
我正在尝试根据表中的开始date和持续时间生成结束date。 我的表格如下:

ID,Task Desc,Start Date,Duration,Planned End Date的表格列分别是A,B,C,D,E

我试图运行VBA代码如下,但它只会生成结束date,当我运行的子。 我如何使它成为自动生成? 代码如下:

Sub PlannedEndDate() Dim userInputDate As Date Dim duration As Integer Dim endDate As Date Dim MyRow As Long 'Start at row 6 MyRow = 6 'Loop untill column A is empty (no task) While Cells(MyRow, "A").Value <> "" 'Only if not yet filled in. If Cells(MyRow, "E").Value = "" Then 'Fetch info userInputDate = Cells(MyRow, "C").Value duration = Cells(MyRow, "D").Value endDate = DateAdd("d", duration, userInputDate) 'Put it back on the sheet Cells(MyRow, "E").Value = endDate End If MyRow = MyRow + 1 Wend End Sub 


尽pipe我build议你只使用列E中的公式(例如E6将有=IF(OR(C6="",D6=""),"",C6+D6) ),下面的Worksheet_Change事件可能做你已经要求了。

 Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim c As Range Dim o As Integer Application.EnableEvents = False 'Don't do anything unless something changed in columns C or D If Not Intersect(Target, Columns("C:D")) Is Nothing Then 'Process all changed cells in columns C and D For Each c In Intersect(Target, Columns("C:D")) With c 'Ensure that we are on row 6 or later, and 'column E is empty, and 'neither column C or column D is empty If .Row > 5 And _ IsEmpty(Cells(.Row, "E").Value) And _ Not (IsEmpty(Cells(.Row, "C").Value) Or IsEmpty(Cells(.Row, "D").Value)) Then 'Ensure that column C contains a date, and 'column D contains a numeric value If IsDate(Cells(.Row, "C").Value) And _ IsNumeric(Cells(.Row, "D").Value) Then 'Calculate planned end date Cells(.Row, "E").Value = CDate(Cells(.Row, "C").Value + Cells(.Row, "D").Value) End If End If End With Next End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub 

请注意,更改C或D列中的单元格将不会重新计算E列中的值,除非您删除了说明IsEmpty(Cells(.Row, "E").Value) And _ 。 (但是,如果你这样做,你可以用我推荐的公式。)


 ID Task Description Start Date Duration Planned End Date 1 subtask1 5-Dec-16 5 2 subtask2 22-Dec-16 6 3 subtask3 1-Dec-16 33 4 subtask4 21-Dec-16 12 5 subtask5 4-Jan-16 6 


 Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If (Target.Column = 3 Or Target.Column = 4) And Target.Row >= 2 Then If Cells(Target.Row, 3) = vbNullString Or Cells(Target.Row, 4) = vbNullString Then Else Cells(Target.Row, 5).Value = Cells(Target.Row, 3).Value + Cells(Target.Row, 4).Value End If End If End Sub 
