
我正在开发一个应用程序来比较两个列表:一个Excel工作簿包含列表的修订版本1,另一个工作簿包含同一列表的修订版本2。 两个列表具有相同的结构,这意味着:它们在列中具有相同的信息:例如,列A总是主键PK,列B是温度,列C是压力等。单元格中没有公式目标是在新列表中查找与旧列表中的单元格不同的单元格。 当旧列表中的PK温度= 45,新列表中的温度= 50时,新列表中的单元格将以黄色突出显示。 这使得在包含2000 * 120个单元的列表中更容易find更新。




public void Run(int i) { wsOldSheet = oldWorkBook.Sheets[OldSheetName]; // Define the range where to search PrimaryKeys = wsOldSheet.get_Range(RangeStart, RangeEnd); if (EzDiff.Program.Logging == true) { EzDiff.Program.__logger.Info(".Started working on row on: " + i); } CurValue = wsNewSheet.Cells[i, ColumnPK].value; if (EzDiff.Program.Logging == true) { EzDiff.Program.__logger.Info("..Primary key = " + CurValue.ToString()); } //1. Check if PK exists in mydata. If not: it's a new PK -> we mark it as new and continue with the next PK // Find firstFind = PrimaryKeys.Find(CurValue, missing, Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, false, missing, missing); if (firstFind == null) { if (EzDiff.Program.Logging == true) { EzDiff.Program.__logger.Info("...Primary key was not found."); } wsNewSheet.Cells[i, ColumnPK].Font.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red); } else { FoundInRow = firstFind.Row; if (EzDiff.Program.Logging == true) { EzDiff.Program.__logger.Info("...Primary key was found in row: " + FoundInRow); } for (int mCol = 1; mCol < MaxColumnToWork; mCol++) { if (wsOldSheet.Cells[FoundInRow, mCol].Value == null) //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wsOldSheet.Cells[FoundInRow, mCol].Value.ToString())) { if (!(wsNewSheet.Cells[i, mCol].Value == null)) //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wsNewSheet.Cells[i, mCol].Value.ToString())) { // * * Here the cells are marked in error! * * // wsNewSheet.Cells[i, mCol].Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow); } } else { if (wsNewSheet.Cells[i, mCol].Value == null) //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wsOldSheet.Cells[FoundInRow, mCol].Value.ToString())) { wsNewSheet.Cells[i, mCol].Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow); } else { String strOld = wsOldSheet.Cells[FoundInRow, mCol].Value.ToString(); String strNew = wsNewSheet.Cells[i, mCol].Value.ToString(); if (strNew.CompareTo(strOld) != 0) { wsNewSheet.Cells[i, mCol].Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow); } } } } if (EzDiff.Program.Logging == true) { EzDiff.Program.__logger.Info("....finished comparing all columns from row: " + FoundInRow); } } } 


**已解决**当我深入挖掘并查看造成奇怪结果的单元格时,我注意到这些单元在一个单元中为NULL,而在另一个单元中为空(“空”)。 所以我解决了这个问题:

  private bool equiv(object obj1, object obj2, double tolerance) { if ( ((obj1 == null) && (obj2 == null)) || ((obj1 == null) && (obj2 == "")) || ((obj1 == "") && (obj2 == null)) ) { return true; } else if ((obj1 == null) || (obj2 == null)) { return false; } } 


在Excel中,空白单元格返回零长度string,不为null 。 尝试replace如下的实例:

 if (wsOldSheet.Cells[FoundInRow, mCol].Value == null) 


 if (wsOldSheet.Cells[FoundInRow, mCol].Value == "") 

看看是否有帮助 VBA相当于:

 If wsOldSheet.Cells(FoundInRow, mCol).Value = "" Then ... End If 



 if isempty(wsOldSheet.Cells(FoundInRow, mCol)) then ... 'or if wsOldSheet.Cells(FoundInRow, mCol) is nothing then ...