
我试图在VBA中即兴创build类似Drupal的钩子机制(继续批评,我知道这听起来很愚蠢)。 我努力的原因是,我没有find任何其他方式来正确地划分团队中的工作,所以借助这个机制,我希望能够带来一点Drupal的试验性和真正的钩子调用系统。 我已经做到了,它很好用,但是我有一点缺点。


Call Application.Run(Module.Name & ".hook_" & HookName) 

不是很原始,我知道,但如果我遍历所有的模块,并调用所有Workbook事件的钩子,它开始闻起来有点像AOP。 这意味着我允许任意数量的模块对Workbook_SheetChange ,而不会污染ThisWorkbook中的代码。 更好的是,不同的人将在不同的钩子模块(BIG BONUS)中使用不同的function。

正如我所说,这是有效的,但我也必须在这些调用之前调用Application.EnableEvents = False ,而在调用之后Application.EnableEvents = True ,所以我不会在无限的调用循环中结束。 这也没关系。

我的问题:我想在所有的钩子上创build一个通用的error handling程序,这样如果一个钩子把事情搞砸了,我可以捕捉到我的顶级调度程序中的错误,并重新启用事件。 听起来像一个好主意,但是因为我使用Application.Run() ,所以整个error handling机制在中间被破坏,所以调度程序将不会收到像这样调用的钩子内发生的任何错误。 这也将把应用程序事件设置为False ,这是不好的(记得在我调用钩子之前将它们设置为False )。

我的问题:是否有一种方法来调用一个没有Application.Run的未知模块内具体命名的函数,所以我的错误冒泡到调度程序? 我试过这个:

 Call Module.hook_WorksheetChange() 

但它没有编译(我对它的成功并不屏气,但我希望…)。 在这里, Module是一个保存VBComponent的Object ,而hook_WorksheetChange()是一个在模块中定义的实际的Sub

想法,拜托? 让每个钩子总是处理Application.EnableEvents = True清理 – 它应该只关心它自己的特定于特定的error handling。

如果你按照本书所述的方式进行error handling,那么你应该没问题。

基本上Bovey等。 给每个入口点例程一个Sub,每个非入口点例程一个Function。 所有函数都返回一个表示错误状态的布尔值。 所有的错误冒泡到顶部。 它工作得很好。

这里唯一的问题是Application.Run是否可以返回一个值。 我刚刚检查过,可以。


希望有所帮助。 哦,如果你要在Excel / VBA中做复杂的东西,请阅读他们的书 。


 Public Sub test() Const sSOURCE As String = "test" On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Your code goes here If Not Application.Run("YourModule.YourFunction") Then Err.Raise glHANDLED_ERROR ' all non-entry routines are called with this If ... Then structure ErrorExit: Exit Sub ErrorHandler: If bCentralErrorHandler(m_sModule, sSOURCE, , True) Then Stop Resume Else Resume ErrorExit End If End Sub 


 Private Function MyFunction(SomeParameter) Const sSOURCE As String = "MyFunction" Dim bReturn As Boolean bReturn = True On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' your code goes here MsgBox("something") ErrorExit: MyFunction = bReturn Exit Function ErrorHandler: bReturn = False If bCentralErrorHandler(m_sModule, sSOURCE) Then Stop Resume Else Resume ErrorExit End If End Function 

中央error handling例程

 ' ' Description: This module contains the central error ' handler and related constant declarations. ' ' Authors: Stephen Bullen, www.oaltd.co.uk ' Rob Bovey, www.appspro.com ' ' Chapter Change Overview ' Ch# Comment ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 12 Initial version ' Option Explicit Option Private Module ' ************************************************************** ' Global Constant Declarations Follow ' ************************************************************** Public Const gbDEBUG_MODE As Boolean = False ' True enables debug mode, False disables it. Public Const glHANDLED_ERROR As Long = 9999 ' Run-time error number for our custom errors. Public Const glUSER_CANCEL As Long = 18 ' The error number generated when the user cancels program execution. ' ************************************************************** ' Module Constant Declarations Follow ' ************************************************************** Private Const msSILENT_ERROR As String = "UserCancel" ' Used by the central error handler to bail out silently on user cancel. Private Const msFILE_ERROR_LOG As String = "GHQ_Error.log" ' The name of the file where error messages will be logged to. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Comments: This is the central error handling procedure for the ' program. It logs and displays any run-time errors ' that occur during program execution. ' ' Arguments: sModule The module in which the error occured. ' sProc The procedure in which the error occured. ' sFile (Optional) For multiple-workbook ' projects this is the name of the ' workbook in which the error occured. ' bEntryPoint (Optional) True if this call is ' being made from an entry point ' procedure. If so, an error message ' will be displayed to the user. ' ' Returns: Boolean True if the program is in debug ' mode, False if it is not. ' ' Date Developer Chap Action ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 05/28/04 Rob Bovey Ch12 Initial version ' Public Function bCentralErrorHandler( _ ByVal sModule As String, _ ByVal sProc As String, _ Optional ByVal sFile As String, _ Optional ByVal bEntryPoint As Boolean, _ Optional bShowDesc As Boolean) As Boolean Static sErrMsg As String Dim iFile As Integer Dim lErrNum As Long Dim sFullSource As String Dim sPath As String Dim sLogText As String ' Grab the error info before it's cleared by ' On Error Resume Next below. lErrNum = Err.Number ' If this is a user cancel, set the silent error flag ' message. This will cause the error to be ignored. If lErrNum = glUSER_CANCEL Then sErrMsg = msSILENT_ERROR ' If this is the originating error, the static error ' message variable will be empty. In that case, store ' the originating error message in the static variable. If Len(sErrMsg) = 0 Or bShowDesc Then sErrMsg = Err.description If Erl > 0 Then sErrMsg = sErrMsg & " at line " & Erl ' We cannot allow errors in the central error handler. On Error Resume Next ' Load the default filename if required. If Len(sFile) = 0 Then sFile = ThisWorkbook.name ' Get the gxlapp directory. sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path If Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\" ' Construct the fully-qualified error source name. sFullSource = "[" & sFile & "]" & sModule & "." & sProc ' Create the error text to be logged. sLogText = " " & sFullSource & ", Error " & _ CStr(lErrNum) & ": " & sErrMsg & IIf(Erl > 0, ". Line: " & Erl, "") ' Open the log file, write out the error information and ' close the log file. iFile = FreeFile() Open sPath & msFILE_ERROR_LOG For Append As #iFile Print #iFile, Format$(Now(), "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss"); sLogText If bEntryPoint Then Print #iFile, Close #iFile ' Do not display or debug silent errors. If sErrMsg <> msSILENT_ERROR Then ' Show the error message when we reach the entry point ' procedure or immediately if we are in debug mode. If bEntryPoint Or gbDEBUG_MODE Then gxlApp.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox sErrMsg DoEvents ' Clear the static error message variable once ' we've reached the entry point so that we're ready ' to handle the next error. sErrMsg = vbNullString End If ' The return vale is the debug mode status. bCentralErrorHandler = gbDEBUG_MODE Else ' If this is a silent error, clear the static error ' message variable when we reach the entry point. If bEntryPoint Then sErrMsg = vbNullString bCentralErrorHandler = False End If End Function 
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