | 676 




如果文本存在,会得到1,如果不是,则为0。 那是你要的吗?

这可能不是最高性能的方式,但是有一个方便的VBAfunction可以将范围转换为CSV,并且在这里。 (按Alt + F11键以访问VBA开发人员,并将其放入新模块中):

 '********************************************** '* PURPOSE: Concatenates range contents into a '* delimited text string '* '* FUNCTION SIGNATURE: Range2Csv(Range, String) '* '* PARAMETERS: '* Range - the range of cells whose contents '* will be included in the CSV result '* String - delimiter used to separate values '* (Optional, defaults to a comma) '* '* AUTHOR: www.dullsharpness.com '********************************************** Public Function Range2Csv(inputRange As Range, Optional delimiter As String) Dim concattedList As String 'holder for the concatted CSVs Dim rangeCell As Range 'holder cell used in For-Each loop Dim rangeText As String 'holder for rangeCell's text 'default to a comma delimiter if none is provided If delimiter = "" Then delimiter = "," concattedList = "" 'start with an empty string 'Loop through each cell in the range to append valid contents For Each rangeCell In inputRange.Cells rangeText = rangeCell.Value 'capture the working value 'Only operate on non-blank cells (ie Length > 0) If Len(rangeText) > 0 Then 'Strip any delimiters contained w/in the value itself rangeText = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(rangeText, delimiter, "") If (Len(concattedList) > 0) Then 'prepend a delimiter to the new value if we 'already have some list items concattedList = concattedList + delimiter + rangeText Else 'else if the list is blank so far, 'just set the first value concattedList = rangeText End If End If Next rangeCell 'Set the return value Range2Csv = concattedList End Function 

假设您要search的范围是A1:A20 ,则可以突出显示search项单元格(从本例中的单元格B1开始),并input以下条件格式公式:



