

函数Get_Underling_Staff_IDs具有doubletypes的staff_IDinput参数,即数据库ID /员工编号。 该函数应该返回一个脚本字典,其中每个元素是一个员工编号(double)。



Function Get_Underling_Staff_IDs(MANAGER_ID As Double) As Scripting.Dictionary ' an instance of a single staff id that DIRECTLY reports to the MANAGER Dim Direct_Underling_Staff As Variant ' A dictionary of all the staff id's that DIRECTLY report to the MANAGER Dim All_Direct_Underling_Staff As Scripting.Dictionary ' an instance of a single staff id that INDIRECTLY reports to the MANAGER Dim Indirect_Underling_Staff As Variant ' A dictionary of all the staff id's that INDIRECTLY report to the MANAGER Dim All_Indirect_Underling_Staff As Scripting.Dictionary Set Get_Underling_Staff_IDs = New Scripting.Dictionary ' Get a dictionary of all the employees that directly report to the MANAGER_ID Set All_Direct_Underling_Staff = Get_Relation_Staff_Manager(MANAGER_ID) For Each Direct_Underling_Staff In All_Direct_Underling_Staff If Not Get_Underling_Staff_IDs.Exists(Direct_Underling_Staff) Then Get_Underling_Staff_IDs.Add Direct_Underling_Staff, Direct_Underling_Staff End If Next Direct_Underling_Staff For Each Direct_Underling_Staff In Get_Underling_Staff_IDs ' Get All the Employees that indirectly report to the MANAGER_ID Set All_Indirect_Underling_Staff = Get_Relation_Staff_Manager(CDbl(Direct_Underling_Staff)) If Not Get_Underling_Staff_IDs.Exists(Indirect_Underling_Staff) Then Get_Underling_Staff_IDs.Add Indirect_Underling_Staff, Indirect_Underling_Staff End If Next Direct_Underling_Staff End Function 



“经理”是间接人员的老板的老板。 (老板的老板)




 Function Get_Team_Staff_IDs(MANAGER_ID As Double, _ Optional dictAll As Scripting.dictionary) As Scripting.dictionary Dim dictDirect As Scripting.dictionary, k If dictAll Is Nothing Then 'First call does not have a dictionary argument, ' so create a new one to hold the id's Set dictAll = New Scripting.dictionary End If Set dictDirect = Get_Direct_Reports(MANAGER_ID) For Each k In dictDirect 'add this report If Not dictAll.Exists(k) Then dictAll.Add k, k 'see if this report has their own reports Get_Team_Staff_IDs CDbl(k), dictAll Next k 'Return the final set of id's to the ' original caller (was called as a function) Set Get_Team_Staff_IDs = dictAll End Function