

Sub WorkBookCheck() 'On Error Resume Next 'Extract Aduit Percents Dim sFound As String Dim FindRow As Range Dim WB2 As Workbook Dim app As New Excel.Application sFound = Dir(Worksheets("assets").Range("A12").Value & "\" & "*_UK_results.xl*") 'the first one found If sFound <> "" Then app.Visible = False 'Visible is False by default, so this isn't necessary Set WB2 = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Worksheets("assets").Range("A12").Value & "\" & sFound, ReadOnly:=True) End If With WB2 With Worksheets("Result sheets Lidl") Set FindRow = .Range("F:F").Find(What:="Chapter result", LookIn:=xlValues) MsgBox FindRow If Not FindRow Is Nothing Then MsgBox FindRow End If End With End With End Sub 


 Object Variable or With Block Variable not set 


 MsgBox FindRow 


此外,这个值在列中出现多次,所以我想能够显示每个匹配值的消息find。 有人也可以告诉我如何循环这个? 我是全新的vba。 谢谢

1-你的两个嵌套块没有意义。 你只需要一个:


 With WB2.Worksheets("Result sheets Lidl") Set FindRow = .Range("F:F").Find(What:="Chapter result", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False) If Not FindRow Is Nothing Then MsgBox FindRow.Address End With 

请注意.Find有很多其他的参数,如果你不在调用中设置它们,它们将inheritance它们从最后一次search的值,无论是在GUI还是在VBA中。 通常build议设置所有的,或者使用Match替代。