

我现在面临的问题是这个过程是从date中截断前导0。 即使像指向单元(#,#)对象的所有可用方法的描述一样简单的东西将会有所帮助。

' VBScript source code Option Explicit REM We use "Option Explicit" to help us check for coding mistakes REM the Excel Application Dim objExcel REM the path to the excel file Dim excelPath REM how many worksheets are in the current excel file Dim worksheetCount Dim counter REM the worksheet we are currently getting data from Dim currentWorkSheet REM the number of columns in the current worksheet that have data in them Dim usedColumnsCount REM the number of rows in the current worksheet that have data in them Dim usedRowsCount Dim row Dim column REM the topmost row in the current worksheet that has data in it Dim top REM the leftmost row in the current worksheet that has data in it Dim left Dim Cells REM the current row and column of the current worksheet we are reading Dim curCol Dim curRow REM the value of the current row and column of the current worksheet we are reading Dim word REM the text file writer that I will output to to see what this process is creating Dim objFSOExcel REM the output worksheet Dim outputWorksheet Dim objWorkbook REM where is the Excel file located? excelPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\kitchenjt\My Documents\Professional Development\input\11TRVL.xls" REM Create an invisible version of Excel Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") REM create the Output Excel file Set objFSOExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objWorkBook = ObjFSOExcel.Workbooks.Add Set outputWorksheet = objWorkBook.Worksheets(1) 'outputWorksheet.Name = "SafeTRVL" REM don't display any messages about documents needing to be converted REM from old Excel file formats objExcel.DisplayAlerts = 0 objFSOExcel.DisplayAlerts = 0 REM open the excel document as read-only REM open (path, confirmconversions, readonly) objExcel.Workbooks.open excelPath, false, true REM How many worksheets are in this Excel documents REM changed to only get the first worksheet workSheetCount = 1'objExcel.Worksheets.Count Dim outrow outrow = 1 REM Loop through each worksheet For counter = 1 to workSheetCount 'txtFile.writeLine("-----------------------------------------------") 'txtFile.writeLine("Reading data from worksheet " & counter & vbCRLF) Set currentWorkSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(counter) REM how many columns are used in the current worksheet usedColumnsCount = currentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count REM how many rows are used in the current worksheet usedRowsCount = currentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count REM What is the topmost row in the spreadsheet that has data in it top = currentWorksheet.UsedRange.Row REM What is the leftmost column in the spreadsheet that has data in it left = currentWorksheet.UsedRange.Column Set Cells = currentWorksheet.Cells REM Loop through each row in the worksheet For row = 0 to (usedRowsCount-1) REM Loop through each column that has an intial value that starts with T in the worksheet REM only look at rows that are in the "used" range curRow = row+top word = Cells(curRow,left).Value REM display the column on the screen if word <> "" and InStr(1,word,"T",1) > 0 and Cells(curRow, left+1).value <> "" then For column = 0 to usedColumnsCount-1 REM only look at columns that are in the "used" range curCol = column+left REM get the value/word that is in the cell word = Cells(curRow,curCol).Value REM add the column to the new excel file outputWorksheet.Cells(outrow, curCol).Value = word' = Cells(curRow,curCol) Next outrow = outrow + 1 end if Next REM We are done with the current worksheet, release the memory Set currentWorkSheet = Nothing Next objWorkbook.SaveAs("C:\Documents and Settings\kitchenjt\My Documents\Professional Development\input\CleanExcel.xls") objWorkbook.Close objFSOExcel.Quit objExcel.Workbooks(1).Close objExcel.Quit Set currentWorkSheet = Nothing REM We are done with the Excel object, release it from memory Set objExcel = Nothing 


 Cells(curRow, curCol).NumberFormat = "@" REM get the value/word that is in the cell word = Cells(curRow,curCol).Value