
有人能帮我找出这个VBA代码有什么问题吗? 在vba代码工作簿中,BASE在A列中有3000多个项目,每行都有一个名称,例如:“B-Y0011”。 我想在此vba代码“wb”中命名的另一个工作簿中search此项目。 但是这个工作手册“wb”有三张纸。 我必须在其中一张表格中find该项目以及该项目所在的行位置。 它运行了一次,但是当它没有find它时,就出现了错误。 而现在,我试图添加一个错误函数,它给了我另一个错误。


Sub ATUALIZAR_ALOCACAO() Dim caminho As String, Dim j As Variant, Dim plan As Variant, Dim plan1 As Variant, Dim plan2 As Variant, Dim wb As Workbook, Dim ws As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.EnableEvents = False mes = InputBox("Qual o mês que você está consolidando informação de Diesel?") ano = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("R1").Value ind_mes = Application.Match(mes, ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("L:L"), 0) mes_aloc = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("N" & ind_mes).Value num_mes = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("M" & ind_mes).Value If num_mes < 10 Then num_mes_cod = "0" & num_mes Else num_mes_cod = num_mes End If caminho = "\\sedenas01\carnaxide\A&CCC\15 - Brasil - Inovação e Desenvolvimento\PDCAs\Consumo Diesel\Alocação\2017\" & num_mes_cod & ".RELAÇÃO DE FROTAS GERAL IC " & mes_aloc & " " & ano & ".xls" Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=caminho, ReadOnly:=True) With wb lastrow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 2 To lastrow j = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Cells(i, 1).Value plan = Application.Match(j, wb.Sheets("BETONEIRAS").Range("K:K"), 0) On Error Resume Next If plan > 0 Then wb.Sheets("BETONEIRAS").Range("M" & plan).Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("I" & i).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues wb.Sheets("BETONEIRAS").Range("P" & plan).Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("J" & i).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues Else plan1 = Application.Match(j, wb.Sheets("BOMBAS DE CONCRETO").Range("K:K"), 0) If plan1 > 0 Then wb.Sheets("BOMBAS DE CONCRETO").Range("M" & plan1).Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("I" & i).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues wb.Sheets("BOMBAS DE CONCRETO").Range("P" & plan1).Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("J" & i).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues Else plan2 = Application.Match(j, wb.Sheets("BOMBAS DE CONCRETO").Range("H:H"), 0) If plan2 > 0 Then wb.Sheets("PÁS CARREGADEIRAS").Range("J" & plan2).Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("I" & i).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues wb.Sheets("PÁS CARREGADEIRAS").Range("L" & plan2).Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BASE").Range("J" & i).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues End If End If End If Next End With wb.Close SaveChanges:=False Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub