



Sub ListFiles() Const sRoot As String = "Y:\Engineering\Database Versions\Chillers" Dim t As Date Application.ScreenUpdating = False With Columns("A:C") .ClearContents .Rows(1).Value = Split("File,Size,Date", ",") End With t = Timer NoCursing sRoot Columns.AutoFit Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub NoCursing(ByVal sPath As String) Const iAttr As Long = vbNormal + vbReadOnly + _ vbHidden + vbSystem + _ vbDirectory Dim col As Collection Dim iRow As Long Dim jAttr As Long Dim sFile As String Dim sName As String If Right(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\" Set col = New Collection col.Add sPath iRow = 1 Do While col.count sPath = col(1) sFile = Dir(sPath, iAttr) Do While Len(sFile) sName = sPath & sFile On Error Resume Next jAttr = GetAttr(sName) If Err.Number Then Debug.Print sName Err.Clear Else If jAttr And vbDirectory Then If Right(sName, 1) <> "." Then col.Add sName & "\" Else iRow = iRow + 1 If (iRow And &H3FF) = 0 Then Debug.Print iRow Rows(iRow).Range("A1:C1").Value = Array(sName, _ FileLen(sName), _ FileDateTime(sName)) End If End If sFile = Dir() Loop col.Remove 1 Loop End Sub 

更改您的Else...End If使用下面的代码部分,它将只打印.pdb扩展名的文件。

 'Your existing code Else If InStr(1, sName, ".pdb", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then iRow = iRow + 1 If (iRow And &H3FF) = 0 Then Debug.Print iRow Rows(iRow).Range("A1:C1").Value = Array(sName, _ FileLen(sName), _ FileDateTime(sName)) End If End If 'Your existing code