

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MoM-Log").Unprotect Password:="Password" ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MoM-Template").Unprotect Password:="Password" ThisWorkbook.Activate Dim cell As Object Dim count As Integer For Each cell In selection cell.Clear With cell .BorderAround ColorIndex:=1, Weight:=xlThin .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter If .Column = 3 Or .Column = 6 Then .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft End If If .Column = 3 Or .Column = 4 Or .Column = 6 Then .WrapText = True End If End With Next cell ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MoM-Log").Protect Password:="Password" ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MoM-Template").Protect Password:="Password" End Sub 

这段代码工作正常。 但是一旦我附加了一个额外的代码,它就停止了工作。 这是,

 Sub DeletePopUpMenu() ' Delete the popup menu if it already exists. On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("MyPopUpMenu").Delete On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub CreateDisplayPopUpMenu() ' Delete any existing popup menu. Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).Activate Sheet1.Select Call DeletePopUpMenu ' Create the popup menu. Call Custom_PopUpMenu_1 ' Display the popup menu. On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("MyPopUpMenu").ShowPopup On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Public Sub Custom_PopUpMenu_1() Dim MenuItem As CommandBarPopup ' Add the popup menu. With Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="MyPopUpMenu", Position:=msoBarPopup, _ MenuBar:=False, Temporary:=True) ' First, add two buttons to the menu. With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .Caption = "Save As..." .FaceId = 71 .OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!" & "TestMacro" End With End With End Sub Public Function selection(R As Integer, st As String, y As Workbook) As Integer count_col = 1 Do x = y.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(R, count_col) If x = st Then ' St is a desired string Exit Do End If count_col = count_col + 1 Loop While count_col <> 100 selection = count_col End Function 

所以请帮助我如何克服这一点。 即将解决的问题非常重要。


是在debugging模式下,它给出了以下错误,编译器错误:参数不是可选的行,“For Each cell In selection” – user2148238 46分钟前

你正在得到这个错误,因为select不是一个有效的Range 。 必须发生的事情是,其他代码必须将select移到别的范围之外。 为了确保你有一个有效的范围,使用TypeName如下所示。

也将Dim cell As Object更改为Dim cell As Range

 Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MoM-Log").Unprotect Password:="Password" ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MoM-Template").Unprotect Password:="Password" Dim cell As Range Dim count As Integer '~~> Check if what the user selected is a valid range If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then MsgBox "Select a range first." Exit Sub End If For Each cell In Selection cell.Clear With cell .BorderAround ColorIndex:=1, Weight:=xlThin .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter If .Column = 3 Or .Column = 6 Then .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft If .Column = 3 Or .Column = 4 Or .Column = 6 Then .WrapText = True End With Next cell ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MoM-Log").Protect Password:="Password" ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MoM-Template").Protect Password:="Password" End Sub 

在行上方添加您的selectFor Each cell In selection


 Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:F17").Select For Each cell In selection