




Sub SendEmailtoEachResource_Click() ' Macro - Intended functionality ' For each person (resource) apply a filter to the 'Allocation' ' tab, and take a screenshot. Send an email with the screenshot ' to each person. Dim Resoucename As String Dim ResouceEmail As String 'Current State: Apply filter, and send 1 email to the below details ResourceName = Range("D4") resourceEmail = Range("E4") 'ACTION - Future State: 'For each person in column D 'Send email to email address on same row in Coumn E ' ##Start Loop 'Go to Allocation Tab, Apply Filter of resouce name Sheets("Allocation").Select Range("A1:BH28").Select ActiveSheet.Range("$A$8:$BI$826").AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:= _ ResourceName ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-21 ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 9 Range("A1:BV836").Select ' ACTION: Take Screenshot of filtered results 'setup email Dim aOutlook As Object Dim aEmail As Object Dim outlookResName As String Dim SendAddress As String Set aOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set aEmail = aOutlook.CreateItem(0) outlookResName = ActiveCell.Value SendAddress = "me@email.com" aEmail.To = resourceEmail aEmail.Subject = "Resource assignment Report for " & ResourceName aEmail.HTMLBody = "Your report is below {Insert Screenshot}" 'ACTION: Paste screenshot HERE aEmail.display ' Will change to .send when VBA is working fully. This could send ~100 emails ' ## End LOOP End Sub 

在我看来,在这里有两个问题汇总在一起:(1)如何遍历电子表格的行,(2)如何截取屏幕截图并将其插入到电子邮件中。 也许你应该考虑发布两个不同的问题。

考虑到这一点,我将解决循环问题。 有很多方法可以实现你想要的。


 For i = 7 To 9 ResourceName = Cells(i, 4) ResourceEmail = Cells(i, 5) ' The rest of your code here Next i 


 i = 7 Do Until Cells(i, 4) = "" ResourceName = Cells(i, 4) ResourceEmail = Cells(i, 5) ' The rest of your code here i = i + 1 Loop 


 Set MyList = ActiveWorkbook.Names("resources").RefersToRange For Each person In MyList.Rows ResourceName = person.Cells(1, 4) ResourceEmail = person.Cells(1, 5) ' The rest of your code here Next person 
