
在我的工作中,我们获得了多个工作表的Excel文件,这些工作表从各种数据源中提取。 一些工作表在最后插入了标准化的免责声明,有些则没有。 但是,当免责声明出现时,他们总是以相同的文本开始,并始终出现在同一列。 我试图写一个VBA脚本,将search整个Excel文件; 确定是否存在免责声明,如果是的话,他们开始什么行; 然后清除该行的所有单元格到最后使用的行。

据我可以通过查找通过StackOverflow和其他资源,下面的代码应该工作。 但由于某种原因,它从来没有真正识别关键子string是否存在(即使是这样)。 任何人都可以指出我要去哪里错了吗?

Option Explicit Option Base 1 Sub Delete_Disclaimers() ' Turn off screen updating for speed Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Define variables Dim ws As Worksheet Dim TextCheck As String Dim StartRow As Integer Dim EndRow As Integer Dim SearchColumn As Integer Dim CheckVal As Integer Dim CurrentCell As Range Dim RowCount As Integer Dim SearchText As String ' Cycle through each worksheet in the workbook For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'Set some initial variables for this worksheet SearchColumn = 2 StartRow = 1 SearchText = "Disclaimer" ' Set EndRow to the last row used in the worksheet EndRow = CInt(ws.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row) ' Find the cell, if any, that has the text by searching just in column B to speed things up. Also limit to the first 200 rows ' for speed since there don't seem to have any sheets longer than that. For RowCount = 1 To 200 Set CurrentCell = ws.Cells(2, RowCount) TextCheck = CurrentCell.Text If Not TextCheck = "" Then CheckVal = InStr(1, TextCheck, SearchText, 1) If CheckVal > 0 Then StartRow = RowCount MsgBox ("Start Row is " & CStr(StartRow)) Exit For End If End If Next RowCount ' If the search text was found, clear the range from the start row to the end row. If StartRow > 1 Then ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, StartRow), ws.Cells(50, EndRow)).Clear End If ' Loops to next Worksheet Next ws ' Turn screen updating back on Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' Display a message box that all sheets have been cleared, now that screenupdating is back on MsgBox "All Worksheets have been cleared!" End Sub 

您单元格的语法不正确。 它应该是单元格(行,列)。 你有行和列转置。

我的解决scheme结束了上述两个答案的组合。 但是.Clear部分的定义是我忽略的一个主要问题。 这里是完整的更新代码,以防止其他人遇到类似的问题。

 Option Explicit Option Base 1 Sub Delete_Portfolio_Holdings() ' Turn off screen updating for speed Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Define variables Dim ws As Worksheet Dim TextCheck As String Dim StartRow As Integer Dim EndRow As Integer Dim SearchColumn As Integer Dim CheckVal As Integer Dim CurrentCell As Range Dim RowCount As Integer Dim SearchText As String Dim ClearRange As Range Dim WScount As Integer Dim cws As Integer ' Cycle through each worksheet in the workbook WScount = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count For cws = 1 To WScount 'Set some initial variables for this worksheet SearchColumn = 2 StartRow = 1 SearchText = "Disclaimer" Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(cws) ' Set EndRow to the last row used in the worksheet EndRow = CInt(ws.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row) ' Find the cell, if any, that has the text by searching just in column B to speed things up. Also limit to the first 200 rows ' for speed since you don't seem to have any sheets longer than that. You can always change to increase if necessary. Cells.Find ' does not return anything if there is no match for the text, so CurrentRow may not change. With ws.Range("b1:b200") Set CurrentCell = ws.Cells.Find(What:=SearchText, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) If Not CurrentCell Is Nothing Then StartRow = CInt(CurrentCell.Row) End If End With ' Now if the text was found we now have identified the start and end rows of the caveats, we can clear columns A through BB with the .Clear function. Choice of column BB is arbitary. If StartRow > 1 Then Set ClearRange = ws.Range(("A" & StartRow), ("BB" & EndRow)) MsgBox ("ClearRange is " & CStr(ClearRange.Address)) ClearRange.Clear End If ' Loops to next Worksheet Next cws ' Turn screen updating back on Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' Display a message box that all sheets have been cleared, now that screenupdating is back on MsgBox "All Worksheets have been cleared!" End Sub