
我想在VBA的特定date确定不同国家/地区的GMT / UTC(包括夏令时)的时间偏移。 有任何想法吗? 谢谢

VBA不提供这样做的function,但Windows API。 幸运的是,您也可以使用VBA中的所有function。 本页介绍如何做到这一点:


这是0xA3答案中引用的代码。 我必须更改声明语句,以使其在Office 64bit中正常运行,但是我无法再在Office 32bit中进行testing。 对于我的使用,我试图创build带有时区信息的ISO 8601date。 所以我使用这个function。

Public Function ConvertToIsoTime(myDate As Date, includeTimezone As Boolean) As String If Not includeTimezone Then ConvertToIsoTime = Format(myDate, "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss") Else Dim minOffsetLong As Long Dim hourOffset As Integer Dim minOffset As Integer Dim formatStr As String Dim hourOffsetStr As String minOffsetLong = LocalOffsetFromGMT(False, True) * -1 hourOffset = minOffsetLong \ 60 minOffset = minOffsetLong Mod 60 If hourOffset >= 0 Then hourOffsetStr = "+" + CStr(Format(hourOffset, "00")) Else hourOffsetStr = CStr(Format(hourOffset, "00")) End If formatStr = "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss" + hourOffsetStr + ":" + CStr(Format(minOffset, "00")) ConvertToIsoTime = Format(myDate, formatStr) End If End Function 


 Option Explicit Option Compare Text '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' modTimeZones ' By Chip Pearson, chip@cpearson.com, www.cpearson.com ' Date: 2-April-2008 ' Page Specific URL: www.cpearson.com/Excel/TimeZoneAndDaylightTime.aspx ' ' This module contains functions related to time zones and GMT times. ' Terms: ' ------------------------- ' GMT = Greenwich Mean Time. Many applications use the term ' UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). GMT and UTC are ' interchangable in meaning, ' Local Time = The local "wall clock" time of day, that time that ' you would set a clock to. ' DST = Daylight Savings Time ' Functions In This Module: ' ------------------------- ' ConvertLocalToGMT ' Converts a local time to GMT. Optionally adjusts for DST. ' DaylightTime ' Returns a value indicating (1) DST is in effect, (2) DST is ' not in effect, or (3) Windows cannot determine whether DST is ' in effect. ' GetLocalTimeFromGMT ' Converts a GMT Time to a Local Time, optionally adjusting for DST. ' LocalOffsetFromGMT ' Returns the number of hours or minutes between the local time and GMT, ' optionally adjusting for DST. ' SystemTimeToVBTime ' Converts a SYSTEMTIME structure to a valid VB/VBA date. ' LocalOffsetFromGMT ' Returns the number of minutes or hours that are to be added to ' the local time to get GMT. Optionally adjusts for DST. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Required Types ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Type SYSTEMTIME wYear As Integer wMonth As Integer wDayOfWeek As Integer wDay As Integer wHour As Integer wMinute As Integer wSecond As Integer wMilliseconds As Integer End Type Private Type TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Bias As Long StandardName(0 To 31) As Integer StandardDate As SYSTEMTIME StandardBias As Long DaylightName(0 To 31) As Integer DaylightDate As SYSTEMTIME DaylightBias As Long End Type Public Enum TIME_ZONE TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID = 0 TIME_ZONE_STANDARD = 1 TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT = 2 End Enum ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Required Windows API Declares ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' #If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" _ (lpTimeZoneInformation As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) As Long #Else Private Declare Function GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" _ (lpTimeZoneInformation As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) As Long #End If #If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" _ (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) #Else Private Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" _ (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) #End If Function ConvertLocalToGMT(Optional LocalTime As Date, _ Optional AdjustForDST As Boolean = False) As Date ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ConvertLocalToGMT ' This converts a local time to GMT. If LocalTime is present, that local ' time is converted to GMT. If LocalTime is omitted, the current time is ' converted from local to GMT. If AdjustForDST is Fasle, no adjustments ' are made to accomodate DST. If AdjustForDST is True, and DST is ' in effect, the time is adjusted for DST by adding ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim T As Date Dim TZI As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Dim DST As TIME_ZONE Dim GMT As Date If LocalTime <= 0 Then T = Now Else T = LocalTime End If DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI) If AdjustForDST = True Then GMT = T + TimeSerial(0, TZI.Bias, 0) + _ IIf(DST = TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT, TimeSerial(0, TZI.DaylightBias, 0), 0) Else GMT = T + TimeSerial(0, TZI.Bias, 0) End If ConvertLocalToGMT = GMT End Function Function GetLocalTimeFromGMT(Optional StartTime As Date) As Date ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' GetLocalTimeFromGMT ' This returns the Local Time from a GMT time. If StartDate is present and ' greater than 0, it is assumed to be the GMT from which we will calculate ' Local Time. If StartTime is 0 or omitted, it is assumed to be the GMT ' local time. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim GMT As Date Dim TZI As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Dim DST As TIME_ZONE Dim LocalTime As Date If StartTime <= 0 Then GMT = Now Else GMT = StartTime End If DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI) LocalTime = GMT - TimeSerial(0, TZI.Bias, 0) + _ IIf(DST = TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT, TimeSerial(1, 0, 0), 0) GetLocalTimeFromGMT = LocalTime End Function Function SystemTimeToVBTime(SysTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Date ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' SystemTimeToVBTime ' This converts a SYSTEMTIME structure to a VB/VBA date value. ' It assumes SysTime is valid -- no error checking is done. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' With SysTime SystemTimeToVBTime = DateSerial(.wYear, .wMonth, .wDay) + _ TimeSerial(.wHour, .wMinute, .wSecond) End With End Function Function LocalOffsetFromGMT(Optional AsHours As Boolean = False, _ Optional AdjustForDST As Boolean = False) As Long ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' LocalOffsetFromGMT ' This returns the amount of time in minutes (if AsHours is omitted or ' false) or hours (if AsHours is True) that should be added to the ' local time to get GMT. If AdjustForDST is missing or false, ' the unmodified difference is returned. (eg, Kansas City to London ' is 6 hours normally, 5 hours during DST. If AdjustForDST is False, ' the resultif 6 hours. If AdjustForDST is True, the result is 5 hours ' if DST is in effect.) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim TBias As Long Dim TZI As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Dim DST As TIME_ZONE DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI) If DST = TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT Then If AdjustForDST = True Then TBias = TZI.Bias + TZI.DaylightBias Else TBias = TZI.Bias End If Else TBias = TZI.Bias End If If AsHours = True Then TBias = TBias / 60 End If LocalOffsetFromGMT = TBias End Function Function DaylightTime() As TIME_ZONE ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' DaylightTime ' Returns a value indicating whether the current date is ' in Daylight Time, Standard Time, or that Windows cannot ' deterimine the time status. The result is a member or ' the TIME_ZONE enum. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim TZI As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Dim DST As TIME_ZONE DST = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI) DaylightTime = DST End Function 


GetTimeZoneInformation()调用返回有关当前时间的 DST信息,但转换后的date可能来自具有不同DST设置的时间段 – 因此,一月份的8月份date将应用当前的偏差,从而使GMTdate比正确的一个( SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime似乎是一个更好的select – 未经testing)

当date从另一年开始时也是如此 – 当DST规则可能不同时。 GetTimeZoneInformationForYear应该处理不同年份的变化。 一旦完成,我会在这里放一个代码示例。

它也似乎Windows不提供一个可靠的方式来获取时区的3个字母的缩写(Excel 2013支持格式()中的zzz – 未经testing)。

编辑 16.04.2015:IntArrayToString()被删除,因为它已经出现在下面提到的cpearson.com文章中引用的modWorksheetFunctions.bas。

添加代码以转换date时使用时区活动时转换(此问题未在cpearson.com上解决)。 error handling不包括在内。

 Private Type DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION_VB Bias As Long StandardName As String StandardDate As Date StandardBias As Long DaylightName As String DaylightDate As Date DaylightBias As Long TimeZoneKeyName As String DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled As Long End Type Private Declare Function GetTimeZoneInformationForYear Lib "kernel32" ( _ wYear As Integer, _ lpDynamicTimeZoneInformation As DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, _ lpTimeZoneInformation As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION _ ) As Long Private Declare Function GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" ( _ pTimeZoneInformation As DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION _ ) As Long Private Declare Function TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx Lib "kernel32" ( _ lpDynamicTimeZoneInformation As DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, _ lpLocalTime As SYSTEMTIME, _ lpUniversalTime As SYSTEMTIME _ ) As Long Function LocalSerialTimeToGmt(lpDateLocal As Date) As Date Dim retval As Boolean, lpDateGmt As Date, lpSystemTimeLocal As SYSTEMTIME, lpSystemTimeGmt As SYSTEMTIME Dim lpDTZI As DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION retval = SerialTimeToSystemTime(lpDateLocal, lpSystemTimeLocal) retval = GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(lpDTZI) retval = TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx(lpDTZI, lpSystemTimeLocal, lpSystemTimeGmt) lpDateGmt = SystemTimeToSerialTime(lpSystemTimeGmt) LocalSerialTimeToGmt = lpDateGmt End Function 


