
我遇到For Each循环的问题。


wRange = Range(Cells(5, countryCol), Cells(lastrow, countryCol)) For Each wCell In wRange If wCell = "Unknown" Then wCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = "Follow up with receiving" wCell.Offset(0, followUp - countryCol) = "Send to receiving" End If Next 


 Dim wRange As Range Dim wCell As Range 

我得到一个运行时错误的Object variable or With block variable not set在行上

wRange = Range(Cells(5, countryCol), Cells(lastrow, countryCol))


Dim wRange, wCell As Range

我得到一个运行时错误:线上Object requiredObject required

For Each wCell In wRange


 For Each cell In wRange If cell = "Unknown" Then cell.Offset(0, 3).Value = "Follow up with receiving" cell.Offset(0, followUp - countryCol) = "Send to receiving" End If Next 

我得到一个运行时错误的Object required的行

cell.Offset(0, 3).Value = "Follow up with receiving"


 Set wRange = Range(Cells(5, countryCol), Cells(lastrow, countryCol)) For Each wCell In wRange If wCell = "Unknown" Or wCell = "" Then wCell.Offset(0, reviewStatus - countryCol).Value = "Follow up with receiving" wCell.Offset(0, followUp - countryCol) = "Send to receiving" End If Next