
我用VBA来创build一个XML文件,我有另一个4MB的XML文件,我需要添加到此。 有没有办法在Excel中embedded文件,然后使用VBA将其附加到创build的XML文件?



Print #1, "</Folder>" Print #1, "</Document>" Print #1, "</kml>" Close #1 



closures这两个文件。 打开一个新的工作簿,并创build一个VBA过程,如下所示:

 Sub AppendXMLFiles() 'requires reference to Microsoft XML, v6.0' 'requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime' Dim file1 As New MSXML2.DomDocument Dim file2 As New MSXML2.DomDocument Dim appendNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject '## Load your xml files in to a DOM document' file1.Load "c:\users\david_zemens\desktop\example xml file.xml" file2.Load "c:\users\david_zemens\desktop\another xml file.xml" '## iterate the childnodes of the second file, appending to the first file' For Each appendNode In file2.DocumentElement.ChildNodes file1.DocumentElement.appendChild appendNode Next '## View the new XML in the immediate window' Debug.Print file1.XML '## Write the combined file to a NEW file' ' note: if the specified filepath already exists, this will overwrite it' fso.CreateTextFile("c:\users\david_zemens\desktop\combined xml file.xml", True, False).Write file1.XML Set file1 = Nothing Set file2 = Nothing Set fso = Nothing End Sub