  1. 减去当地date并转换gmtdate:

    offset = (lpDateLocal - lpDateGmt)*24*60

  2. 得到特定年份的TZI并计算:

    dst = GetTimeZoneInformationForYear(Year(lpDateLocal), lpDTZI, lpTZI) offset = lpTZI.Bias + IIf(lpDateLocal >= SystemTimeToSerialTime(lpTZI.DaylightDate) And lpDateLocal < SystemTimeToSerialTime(lpTZI.StandardDate), lpTZI.DaylightBias, lpTZI.StandardBias)


我build议创build一个Outlook对象,并使用内置的方法ConvertTime : https : //msdn.microsoft.com/VBA/Outlook-VBA/articles/timezones-converttime-method-outlook



作为一个源/目的地时区,您可以使用您可以在registry中find的所有时区: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / Time Zones /

 Dim OutlookApp As Object Dim TZones As TimeZones Dim convertedTime As Date Dim inputTime As Date Dim sourceTZ As TimeZone Dim destTZ As TimeZone Dim secNum as Integer Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set TZones = OutlookApp.TimeZones Set sourceTZ = TZones.Item("UTC") Set destTZ = TZones.Item("W. Europe Standard Time") inputTime = Now Debug.Print "GMT: " & inputTime '' the outlook rounds the seconds to the nearest minute '' thus, we store the seconds, convert the truncated time and add them later secNum = Second(inputTime) inputTime = DateAdd("s",-secNum, inputTime) convertedTime = TZones.ConvertTime(inputTime, sourceTZ, destTZ) convertedTime = DateAdd("s",secNum, convertedTime) Debug.Print "CET: " & convertedTime 

PS:如果你经常使用这个方法,我build议在你的子/函数之外声明Outlook对象。 创build一次,并保持活着。

谢谢你0xA3。 我快速翻阅链接的页面。 我假设你只能得到运行Windows的本地的GMT的偏移量:

 ConvertLocalToGMT DaylightTime GetLocalTimeFromGMT LocalOffsetFromGMT SystemTimeToVBTime LocalOffsetFromGMT 


 TimeZone bucharestTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Bucharest"); bucharestTimeZone.getOffset(new Date().getTime()); Calendar nowInBucharest = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Bucharest")); nowInBucharest.setTime(new Date()); System.out.println("Bucharest: " + nowInBucharest.get(Calendar.HOUR) + ":" + nowInBucharest.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); 

这意味着我可以得到不同国家(时区)的抵消,因此我也可以得到在布加勒斯特说的实际时间。 我可以在VBA中做这个吗?


基于Julian Hess出色的使用Outlookfunction的build议,我已经构build了这个模块,它与Access和Excel一起工作。

 Option Explicit 'mTimeZones by Patrick Honorez --- www.idevlop.com 'with the precious help of Julian Hess https://stackoverflow.com/a/45510712/78522 'You can reuse but please let all the original comments including this one. 'This modules uses late binding and therefore should not require an explicit reference to Outlook, 'however Outlook must be properly installed and configured on the machine using this module 'Module works with Excel and Access Private oOutl As Object 'keep Outlook reference active, to save time n recurring calls Private Function GetOutlook() As Boolean 'get or start an Outlook instance and assign it to oOutl 'returns True if successful, False otherwise If oOutl Is Nothing Then Debug.Print "~" On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Set oOutl = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") If Err.Number Then Err.Clear Set oOutl = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") End If End If GetOutlook = Not (oOutl Is Nothing) On Error GoTo 0 End Function Function ConvertTime(DT As Date, Optional TZfrom As String = "Central Standard Time", _ Optional TZto As String = "W. Europe Standard Time") As Date 'convert datetime with hour from Source time zone to Target time zone 'this version using Outlook, properly handles Dailight Saving Times, including for past and future dates 'it includes a fix for the fact that ConvertTime seems to strip the seconds Dim TZones As Object Dim sourceTZ As Object Dim destTZ As Object Dim seconds As Single If GetOutlook Then 'fix for ConvertTime stripping the seconds seconds = Second(DT) / 86400 'save the seconds as DateTime (86400 = 24*60*60) Set TZones = oOutl.TimeZones Set sourceTZ = TZones.Item(TZfrom) Set destTZ = TZones.Item(TZto) ConvertTime = TZones.ConvertTime(DT, sourceTZ, destTZ) + seconds 'add the stripped seconds End If End Function Sub test_ConvertTime() Dim t As Date t = #8/23/2017 6:15:05 AM# Debug.Print t, ConvertTime(t), Format(t - ConvertTime(t), "h") End Sub