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Please wait for the page to refresh." ); event.preventDefault(); } else { uploadSubmitted = true; } }); }); var skipcycle = false; function updateAttachments() { var groupId = window.opener.selectedAttachmentGroup; if (uploadForm.groupId.value == null || uploadForm.groupId.value ==''){ uploadForm.groupId.value = groupId; } var index = window.opener.selectedIndex; if (uploadForm.index.value == null || uploadForm.index.value ==''){ uploadForm.index.value = index; } } function focusOnMe(){ if (!skipcycle){ window.focus(); } mytimer = setTimeout('focusOnMe()', 500); } </script> </head> <body onload = "mytimer = setTimeout('focusOnMe()', 500);updateAttachments();"> <h2>SERFF File Attachment Upload</h2> <div class="documentArea"> <form name="uploadForm" method="POST" action="/serff/uploadFileAttachment.do" class="styled" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="uploadForm"> <input type="hidden" name="groupId" /> <input type="hidden" name="index" /> <input type="hidden" name="attachmentType" value="0"> <div class="uploadWarning" style="width:325px"> Attachments larger than 3MB or Microsoft Word(tm) documents cannot be uploaded to SERFF. </div> <div class="fieldgroup">File 1:&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="file" name="contentIndexed[0]" value="" onfocus="skipcycle=true" class="inputFile"></div> <div class="fieldgroup">File 2:&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="file" name="contentIndexed[1]" value="" onfocus="skipcycle=true" class="inputFile"><br /> </div> <div class="fieldgroup">File 3:&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="file" name="contentIndexed[2]" value="" onfocus="skipcycle=true" class="inputFile"><br /> </div> <div class="fieldgroup">File 4:&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="file" name="contentIndexed[3]" value="" onfocus="skipcycle=true" class="inputFile"><br /> </div> <div class="fieldgroup">File 5:&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="file" name="contentIndexed[4]" value="" onfocus="skipcycle=true" class="inputFile"><br /> </div> <br /> <div class="actionButtons"> <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="inputSubmit"> <input type="button" class="inputButton" onclick="window.close();" value="Cancel" /> </div> </form> </div> </body> </html> <!-- END /filing/fileUpload.jsp --> </div> <!-- end main div --> </div> <!-- end content div --> </body> </html> <!-- END /layouts/new_empty_layout.jsp --> 

我试图让上传文件对话框出现,通过使用vba来“点击”其中一个浏览button。 问题是vba不会让我在uploadForm中findinput标签。


 Set uploadForm = ieUpload.document.getElementById("uploadForm") For Each inputTag In uploadForm.getElementsByTagName("input") If inputTag.Name = "contentIndexed[0]" Then inputTag.Click Next inputTag 



原来这个文件还没有完成加载。 检查ieUpload.Busy伎俩。 例如,看这个问题 ,它在DoEvents循环中检查Busy



  • 确保你的源文件的顶部有Option Explicit
  • 确保你已经添加了对象引用到你正在使用的HTML库。 除非没有别的select,否则不要使用CreateObject
  • 确保你已经使用Dim来给所有的variables赋予一个特定的types – 不是VariantObject

现在,假设你正在使用MSHTML ,没有函数document.get Elements ById 。 你想要什么是Element ById ,没有“元素”上的“s”。 通过代码单步骤 – 我怀疑uploadForm Nothing时,你点击For循环,所以uploadForm.getElementsByTagName是引发错误。

编辑为什么我提到添加上面的参考? 因为如果你已经添加了引用,并且你已经说Dim uploadForm as MSHTML.IHTMLElement2 ,那么VBA编辑器会自动将案例更改为uploadForm.getElementsByTagName 。 既然它没有,我想你没有Dim的地方,或者它不是一个具体的Dim

